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Everything posted by netboy

  1. Great post Devan S. Also wanted to mention that those neoprene waders are great in the winter but unbearable in the warmer months. Get a pair of breathable waders and you will be much more comfortable.
  2. The hatch was short lived but fun. Only lasted about an hour. Hope to see more with the lower water levels (which doesn't make much sense with the lakes being so high)..
  3. For the first time this year I saw some Sulphurs coming up on a shoal around Wildcat. I tied on a size 16 parachute Sulphur and had lots of takes (and misses). Landed a bunch of rainbows, 1 cuttie and 4 or 5 browns. This was the biggest brown....
  4. They started stocking them last year on the White. The AGFC purchased trout from Crystal Lake hatchery in Ava Mo and that is where the goldens came from. This was due to a shortage of trout produced at the AGFC Jim Hinkle hatchery at Mammoth Spring due to damage from the flood last year. I watched the Crystal Lake truck stock at Cotter a few weeks ago and it looked like a couple dozen goldens were mixed in with the load of rainbows.
  5. Took the boat out this morning and ran to a shoal that has been marginal to wade with the current water releases. Well today they turned on another generator so it was too high for safe wading. I anchored the boat upstream from a nice run and caught quite a few rainbows using a Y2K/ruby midge combo under an indicator. I noticed a golden rainbow hanging out along the grass edge just downstream from the boat. Those things shine like a neon light in the water which makes them easy targets for the eagles and herons. I watched him approach the egg and then look at the midge on 5 or 6 drifts. He finally committed and took the midge. They are strange looking fish.
  6. Agree with that. I had enough with the crazies in Houston, Tx. We moved to Corpus Christi and that was good until it also got kind of crazy with the local government. North Arkansas and Southern Missouri are probably the best places to be right now.
  7. I think we should defund congress. They don't seem to accomplish anything these days.
  8. Here is the Corp's response on their recent release strategy... https://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2020/06/10/corp-says-plan-worked/
  9. Then what?
  10. They opened the spill gates at Norfork early this morning. https://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2020/06/09/norfork-spillways-open/
  11. We got 3.25" in Cotter. River is muddy this morning. Looks like they got about the same at BS dam but less farther to the west.
  12. Latest update from the COE... https://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2020/06/08/cristobal-update-from-the-corp-6-8/
  13. Looking better for the White river watershed. The COE issued a dire warning yesterday.... but things change. https://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2020/06/07/corp-warns-of-large-damaging-cristobal-releases/
  14. Here is the latest update on Bull Shoals from the COE... https://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2020/06/06/and-now-they-are-off/
  15. They shut the spill gates today so should be back to normal for awhile. I guess it will depend on how much rain we get next week from tropical storm Chistobal.
  16. Looks like she is having a great time.
  17. Well I am not that mad at them to go out in this kind of water. May try the Spring river.
  18. They just bumped it up to almost 28k.
  19. Drove up to Bull Shoals dam to check out the flows. They are running 6 generators and then another 12k cfs over the spill gates for a total of 26.5k cfs.
  20. I vote for the Eleven Point.
  21. We all had prop motors. Jets were no bueno because of the floating grass that would jam the intakes. I had a 20 foot El Pescador skiff with a 140 Suzuki and could jack it up and run over 6" of water.
  22. The design of the boat looks great. It's hard to see in your picture but did you do a tunnel in the hull? That is one thing that is missing on most river boats up here. I had a shallow water flats boats on the Laguna Madre in South Texas and they all had tunnel hulls with the Bob's hydraulic jack plate. The jack plate is great as you can raise it going over shallow areas and lower it back down when you need to. I am surprised I don't see them up here. Great idea on the airboat bottom covering. I had a friend that had an airboat in Port Aransas Texas we used to run over oyster beds, sandbars and whatever else to get some to our duck blinds. https://www.ebay.com/i/223780466300?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-213727-13078-0&mkcid=2&itemid=223780466300&targetid=4580221852015640&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=&poi=&campaignid=395665040&mkgroupid=1225955674700145&rlsatarget=pla-4580221852015640&abcId=1129776&merchantid=51291&msclkid=0cd3de395dc4113a9de580e8fc5923f2 Maybe you should think about going in to the boat building business. Good read... thanks.
  23. Great job on the build. Did you open it up to see how fast it will go?
  24. The trout were still very active at 61 degrees. It was strange to handle one to unhook it and feel it's body temp much warmer than normal. I know that mid 60ish degrees is about the normal temp on the Spring river and Eleven Point most of the summer and the trout do well. If it gets up into the low 70's then there may be a problem, but I am confident the COE is in contact with AGFC about these issues. Also good to know that the water coming out is at the bottom of the spill gates which is now about 44 feet below the surface, so not quite as warm.
  25. I read that the Tiger trout to be stocked are triploids. That's a first for the Arkansas trout fishery.
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