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Stacy Jordan

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Everything posted by Stacy Jordan

  1. Yeah seen a few up there last few days
  2. Both but today was terrible only a few in like 3 hours full moon cold wind I guess
  3. Heck yeah ready for a few of those my self !
  4. SomeHeck yeah look forward to it going out again this morning between rain showers lol and several people talking about getting a spring knap in going hope it works out you take care hope see you on river or flaking some rocks lol
  5. Heck yeah look forward to it going out again this morning between rain showers lol and several people talking about getting a spring knap in going hope it works out you take care hope see you on river or flaking some rocks lol
  6. Oh yeah every year great times great friends
  7. Above in big sac probably in turnback also not much of a bite 2 large mouth white in couple hours but hey it's a start
  8. Caught first white today big sow getting close to being real good
  9. 1st white of the year today in sac big sow its going to get good soon!
  10. I was catching them around 160 bridge but heard they are even up between o highway and 160 but haven't made up that far yet myself water super low had to use the kayak
  11. Caught first whites of the season yesterday up turnback only small males but hey a start !
  12. Whites beginning to start some big females caught this last weekend a few males this morning after this rain it should really get good hope everyone catches their limits good luck everyone! 

  13. Caught. A mess today in big sac but was slow but nice to have a white on my line spring has sprung the rain is going to help and hurt but just got the level down from the last flood hopefully not as much as last time but fishing getting good good luck everyone!
  14. Sac River Jim thanks for your compasion and advice and true sportsmanship god called home a good one there RIP SAC RIVER JIM!
  15. Man I would love too dont know yet if I can I will but like someone else said a tournament is a great idea I live on sac river near hulston mills and have had many talks with sac and appreciate all his advice and friendship sure wont fish the river or lake and not think of him RIP SAC RIVER JIM!
  16. Dang it I have been out of state a few weeks and just seen the post and Im very sad to hear the news what a great informative man with so much knowledge and compassion for the sport and fellowship of fishing sorely gonna miss his advice and adventures told on oaf praying for his family and Id like to thank him for his advice and friendship SAC RIVER JIM RIP!
  17. Thanks Jim nice read I guess I just need to put in the time vertical jigging and night fishing sounds fun Im catching tons of 8 to 9 inch but only a few 10 inch and above a few walleye here and there but just want to become more consistent on catching better size and well Im getting great feedback so thanks Also I have been mostly fishing the flats up turnback do you think I would be better out cc I have a small boat and have to be selective at times wind traffic ect.. thanks again!
  18. Do you all think females spawned out up turnback ornjust not moved in catching tons of 9 inch males butno real slabs just wondering if i need to go deeper catching them from 5 ft to 2 ft
  19. I fish turnback arm nearly everyday been catching crappie mostly males few whites and occasionaly a walleye goodluck and yes mdc there nearly as much as me lol!
  20. Thanks for the report its been over for awhile here on big sac
  21. I been catching alot of males up turnback on slab busters and crappie niblets any other good baits advice for after the rain?
  22. I was at the end of horse haven road turnback just below 160 bridge and yeah it may have been Bruce Jenner Lol she was really butch lol!
  23. Was on the flats big sac nice catch there on lil sac may come that way this week since whites still up there not many still around over hear but thanks for the info!
  24. My thought exactly lol kinda freaked me out couldjt wait to get out of there lol! Caught a 23 inch walleye so one great thing lol!
  25. Doug is a fair man straw hat I will tell you something strange tonight was getting to a boat ramp not lit kinda off beaten path and there was a woman there in the woods alone in a skimp dress skirt fishing by herself and was bringing up conversations about illegal activities fishing with no bait ? And bad mouthing Doug and I just tried to get boat in and get out of there dont know if she was a drug fein or a under cover really strange to be out there all alone and bringing up such conversations!
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