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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by trapshot25

  1. I think I may be there too
  2. Fin and feather on South Campbell
  3. Anybody got the phone # for Mike's outside of Willard Mo. Need to get boat tuned up and can't find his number. Thanks in advance
  4. Oh and Semper fi Ham
  5. Nice rig saw you go bye as we were headed back to Bentonville from ash flat.
  6. Thanks for the report may have to bring boat down to Shell knob next week when I work. Get some lake time in
  7. Might check into dry run creek below Norfork dam great place for kids only
  8. About 2 feet green stain to water put in at mill creek yesterday.
  9. Camped at state park and fabulous weather for it. Fishing on the other hand was slow launched at old state park Saturday morning at 7 fished several coves and main lake banks between there and mutton. Girlfriend threw Ned in pumpkin/ chart and pumpkin/orange while I threw split shot green pumpkin lizard. 4 fish btween us that were short 2 largemouth and 2 smallmouth. Water is very green right now either pollen or runoff. Fished state park side in pm from there to dam, water had better color to it around dam but about same results. Tried fishing for walleye but I need lessons from some of you guys with bottom bouncers.
  10. I luanched at state park last Wednesday the 31st with no problem. Camped at Hawker over weekend and that ramp was fine. Drove past Hartley and parking lot was full so must be ok there too. Just swing points wide shallower than you think on few of them
  11. Yep usually lays on net but sometimes right at trolling motor control. Knows when I lift trolling motor out of water time to get on bench seat.
  12. 1995 Ranger 481v have had this boat for 20 years Beagle is great boat dog if he would give me some room
  13. No topwater for me either Hammer usually can get a few on chub bug
  14. Thanks for the report hammer looks like great day on Table rock
  15. Thanks for the report
  16. Hey Dprice She is done and now a BSN, got job already so that is great. He likes Stockton
  17. Thanks for the report mr. Babler
  18. How do you rotate the photos
  19. My nephew is in from Ohio to watch his cousin graduate nursing school but wanted to get a day on the lake so we hit and ignored the wind. Caught lots of shorts and managed about 6 keepers. He lost something big at boat. Hard to back off drag and hold on to rod with one arm but he does great. Has ties holder on his left led and fish was trying to pull his shorts off!!!!! Water temp. 67 to 70 fish old state park and hawker. Most of the fish came on Ned ring and split shot lizards. Color didn't seem to matter as watermelon red, pumpkin chart tail and green pumpkin worked for lizards. Ned was PBJ, pumpkin chart laminate or pumpkin orange laminate.
  20. Great video thanks for spotting it
  21. Good job hammer wish I didn't work Monday. Looks like bite improved from weekend for keepers. Hope to get up there tomorrow depends on weather
  22. Had a small club tournament on sat and Buddy on Sunday, water temps were 59 morning to 63 in afternoon fished little sac from maze creek to swim beach cove on Saturday , mid lake on big sac Sunday mostly old state park to mutton creek. Fishing was tough for keepers but ton of short fish. Mostly threw split shot rig with pumpkin or green pumpkin lizards. Tried spinner bait on Sunday on windy banks nothing. Did see any worn tails on the males and no beds that I could tell. Most of the fish came in backs of smaller cuts and coves. My partner on Saturday was first out of the money while I only put 2 on the scales. Least he enjoyed his day. Had him laughing when he talked about all the 14 to 14 7/8 fish and how next year should be good on the lake. Explained that MDC had genetically engineered the bass to only grow to 1/8 below 15 inch. Had good laugh but sometimes I wonder why year in and out we catch more. Sub 15 inch. Fish you would think the overall size of the fish would get bigger as years classes grow.
  23. Nice mess of fish Hammer thanks for the report
  24. Fished around state park today because of wind. Temps were 52-54 in backs of coves. About 4-6 feet of Visability. Had 5 keepers out of the dozen or so I caught. Couple on square bill and rest on zoom lizard. The green slime is starting to make throwing a bottom rig hard. Did get a nice jerk bait looks like Tim Hughes paint job with best keeper of the day Hope picture shows it. Very windy out on main lake with 2to 3 foot swells
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