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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. has anyone been on the spring river yet to see if the whites have made it up past the bridge?
  2. What kinds of jigs u make i mean stupid smart phone
  3. What are all the kinds of high u make dangerclose
  4. Do u still have the unit i have a older boat that it would be good on. How much would u have to have for it
  5. That would be awesome i would rather support a local than the others
  6. Good job way to put it on them!
  7. White rooster tails work good too my uncle had a limit last week just down from the bridge i told u about kings river is supposed to be good right now i would be there but in on them on grand lake and its closer foe me or i would be on kings river
  8. I have had good success under the 86 bridge of kings river on the mud side one day my wife and i had 35 my best bait is the bps rattle trap in blue chrome or black and chrome
  9. How much would that run a guy
  10. I am looking for a partner for the Wednesday nite tournaments at the bridge in shell knob if interested pm me
  11. I have a mere 150 care that when i first try to fire up it seems like not getting fuel replaced the pump bulb work plugs and fuel pump if i spray with starting fluid it fires right up and does good bit at a idle sometimes stalls out and u have to start oper again please help
  12. I believe we werebelow .10 bridge on the flats before all the docks water was 52 -53 when we left at 11
  13. Went up spring river fished from 7-11 had 23 whites and one crappie water temp 52-53
  14. I would help u in any way just send info
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