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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Caught my limit early wife and mom took their time. lol Fish were 5 FOW 18 deep oj Bobby Garland strollers in pink and black and chart and black under a bobber.
  2. I almost limited out in the coves on free float minnows 12- 18 " deep
  3. Guys with. fly rods were tearing them up me nothing lol
  4. Finally caught a few switched over to a mini zara spook and caught about 30 or so bass 6-10 inches long lol. I add a split shot and ran it along the pea gravel banks. It turned into who can catch the smallest fish contest. I lost that too lol
  5. Sitting on Stockton 2 whites 1 crappie 1 lg mouth. Even minnows are slow light bites.
  6. Catfish?? never caught any cats on the river. Orleans trail old bridge I seen someone cat fishing but never seen any one hook up. What's the trick or best spot.
  7. I got to huslton around 11am lost a short eye under the bridge and did get another bite all day. lol
  8. Well going out in the mid morning to try and catch a few whites and paper mouths. I am thinking Cc area but who knows. Boat is staying home for now. Until the spawn hits.
  9. I have a near new .22 ruger with a lasermax sight and a 25 round butler creek mag and original 10 round mag its black synthetic stock for sale. $300.00 417 379 two four one four.
  10. I am headed out in the morning hope they are still biting. Sunday we picked up 3 keepers and 4 shorts.
  11. Went bass fishing this morning at CC did pretty good lots of hard hits but I seen a guy that had a limit of crappie and we talked and I jumped at the info, so around 2 pm I got to Aldrich after picking up some minnows and hit the bluffs I caught around 20 and kept a dozen mostly big sows They were about 3-3 1/2 feet deep and about 10 foot off the bank. The big was slow but keep coming in waves I lost a good walleye and a few good crappie. There were 4 cats caught right around me one good 10lbs or so. 2 people there were really hitting them hard and looked like they had a limit. I tried several jigs and plastics and never got a bite but picked up a heavy 13 incher on a 1/16 oz white jig head with a minnow about 4 foot deep steady retrieve. Most of the crappie I seen caught and caught myself were under bobbers. I will be back in a few days to hit it again. And for the person responsible for sharping those rocks, you can stop now they are sharp enough.
  12. Went today and hit the cc bridge and walked the bank I took several plastic worms and caught around 20 bass none over 3 lbs but had a blast red shad culprit 7.5 inch with a 1/4 oz bullet weight and cast along the brush. I did pick up a few small bass on a 3 inch white grub with a 1/2 oz football jig head. I talked to a few guys picking them up on spinners double willow blades white and chartreuse. But then I heard the crappie were biting and well.... Crappie in the freezer.
  13. Ricks bait shop if its still there 777-3166 its was on hwy d
  14. I have not tackled the Bull in years I need to go I love the size of the pan fish there.
  15. Well anything moving this week?
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