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Scott Keling

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Everything posted by Scott Keling

  1. Me & my brother caught 16 big whites yesterday all but 1 were female. Caught all but a few in the Gillis hole area. All on A-rigs throwing to the bank. Went back today, not as good. Only caught 2 on white slides. Deferent wind direction. Nothing on the A-rig. Any bubble else got any good news?
  2. Just seen on crappie.com a new state record striper was caught may 21st out off B.S.. 65lbs 2oz. To look at the pictures go to mdc.com click on fishing.
  3. Thanks fishinwrench. I'll check the stuff you mentioned that I haven't checked yet. But mine doesn't bounce around at all. It either works great or doesn't work at all.
  4. I have a 2001 mercury 150 EFi. When I start the motor, if the tachometer isn't working, it won't work the whole time on that run from spot to spot. But if I start the motor and the tachometer is working, it will work until I shut the motor off. It's been doing this for a couple of years. And it only works 1 out of 10 times. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. The world isn't ending. Crappie & white bass are prolific enough that fishing isn't going to effect the population. And as for the walleye on BS "they're stocked". The MDC can stock a million 5 instead of a million.
  6. I dressed 12 whites Thursday & 14 Friday from Smithville lake. Some of the females had eggs in them and they looked like they look in the whites I dress in the spring at BS. Haven't seen that before. Just wondering if they spawn in the fall when the water temp is right?
  7. How clear is the water? May be a midnight bite.
  8. I'm thinking that you are staying in the buck creek part of the lake. You might want to post your question on the lower bull shoals thread also.
  9. Nice report. Some times those night trips are what fills my frieze.
  10. How is the white bass fishing going for you guys this spring? This is the quitest I've seen this thread in years.
  11. Crappie fisherman is right. Right out in front of your dock their is gap where 2 mud flat points come close together. And their is a lot of stumps just up stream from that area. I've caught a lot of black bass & crappie there. Welcome to the forum.
  12. Sounds good Dutch. I'll be in a black & burgundy ranger & a white Chevy truck. And I'll be puttin in at beaver.
  13. Barker down to the Johnson area is where we have our best luck & it's where I usually start. I'll be headed down there myself on the 22nd for about a week. I've got white bass fever & the water is still hard here in northern Mo.
  14. Thanks Flatbottom. I dove right into reading that article & didn't realize the date the thread got started. My dad is headed to upper B.S. Tuesday & will be fishing for whites for about a week. Hope he can get into some.
  15. Has anyone heard any white bass stories on upper B.S. lately? I read a few on the T.R. Site.
  16. No need for any permits, we were putting them in a private lake. And cedar may be better at some things but we were going for the snag prof aspect of the PVC. Thanks for the info
  17. I've been thinking about making some home made fish attractors out of tile pipe and PVC pipe. Like the moss back fish attractors. Anybody have any experience with them. Do they attract fish?
  18. I've never fished LOZ for white bass and thinking about giving it a try. What stage is the spring run in now? And witch arm of the lake is best for numbers? Any help would be helpful. Thanks!
  19. My dad has been fishing up and down from the whistles today and hasn't caught any whites. Do ya all think its the weather or is the fat lady singing? How has the sows been looking, are any of them spawned out or half spawned?
  20. I don't think it goes around the corner into the field. Just up to the corner. I like the idea of raising the road, but hope we didn't lose a good place to bank fish.
  21. It looked to me like a guy would have to tie a rope to the guard rail to get back up to the road. I use to go down there and do some night fish'n from that side of the creek, don't know if its safe now with that new rock rip rap.
  22. Has anyone seen any fish'n being done at the Tin Whistles? Just wondering how its going with all that new rock rip rap. If so, are the whites up there yet?
  23. Ok thanks. I checked it out on my home computer & listened to it.
  24. Hey Phil, on my I phone I'm not seeing anything in your report. I seen a phone # in your other ones. Do you have to be on a home computer to see something else?
  25. Yeah I'll agree with ya Plil. I'd much rather catch'm on swimming minnows. But I live in north Missouri & it was a 3 day trip. I LOVE eating white bass. Not frozen fish sticks.
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