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frying eyes

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Everything posted by frying eyes

  1. I'd also rather not have the passenger console, but my dad's in his 60's now and he sure likes it. When he's done fishing it's coming out.
  2. Here's my Lund Predator 1810. This boat meets 90% of my wants in a boat. Lund already quite making it so I guess I'll have it for a long time.
  3. I've been catching crappie last couple weeks on main lake. Most of them have been male's in 12-20ft. They could be spawning deep as clear as the water is. Some places you can see 15ft down.
  4. Same for me. Only got to fish Saturday evening 3pm to 7pm. Ended up with 4 crappie and 2 walleye. Also caught bass, but them things are always biting.
  5. Good job man! I get sick of them darn things steeling my minnows and crawlers.
  6. I'm with eyeman!
  7. Saturday was a great day! It was my best walleye day on stockton. I also let the big ones go, only kept the ones 15in-17in.
  8. It was a great weekend. Ended up keeping 35 crappie and 10 walleye. Fished Friday evening, Saturday mornings/evening, and Sunday evening. Friday the crappie liked the jig and minnow, but Saturday and Sunday trolling seemed to worked better. Saturday morning the walleye was biting on anything. Ended up catch 11 keepers from 730am to 1pm, most was close to the bank around 10ft of water. It was tough throwing 7 back! hopefully we'll meet again some day! I've tried 3 times to post pictures but it says file to big to upload. Can't wait until next weekend.
  9. Boat ramp and fishing dock are still open.
  10. Walleye are biting good right now. I started fishing at 730 this morning and had limit by 9. I was using road runner type bait with half a night crawler. I let a 19in go about 1hr ago because already had limit. I love this time of year!
  11. I started fishing about 2:30 today and ended up with a limit of crappie and 2 walleye. All the fish but 4 crappie was caught between 2:45-5:00. Weird not a cloud in the sky and very little wind. I was on the main lake around L1. 12-16ft of water crappie jig with minnow. I'll try to figure out how to do the pictures from my phone.
  12. I started fishing about 2:30 today and ended up with a limit of crappie and 2 walleye. All the fish but 4 crappie was caught between 2:45-5:00. Weird not a cloud in the sky and very little wind. I was on the main lake around L1. 12-16ft of water crappie jig with minnow. I'll try to figure out how to do the pictures from my phone.
  13. The conservation has a lot of marked brush piles all over the lake. Look for green signs on the banks, most of the time they're straight out even with the sign. Your fish finder will easily pick them up. It's hard to beat a jig & minnow. Good luck
  14. I fished the dam this evening hoping for a few walleye. No eyes but man I had a lot of fun catching bass the last hour of daylight! I caught around 20, most was small, and about half of them was smallmouth.
  15. I fished main lake mostly today, nothing! Spent most of the time using jerkbait. I also ran up maze,graphed a lot of fish under the bridge but won't bite. Water temp was 50 up Maze, 47 on main lake. Couple weeks should be good!
  16. Fished the dam until dark tonight, noting. A lot of boats there didn't see anyone catching any. Water temp 40
  17. We also had no luck today. Fished from masters to L1 point. Never found any big schools of shad, I guess we should have been on the big sac arm. It was a good day though had my dad and son with me, and also seen some eagles.
  18. I've heard it's possible to get a ticket for that, but don't know anyone who's got one. I keep a coffee can in the boat to do my business! Then dump and rinse it out in the lake. I think you need to be careful at places like lake of the Ozark.
  19. I understand why they're closing it, it's never busy except holidays. That's what I liked about it. Maybe they will open it to bow hunting.
  20. I got a letter in the mail yesterday from the Corp saying they're closing Masters on March 1st. The boat ramp and beach will remain open. I've camped there since I was baby with my dad, hate to see it close! Anyone hear of any other areas closing? At least our government is finally cutting some spending!!
  21. I did some spooning today. Caught one crappie just outside the wave breaks in 50ft, about 25ft down. I seen a lot on the lowrance around state park but couldn't get them to bite. I did see a couple guys catch two around the boat docks. Good luck
  22. This past February I put in at crabtree and noticed JR heading back in the rock quarry so I thought I would check it out. It was a windy sunny day. The water temp was 2-3 degrees warmer and there was shad everywhere! I was snagging them with crank baits. Just a heads up, might be a good place to keep a eye on when the temp drops. Good fishing!
  23. I've been the last two Saturdays and have seen schools of fry everywhere. I think that's why the fishing hasn't been great lately, they have plenty of food right now.
  24. Crappie fishing has been a little more difficult this, but they are there. I caught a limit trolling a couple weekends ago, only needed to measure one of them. The next weekend trolling didn't work, jig and minnow fishing SLOW. It seems to me there's a lot of small crappie up the river arms, the big ones are more on the main lake. I didn't fish last weekend, but will be back tomorrow. Good fishing!
  25. A lot of them say, No Fishing from Dock.I see it all the time though!
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