A couple of posts stated some may be keeping short eyes. I have been hear since 2007 and fish the twice a week and have never been checked let alone seeing a game warden. I have been checked many times on other lakes that I fished this much, both on the water and at the ramp. Are we short that many fish and game folks. Why have length and fish limits if nobody enforces it?
I believe they spawn all our border lakes, don't forget they were here before the dams in the white river. I think have done well in the high water years. That's one reason I really don't start a lot fishing till march, hoping the spawn is over. I would not mine if they blocked out the spawning months from walleye fishing. I think they do this in some northern states, they have seasons.
Jeb, your right I do keep and eat a lot, but the 350 was the number of keepers we caught that year not all placed in the live well( my mistake). And actually it was 348. Lenny and I caught the fish for the fish fry the same week. You only need 16 fish for that many people. Besides between me and my wife we can only have 16 fish in possession.
Remember it's not for us veterans and retired old guys, I spent over 20 years in the military that's what Veterans Day is for. Monday is for those who are not here today God Bless them and there service. Many friends and relatives.
We eat it 2 or 3 times a wk. Since 1983 that is the only fish I fish for, I might be missing out on some fun with the stripers, but it's hard to change at my age.
Vinsott, it's not like it was a couple of years ago. It now takes all day to catch a limit of 4 just barely over 18". I have been catching a few 16 - 17" for the future, but the hay day is over I think. I think the 2008 flood gave us a good class, but they have been caught.
During our best times there were days where we would only keep two for dinner because the catch was easy. Sept and Oct we would keep all to keep use thur the winter. I think without counting our best year would be keeping about 350 walleyes. I have been able to hold fish fries for 50 people of my bible study group. Be advised Lenny would only keep 1 or 2 fish as he did not like them unless fresh.
F&F I caught 7 walleyes with 3 keepers. The last flood or high water was our best year fishing in dirty water 5 to 10 ft. Loved it they really hammer it in the shallows
My friend (who pasted on the end of 2013) and I fished together from 2009 to 2013 every Tuesday and Thursday from 1march to October. In 2010 it really took off there were some days we caught up to 30 some walleyes. But on average 15 with most keepers that averaged 20 to 22 inches and many up to 25". This continued till his departure. What becomes interesting is that we only fished till 1:00 as he wanted to miss the traffic going home to Gentry. We saw very few boats fishing for walleye. Since late 2014 up to now it takes 5 to 6 hours to catch 7 walleyes with only 3 keepers with 90% 18 to 19". The reason I think is there are many boats out fishing for them. Not only walleye fisherman but all I think. I think the population has been depleted. I bet we have seen the end to that period of walleye fishing. When we first started never had to go past copper mine. Now have to cover the whole lake. Just my 2 cents All this was recorded on my fishing log. If you don't use a log I think you are missing out. It sure is nice to look back the last couple of years to help find the fish.
I have had them walk around me in Colorado for many years while elk hunting and calling. Some times you wonder, but I was never challenged. It's kind of cool to watch them. In the woods you are in their yard, just respect them.
All I know is when I was living in Denver and October rolled around my mileage dropped 2 - 3 mpg because we had to have ethanol in the gas. Also my chainsaw, lawnmower, weed eater did not perform as good. I always try to use non-ethanol in the boat but always add merc additives to all tanks. My mechanic thinks it is hard on older outboards. My 2 cents if that.
I just can not see how that happens. If only one of the boats was paying attention it would not have happened, especially in daylight. Some people should not drive a car, a boat, have a pet nor a kid, nor allowed to vote. There are a lot of people that are plain right stupid.
Ok day but it took 5 1/2 hrs. 8 walleye, but only 4 keepers. Also SM, 4 bluegills and 3 sticks. 4walleye 18 1/8 to 19 1/2. Skinny. I can't seem to catch any decent ones. This will be the
last time I will fish the rearing pond. Besides I get tired of going in circles and they are all small
Caught 7 walleyes, but only 5 keepers. None over 19 1/2. All caught BB in 17 to 20 ft of water at .7 to 1 mph. Lost 5 bring to boat today. I'd tell my wife to get the net and she would get to the front of the boat an I would loose it. One thing that was interesting she thought she was dragging in a stick and it turned out to be the biggest smallmouth I have ever seen. It was hooked and broke of with about 30 ft of line. It also had a chunk of wood caught on the line at her month. It could not eat with it by her mouth. Wife tangled in the line. Able to cut her free and down she went.
Caught 7 walleyes, but only 5 keepers. None over 19 1/2. All caught BB in 17 to 20 ft of water at .7 to 1 mph. Lost 5 bring to boat today. I'd tell my wife to get the net and she would get to the front of the boat an I would loose it. One thing that was interesting she thought she was dragging in a stick and it turned out to be the biggest smallmouth I have ever seen. It was hooked and broke of with about 30 ft of line. It also had a chunk of wood caught on the line at her month. It could not eat with it by her mouth. Wife tangled in the line. Able to cut her free and down she went. View attachment: image.jpg
If you have a smart phone, I-pad, computer down load the free navonics apt. You will be able to zero in on all the lakes and shows everything including contor lines. It will really help you. Good luck and welcome to the area.