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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. Dennis------ like i said i was going to ask a collector. It might bring $2 at the most. Most collectors want them that have a good finish and include the box it came in. Then there might be more money involved. But maybe on E Bay you can catch a human fish on it. There a lot of them around that bite on plugs old or new.
  2. I will take this up to Laurie tomorrow and show the picture to Ed Bryant he is a collector. Owns Ozark Outfitters. I .am sure he can tell me.
  3. My problem BO is when I get the arm in that position it almost eliminates all the rook i have to set the hook. I do not mean to imply that I miss a lot of fish because i do not but I was trying to say it was something that could make you think it was the hook.
  4. I can only imagine if they could establish themselves in this lake. They would injure so many darn people and maybe kill a few at a wholesale level. But they seem to prefer running water. I can imagine some fool drunk in a boat full of drunks all standing there going 70 miles an hour and get into a schoolif thise darn things. Wrench I was bouncing treble hooks on the bottom just before I stopped fishing in those areas i seen all the small zebra mussels. They are all gone !!! They do not seem to get a foothold in here.at least in this area.
  5. These freaks invent stuff as fast as they can counter it. If i recall they can keep attacking until they catch a opening. They do not have to put the whole thing together at one time. They can do it piece by piece till it slams the door shut.
  6. I got a habit that in spite of all my years i still fall into now and then that causes me to loose fish on bass jigs and it might make you think that its your hook. When I am working a jig small hops down steep banks with i have a tendency to raise my fore arm to hop jig down a bit then do not return it to the lower position to take up slack. I just raise it again for another hop. After that the rod is way to high and to far back to far to really get a decent hook set. The habit has cost me dearly believe me. it id the reason I miss them not the hook. Everyone knows i am sure that a weekgard interferes with hook set as well. I cut part if the bristles if not all off mine either that oor bend them out s bit and spread them. It helps but they can still interfere.
  7. I am on IPAD. I am not much on fomputers but I have had enough experience in the angels to make me think that thing with new members every few minutes was domething very suspicious. Whoever it was might hsve been trying to feel something out. Those freaks are beyond belief in the variations of there attacks. I give you all in administration a hand and thanks.
  8. I live on lake of the Ozark's what can I say. The incidents are to numerous to mention. Lets see. The time a couple were visiting a bar on and left and forgot they left their 2 yr old in the dock. It was close too. A hour before they realized they left left the baby walking around on the dock. By that time the patrol was waiting for them. People having sex in public. Ive seen this 3or4 times. One time a old restored cruiser was drifting late one sunday evening in Bough Bay and there they were naked a jay birds with her perched on perched on the rear railing. I seen this another time fishing at night down on horse bend was the same deal her sting on the rsil but this time the darn rail was the on condo balcony 3 stories up. Then there is this darn plane and helicopter they allow to fly riders out of Co Co's bar. I will almost bet if they keep doing this they will bust one are the other up killing some people are worse. The plane flys down my cove about 50 ft sometimes then make a dramatic turn rolling over to climb the hill across the lake. I have seen him land in boat traffic. Here there and everywhere. He is going to misjudge or something is going to malfunction. We also get our share of low flying Wart Hogs. I love those things though had one come upthe lakre in back of me i think using the pontoon as a target. He was down so close i could smell his exhaust.
  9. I have lost fish on single spins with large hooks because of fish jumping with it in there mouth. That was the spinners fault and my own. I have lost bass when the hook did not penentrste through a plastic lure worms in particular. I believe nearly everyone of those was do to balling up of the bait. And I have lost a few do to poor hook set. Then I have lost some because of damaging the point and not noticing it. But I cannot ever remember having lost one because the hook I bought was not good enough. I do all my worm fishing with PBS or Eagle Claw brands. I think 99% of these alleged hook losses are angler failuure. Only time I worry about hook sharpness is in late winter or early spring with suspended baits. They will come up real slow sometimes and just mouth the lure without even moving it. I been fishing long enlugh that i can tell when a hook is sharp enough and when its not.
  10. Wrench---- darn you were out riding that thing today I suppose. Last time ibheard you hated the cold weather.
  11. PACKAGE of fishing lures !!!!!!!!! How many you buy. ????
  12. IMITCH I have about decided on a 7 ft garcia rod and garcia reel , the nano winch I think. I will use it mostly with lite line about 10 lb test for pitching and flipping smaller or unweighted lures. I just hope it will be light enough. Ugly stic models need to change. They were always been composite fiber glass / graphite. But even the 6 1/2 ft ultra lights models will tear down my shoulder pretty fast. last week when I was down at PBS they had a couple 7 ft ugly stics there. One was a new line and it was white color. But they were both so bulky I could feel it in my shoulder just lifting them. They need to do some redesign on the lower end of the rod, the grip and do some work on the double wrap technology. I think they could reduce a lot of weight and still have a very tuff rod.
  13. I have had slight problems but i blame it on my IPad and my ISP. I noticed that what looked like someone after the site on the new members list. I told Phil about it. Just be careful and be sure your backdoor is not unlocked.
  14. I used to read a few comic books. Liked Dick Tracy as i recall. But in my culture around Chateau and Vandeventor. The most popular ones were the little one but they only had 8 pages. But the art work was very impressive to 12 and 13 yr olds.
  15. Since your in the arcadia valley jerry does the name Janis ring a bell with you. I remember a time brushing the webb creek area with john Earnie and another guy. Ice was so thick you could drive a tractor on it. They went up into the woods and cut oak sapling oaks a towed them out onto the ice. When we got done it looked like a darn road project. I bet some of those piles are still there. Clearwater taught me to fish slow and work a spot good. As far as that hump goes. i always thought it would get run over in the future. Back then only a few of us fished it. you know I suppose there is another hump just outside the Peidmont Park marina harbor. If I remember right it was on the left. It was narrow and was a old road bed. It was pretty deep as well.
  16. Jerry how is old clearwater hanging in there. I had friends down there at one time. I an another guy brought that giant stringer of bass they display on piedmont park boat dock to St Louis to have them mounted. Frankie Mc Callister caught those on blue gills off a hump not far away from the dock. I knew John Earnie up a web creek pretty well also before he died. I have not been SE for a long time except to Farmington to see some good friends there.
  17. I am not about to get rid of several of the ugly stics . They prove the test of time. I just wonder if the new one will. Truthfully i do not think it will. But I got to get into lighter weight rod and reel. I still do not think I will be using it for my most serious worming.
  18. I never had trouble with hot cars. Was in the navy 15 days after I turned 17. Came home and never got a ticket in my life. My whole problem was hot women.
  19. I have never set foot in Academy but i will come january. I been looking at the whole kine of H20 reels. I seen somewhere that some of those reels that were going and advertised as alum frames were not. There are H20 reels and then there are H20 reels. Some go as high as nearly $130. They sound good with ten ball bearings etc. i just do not like what i regard as a hustle. Something is screwy with this H20 stuff. If I buy a reel i imagine it will be one of the small Garcia reels that look like miniatures of the big ones. I have one now and do not know its model have had it for years. That crap of prices just got Walgreen into deep poo poo. Report it to the state.
  20. I see a new rod in mine also After owning almost entirely ugly stiks since the first year they were made I am going to turn a few of my 6 1/2 rods plus a flipping stick over to my son. Rod reel and all. I tore a rotary cuff in my casting shoulder early last year. Being somewhat if a fishing addict I would rest it a few days and then go at it again. I guess I injured it a 1/2 dozen times last year. I finished the year casting with a 7 ft spinning outfit I use for crappie fishing. They tell me it may not now be repairable. So I have been looking at these 7 ft casting rods that I am sure some on here go goo goo eyes over. They certainly or lighter. With one of those small reels they make now it might be ok. I will know more about that after the 8 of Jan after I go see the bone guy again. I want to say this though I will still have some ugly stiks. Say what you want but I have had to replace guides but NEVER EVER broken one. And they been put through. Being stepped on,car door, trunks, smashed agsinsth the dock you name it. In recent years though they have gotten cheap on the real seats. I will be going down to Academy sometime in january. I think they are priced way above their quality. Will be interesting to see how they stand up against a ugly stik.
  21. Ask the state jerry. They are doing a lot of work on hwy 5 besides that bridge. That is the lakes west side. It is going to explode in growth. The westside is a pretty progressive place.
  22. AHhhhhhh NOW the truth comes out. a common criminal. Really it is a wonder they did not charge you child abandonment. I really wonder how the unpaid ticket came about. The reason I ask is the same thing happened to my son. He got a ticket in Maryland heights and went and paid it. The court told him they were going to mail a receipt to him. He never got one and forgot about it. After he was arrested he went to Maryland heights about the ticket and they had no record of the ticket. There was something about this several years ago. It sounds like corruption to me.
  23. Purple, Blue. Yeah they all work. But there is something about gray in the fall when they are ambushing shad from. Under the dock corners. I think it draws strikes better. Wrench sounds a bit testy today. The cold weather has gotten to him. are you going down and watch them blow up em blow up the old Hurricane deck bridge tomorrow at 9:30 Wrench?????
  24. I toohave met most if my friends thru fishing. There are some however that can be pretty up nose. They come buy here at times when there is a big tournament going on. If I am down in the yard working on the garden like i usually am in mid day.( We have a big ornamental garden) I usually ask how fishermen are doing. Some if those guts are real uppity. I will relate a short story here about that type. There was a big crappie masters tournament going on. This pro or pretending to be was fishing the area around the docks. OH ! was he ever pretty in his all red boat, red jump suit and decals on everything. He had 6 rods sticking out the front of that boat. He comes along by mine and I ask how he was doing. Never acknowledged I was even there. Well he makes a turn with his boat and was headed for the area between my dock and my neighbors. Well my neighbor and I had not month before put down a real big pile of those gnarly tops you see on oak trees. I try tell the guy " you better not stick that bow up in there because its just full of heavy brush. He actually gave me a dirty look and went and snagged all 6 of those rods. I always felt he he was feeling above talking to me.
  25. A good example of shad is PBS stic o worm in what they call frost. Do not rush down to buy any though because I bought all of those on floor in the 5 3/8 size last week.
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