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  1. Unless your my age
  2. Sorry for the repeat!
  3. Your best option, in my opinion, is to put in at Whiten and go up as far as you can go. If you can get through the first shoals , Bliss, you are good for a few miles for sure. If you can’t get through Bliss, you can drift back to Whiten. I would also grab one of the nice gravel bars to camp, unless you need a picnic table. That way you will have a much better view of the river!!!
  4. Your best option, in my opinion, is to put in at Whiten and go up as far as you can go. If you can get through the first shoals , Bliss, you are good for a few miles for sure. If you can’t get through Bliss, you can drift back to Whiten. I would also grab one of the nice gravel bars to camp, unless you need a picnic table. That way you will have a much better view of the river!!!
  5. How shallow is fairly shallow?
  6. Good point JD about running a boat with a load of fish on it!
  7. I don’t remember catching three fish at Bliss but we may have? Fished in May and caught many…. I blame it on the drastic temp change from one week to the next!
  8. Fishinwrench!!! Ditto!!! And the weather ! 45 * and above Always watch the wind forecast!!!
  9. I agree about the mean!!! I look at the cfs first on the 11 point Have fished it in February when it was 300 cfs and 2 feet on the gauge (and super clear) !!! Have also fished it 1700 cfs and 5 feet.... after a big blowout ... when it was in a slow drop!!! (And murky) I wood not fish it at 1800 today because the drop is too fast for me! When this drop starts to level off it will be ideal conditions.... (temperature permitting) 😁
  10. You mentioned you thought the river was low?? I Thought there was 700+ cfs about the time you were there. Thinking that it a lot of water, especially this time of the year. Just wondering what cfs you prefer??? That imo is about perfect to wade and easy to boat .... 1200 or more difficult to wade and drift is too fast! Could just be me though!! 😁
  11. No skipjack chasing! Small trout were chasing! We found some very nice rainbow of various sizes.... 14-16 inches were largest!...and by the looks of them they have been eating well!!! Also some small colorful stream bred ! The river at 1300 cfs this late in the year makes me think there will be good water for the rest of the summer and better than usual opportunities to catch some nice bows! Our timing below 160 bridge chasing smallies and goggle eye could have been better....
  12. Kayaks are boats!!! You are right mark!!! My son and his buddies ... and my daughters...aren’t much for fishing from the bank!!! Wade fishing in this river is tough with a cfs over 1000 IMO !!!
  13. That works Al!!! Yes ! It is sad!!!
  14. Naught so fast Mark. Blaming not catching fish on the water too high??? In the past few years we have caught fish 1500-1900 cfs. .... it’s not easy but very do a ble!!! Stay at home means stay at home!!!! Agree with Brian No long drives. People need to stay in their home county!!!
  15. Prolly too much water now... not enough water before imo to fish eddy!!! Next warm spell I plan to give it a try!! Will post results... river looks like it could be in great shape for a while!!!
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