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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by snap

  1. snap

    Red Sox Win!

    agree Al!!! just like last year, the bats went sour.....would like to see beltran around at least another year, but would probably have to be two.....that might be a stretch!! move mcarp to 3rd, wong to 2nd, robinson more playing time in cf/or something......until taveras arrives ready.....keep adams around......keep craig healthy.........I think we are loaded on the mound.......Going to be a long wait until April.......
  2. snap

    Red Sox Win!

    well said greasy!!!.....We Cardinal fans are spoiled!!!
  3. snap

    Red Sox Win!

    You have to give a young pitcher some help!!! You can't expect him to go out there and perform miracles every time out!!! You get runners on first and second with no outs, you have to score!!! repeatedly, the cards failed, esp when you have 6-9 in the lineup with no RBI's thru 6 games.........wacha had good stuff until the two out victorino off the wall hit.....but he got down in the count due to having to try to be perfect.....same reason why he hit the guy in front of him......the drew home run, again, he was un nerved from the inning before ...and total lack of O...(all IMO)
  4. do not wonder why the ph, I know why......they fall in love with the lefty righty thing......rh pitcher, therefore, lh hitter=Jay!!! ...I call it overmanaging......and would prefer they go with to hotter hitter......and likewise on the pitching!!! Too many times you see a pitcher rolling along yet they take him out to get the "matchup".
  5. great seats quill......have a friend from san fran that is a friend to a VP with the A's. Friend flew in for all three home games, like he has done since 04....if Wacha does what he has been doing, the series will go 7......then the birds have kelly going vs peavy!!! You can't give up on the birds yet ...these are the two guys that won the games for them!!! and they still have not hit!!!...baseball is a funny game and you never know!!!!
  6. I was at the game last nite......5 rows behind Holiday (and gomes) FLAT all the way around!!! no defensive gems......not many balls hit hard.....not the best angle, but strikes looked like balls and balls turned out to be strikes that didn't seem to be....but, GREAT ATMOSPHERE!!! birds need to start hitting and stop pitching to and/or walking Ortiz.........I say, save pitch count and plunk him in the back, or ribs!!!!
  7. quill.....that puts peavy vs lynn......you never know what you will get with lynn either!!! He is a guy, IMO, that looks great but than has a killer inning out of nowhere!!!...or it could be Kelly......kinda scary there now also!!!
  8. little league like!!!.......oh wait, little league pitchers catch little pop flys.......
  9. agree with brian! you will be close to whiten and able to get to your vehicle if needed. Also, if you fill a tag, the same reason. At greenbriar, the only way out is down river!!!.......
  10. .....I must confess, those are the ugliest beards on athletes(sox) I have ever seen!!!!
  11. right on stlfisher!!! birds score in the first, it is a different game!!! Holiday is heating up nicely.....need to get something out of molina and adams.......craig would have gotten at least a fly ball out of that in the first!!!
  12. ...wacha wins and waino ready to go in game 1 of series!!! (hoping here) surely the birds can win one at home again!!!
  13. .....and they get kelly and wacha!!! then waino, if needed!!! I have been down on kozma all year, but that DP he turned when he came in was a thing of beauty that descalso has no chance of making.....or many SS's .....He can my weight if he does that!!!
  14. Mauk looked good to me.....threw some nice balls and got the team into the endzone twice!!! NOT BAD!!!!
  15. ....LOL.....that kid is on to something there!!!! Might add, not only was the 9th a thing of beauty, Martinez was down right nasty in the 8th!!!!
  16. guy with me pitched them up on the bank when we were taking boat out........except for two that he left under my seats that I found a couple of days later!!!!
  17. what is the limit of these guys??? I was on the saline a couple of weeks ago and over 20 jumped in my boat!!! all were about 2 lbs.....amzing and sad at the same time!!! I was worried I might have been over the limit and could not do anything about it!!!
  18. ....great news there smallie!!!...keep us informed please!!!
  19. snap

    Nba Draft

    would have been surprised if pressey GOT drafted!!! another year would have done him good!!!
  20. ......agree with Brian! Two days on the river, one nite camping I presume, ......I would do cane bluff to turner. 13 miles if you will be fishing hard ...like you said......would allow you to not have to get in a hurry.
  21. My!!! looks like we just got off the river in time! Arrived tuesday and spent half a day on on the river tueday, and most of the day wednesday and thursday.....and the river was in excellent shape. Everything was green....the water, landscape, ....beautiful as I have ever seen it!!! Not much traffic any of the days on the river and the fishing was good. Fish were hanging in the fastest water at the top of the holes.....3 to 4 feet of water.......saw an eagle while sitting at bliss hanging out. This bird came flying up river, did about 5 circles over us, then headed up the spring direction. We think he/she was showing off his/her catch because we had no fish at the time and he/she was toting around a ten to twelve inch fish. Pretty cool sight!!!!.....Also saw a local fishing out of a kayak with a snoopy pole with a 6 lb 6 oz rainbow that was 25 inches long...... While leaving on Friday morning, we saw a group of 7 canoes putting in at greer loaded down for camping......hoping they made it outta there ok!!!!
  22. snap

    Any Blues Fan's

    .....how they keep the ice from melting???...it was 85 degrees an hour south of there yesterday!!!
  23. I haven't ventured there to try it, but I do know of a couple of different older gentlemen......and do not know each other......... that swear by this lake as a crappie paradise........!!!
  24. ....with the way all these underclassmen are coming out (seems that is all I see on the bottom of the screen when watching espn) pressey keeps dropping down on the draft list.......seems like most of the early outs are guards also!!!.......BIG mistake on his part IMO!!!!
  25. use to catch my share of them in the mississippi when I was a kid.....always afraid I would get electrecuted!!!!!
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