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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greg

  1. He's mostly a fishing guide. He's also a taxidermist and has this website: http://www.ozarkanglers.com/forums/ Greg
  2. I don't think anyone should fault anyone trying to do their job and promote their product in these difficult times. I like Ross reels too but I didn't take the slightest offense at what you said. My favorite reel which is an Orvis original Battenkill was made in China. It's certainly not a piece of crap as it has served me well for almost 10 years. As I understand it this reel was made in Britain at one point. When production was moved to China I don't think the quality suffered. Do I wish more products were made in the good old USA? Of course. But that's just not the world we live in at present. I'd like to take a look at your companies products sometime Terry. Maybe I can make it to Fowkes Christmas party. Greg
  3. A few years ago (5 or 6 years) I had some unexpected problems with a couple of spools of Rio Tippet too. In my instance it was NOT a case of not moistening the knot before cinching it down. I switched to the Orvis brand and have not had that problem. On Taney I use the Orvis Fluorocarbon tippet in 5x to 7x sizes. The Orvis is somewhat cheaper than Rio too. Greg
  4. You are going to get a lot of different answers. Partly because there are so many good serviceable fly reels out there. My experience is the opposite of Thoms. My Orvis original battenkill is my favorite reel. I've had it for quite a few years and it works very well. I also have a Ross Cimarron that I like and also a Teton reel that I like quite a bit. Greg
  5. Just for the record I agree with a lot of what Ness said as well. And since when did posting fishing reports (or not posting them) become a prerequisite for having an opinion on an issue? My take on this is as several others have stated - we just don't know enough about the details of this situation. Until we know more I refuse to even speculate that he may have been doing something wrong and conversely I refuse to believe in a "government gone amok theory". Greg
  6. Very nice pics. Thanks. Greg
  7. I've fished Crane multiple times and IMHO it's just not obvious at all when you are leaving the City Park. Certainly not anything near as obvious as walking from my to my neighbors yard. I'm afraid I've inadvertantly trespassed on the landowners land that borders Crane a couple of times BUT I was raised to respect others as well. I've raised my 2 boys that way too. Greg
  8. Nice thread. I love music and generally like just about anything (rock/pop) from the 60's and 70's. I do like Dave Matthews as well. I also like all types of jazz music. I used to have an intense dislike for country music but as I get older I've developed a taste for that as well. About the only thing I don't like is rap (sorry cricket). If I had to pick on artist or band as an all time favorite it would be the Eagles. Tried to see them when they were in MO last year but it sold out very fast. I do find the drive to and from fishing outings relaxing partially because of the music. Greg
  9. Yes I agree. I think I've told this before but I did the same thing (screamed like a little girl) when I caught a decent sized alligator on a spinning rod in Florida. Greg
  10. Cool pics. Any idea what year(s)? I've been going to RR since about 1970. I think those are well before that. Greg
  11. I think that's true of not just the Current but ANY of the popular float streams in the summer isn't it? It's been my experience that the Current, Meramec, NFOW, James, and even the Gasconade are just not pleasant places to be in the summer. Even on a weekday. Just too many drunks and other unpleasant folks around. But would the same type of thing happen on a smaller type of stream like we are talking about here? I seriously doubt that. I just don't think those types of people would be interested in the type of physical activity required to wade and fish a small creek/river or float it (walking and dragging through the low spots). My family owns a large farm up by Jasper/Carthage MO. No stream on the property but there is a large pond. We've always let locals fish the pond and have had very little difficulty. Greg
  12. Is this a first? OTF and the Chief agreeing on something?? LOL Greg
  13. Bingo. I just looked at discussion on another forum regarding an article written on felt vs the new sticky rubber. In some situations the rubber was as good or better. In some situations it was much worse. In fact it sounds like it's much less stable on algae covered rock bottoms. All the talk about "improving your wading skills" makes me laugh - I'd be willing to bet most of us on here have pretty good wading skills. I've been wading and fly fishing over 30 years I think mine are more than passable. Very true that you could also fall and break something even with felt - but is it as likely? Especially where some us wade? I don't think so. To me it's all about the odds of getting seriously hurt. I'd rather those be low. I think I'll stay with felt for now - and disinfect it after each outing. Greg
  14. I wonder if any of them will survive to grow to catchable size? Greg
  15. I guess I'm even more "cheap-butt". I like the BPS brand. I've been using them for years and they've worked well for me. Greg
  16. I feel for you. I'm in healthcare and see people without insurance all the time. I'm extremely fortunate to have good health insurance and a good salary. But even for me a serious injury (like a broken hip or torn ACL) could be disastrous long term. Good point about the wading staff. I've got to get one. Especially before I hit the NFOW again. Greg
  17. This is an interesting subject. I've got a pair of felt sole simms I'm currently using. I'd planned to replace them soon with the new generation of sticky rubber boots. Just not sure after reading some of these comments. On the one hand I agree with the Chief totally. We should be leading the way (as sportsmen) in preventing the spread of this invasive. Even if felt soles aren't totally responsible for didymo spread - I think there's enough evidence that it's part of the equation. And that should be enough. However to risk serious injury? Wow that's a game changer if they really don't work nearly as well. I sometimes wade in some treacherously slick areas. And a serious injury doesn't just affect me - I have a wife, kids, 2 dogs (LOL), and an elderly mother that all depend on me............... Greg
  18. Rolan thanks for sharing. Greg
  19. I don't agree with a lot that's been said here. But to spout this is the most ridiculous thing said so far............. Greg
  20. The water on the Norfork seems to come up extremely fast compared to other tailwaters like Taneycomo and the White. That makes sounding the horn imperative. I wonder if it was a failure or if someone just messed up? Greg
  21. Cricket I think this thread needs some more of your comedic humor!! Greg
  22. It all just depends on your casting style and what you want out of a rod. That Orvis rod in my opinion is better than a "first rod". True it has a softer action than some graphite rods but that is what a lot of fly fisherman prefer (including myself). I happen to have a couple of softer action Sage rods as my primary rods but I would be very happy with your Orvis too. That Orvis model is in my opinon a very fine rod. Softer action rods are more forgiving and more versatile than the faster action rods (IMHO). A couple of areas that faster action rods do a bit better is when casting into the wind or when casting big air resistant flies or when using a lot of weight (split shot and such). But even in those conditions I personally still prefer my more moderate/soft rods. You just have to adjust your casting stroke. Greg
  23. I'm curious as to what the problems with Shimano spinning reels are? I've seen others post problems too. Personally I've got 3 Shimano "trigger" spinning reels that I've had for probably 20 years. They didn't cost much to begin with and they still work great despite years of abuse (no maintenance, canoes, etc). Maybe they don't build them like they used to? Greg
  24. I agree. Very funny. Greg
  25. There are quite a number of people on the forum that need to just chill out regarding the fly fishing vs spin fishing vs bait fishing, etc, etc argument. It's all just fishing and it's all good isn't it? It really seems like people on both sides take offense at the slightest thing that is said............. Talk about beating a dead horse. Greg
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