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Everything posted by bwcballer10

  1. I've fished Taylor and Orleans the last 2 days. Only three whites below Orleans one of which was a big female but the other two were just dink males. Caught 4 or five Keepers combined both days around Taylor with about a dozen or so Dinks. Finding those Friday afternoon got me really excited but the water is still too cold to catch them with any regularity. However if we get some sun towards the end of this week that muddy water will heat up pretty quickly
  2. Yep that was us.
  3. Put in at Orleans yesterday and fished all the way to the old bridge pillars below aldrich. I am shocked at those water temps ehertz... I stuck my hand in the water and it felt COLD, and the fish we caught felt COLD. We caught 4 little males in the cove by the old bridge pillars. As we were headed back to the truck 2 guys stopped us at the top of the long eddy below Orleans and said they had just caught a bunch in the last 30 minutes. So we stopped and ended up with 20 keepers in the last 45 minutes of light, threw back just as many dinks. The guys that stopped us said their graph was lit up with whites. Thank you very much to these kind gentleman because they even told us what color they were using. We had a blast and now hopefully this warm rain is gonna make them go crazy!
  4. I am sorry to hear that... This is terrible timing for foot surgery!
  5. A buddy and I have a trip planned for Friday, as long as it doesn't rain. Hopefully there is some truth to that fish at the steel bridge rumor dirtrider.
  6. The s-curves were loaded with fish over the weekend. Went back Tuesday night and had 20-25 whites right above the s-curves and my buddy caught another 10-15. Hopefully this rain muddies up the river,otherwise, the whites will be back in the lake VERY soon I think
  7. No better memories than that for sure! I was there Friday as well. Put in at 215 and floated to taylor, had just a couple of whites and a walleye on the stringer when we made it to the top of the taylor eddy. Finished my limit in about an hour once we got there. Everybody around me was catching fish as well.
  8. Thanks for the replies. We floated cox to blunks last night and ended up with 10 small male whites and a 22 inch walleye.
  9. Headed to Blunks with a buddy tomorrow after work. As quiet as this place is I'm afraid to ask... But are we going to be wasting our time or is there some signs of whites showing up? Thanks for any help!
  10. When we pulled up to Taylor I ran my dad and my buddies dad back to their vehicle at 215 because they had to be somewhere that afternoon. I then drove back and cleaned fish with my buddies under the bridge at Taylor. My buddies might have talked to someone while I was gone but I don't think I ever talked to anybody under Taylor. We were under the bridge from about 1:30 til a little after 2 or so.
  11. We too planned a trip for saturday. I kept an eye on the Morrisville gauge until 1am when I went to bed and it read 170 cfs. Needless to say I was shocked to see it at 873 when I checked it at 5 am on my way to the river. Well I had this trip planned for 2 weeks so we're going no matter what was the attitude. We put the boats in at 215 to dirty water (it was crystal clear prior to the rain) not a good sign. At least we should be able to catch some fish out of Slagle was the thought. When we got to and past Slagle without a bite, everyone was pretty sure the skunk was happening today. My buddy finally caught a little one out of a small creek. We pulled out in front of the creek and caught a couple out of the muddy water as well. After that point we could find a fish or 2 in most of the slack water we passed. Ended up with 27 between 5 of us. Definitely not the best fishing trip I've ever been on but I was pretty pleased given the horrible conditions mother nature had so gratiously given us. On the bright side this rain should make them finally go crazy next week.
  12. The clarity (and the cold) has certainly made catching whites a challenge this year on the Little Sac.
  13. Floated 215 to taylor this afternoon, ended up with 13 between 2 of us. Most of our fish came around the Frisco line trail bridge. They were all in deeper water and you had to fish SLOW, right on the bottom. We need some rain to dingy up the water. It is WAY too clear!
  14. I guess we went the wrong direction... We were thinking the cold would have pushed them back towards the lake.
  15. Got our butts kicked... floated Taylor to Orleans and didn't get a bite until we got below Orleans. I finally caught 1 fish and he had another hooked for a couple of seconds, those were the only 2 bites we had.
  16. Went with a buddy Saturday morning (3-31.) Didn't get started as early as we wanted because of problems with my truck but we ended up catching 20 fishing for a couple of hours. Haven't been back since the cold but we are headed to try again this afternoon.
  17. Yeah like everybody has stated the put in at 215 is a little more work but it gives you access to some great holes between there and Taylor. The hole right below 215 bridge is a great spot to fish during higher water years.
  18. Thanks for the report!
  19. I'm headed over to float 215 to taylor in the morning
  20. Appreciate the effort flysmallie. I'm going to try and get over there after work to give it a try this afternoon.
  21. It's looking like Friday is going to be a great day to get down there, good luck! I'm hoping to get after them sometime this weekend.
  22. Glad to hear you got into some Sunday, that sucks losing the walleye at the boat. Hopefully we get a good amount of this rain they are talking about today and tomorrow, that should send them into the river by the thousands.
  23. I will be at taylors. That's where the fish were at tuesday
  24. I will be over there this afternoon in my 12 ft jon with my father in law. I'll be the ugly guy in the back working the trolling motor, if you see me say hey.
  25. I always just use a purple swimmin minnow, it usually will catch them even when most other things will not. Tuesday the color did not matter though, I was catching several on a white rooster tail as well. And everyone on the bank was throwing various colors and catching them. I think it takes pretty high water years to get them up past 215 in any numbers. But most years with decent water levels you can catch several fish from 215 bridge to taylor.
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