Old plug
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Well i do not want to argue and i think the best thing is to just wait and see where the country goes because there does not seem to be anything that will change it. Really i will tell you all what i told my daughter and her husband just last week again. If any of you have a highly marketable skill. Pack up and go overseas to work until this all comes to what I fear is going to be a nasty bloody end. My daughters company went to India they got rid if everyone but her and her husband. Now he is working everyday by computer with those people in India. He authored the financial programs for this company. Now they cant do without him. He has refused to help past this month. All he wanted was a little extra money to work on their home here in Mo. After a short while doing nothing my daughter sent her resumes out over the internet. Had some really fabulous offers from other countries. they just do not want to leave home.
FINS-- i believe Al has a real good grasp on how the government works. I think he has come to that point through study and not the news and talk radio networks. I go along with Al on this. Yes lets not forget Obama phone. One thing wrong with that is that it was not a Obama thing. It was started I believe in the Clinton administration. The big spending thing about it you can lay at the feet of Bush directly. The whole story of this is on line in other places than Scopes etc. I think you should read both sides of any issue. Your wrong about it is Impossible to account. On the whole they account for every penny they are given to run their departments. That does not means its not wasted. Here is a prime example. Say a agency gets ten million to run a year. Comes along about August they have only used 8 million. You think if they are not using they will turn that money in???? No they will not. you know why becayse they will be cut to 8 million the next year and there will not be enough money to preform there mission and they may very well lay off people and that makes even harder to get things done. There are several ways to get rid of that other to million. Maybe some remodeling, maybe build some kind of monument( i seen that one) then there is working everyone overtime when overtime is not warrented. The ways are endless. But they using only what they were guven and assuring that they will be able to function the next year. As far as Obama care gies at this point it is not known what the cost MIGHT be. Only thing known is that some prople ONLY know what they electively want go here on the news. Your better off you think eith the way it is. You have any idea at all where the money you pay to your insurabce company goes??? They make big profit and in some cases its getting bigger all the time. I know for a fact thst millions and millions if bucks go to top exectives evey year for being nice guys. What should we do with all these people that are unemployed. Maybe shoot them like a Tea Party boss here in Camdenton suggested so that they could save on school lunches for underprivalaged children ( the policecwere called in on thst one) Read both sides Fins
Well Chief we got a nice rain and it was a colder. So we appreciate it. I have not really been out there at it. We have a large Ornamental Garden and I have spent most if the past couple days, potting, dividing, moving and transplanting. That sort of takes even the desire to fish out of my 74 yr old bones. But I do believe Wrench had a fair time of it in his neck of the woods. Hmmmm maybe you should bill him for the service. I will be out tomorrow i hope. I am about caught up for now. I THINK.
AL i agree about the spending but discretionary spending to a limited pint. I been there and done that. I will not do any details but here is how it works. Lets say a office needs a million to carry out a special function that was not included in the appropriations. They are going to contact the head office and explain in detail. How many hires, how many supplies on and on. Then after the money is approved the do the hire and all the stuff for this special function. Now lets say the special function dies not happen for some reason. What do you think they do with that money in that office. ??? A. Return it to the main off ice to be used. B use it for something else. C Go ahead and do the function anyway. Remember these funds were issued to complete a certain thing as specified by law.
Light Wire Vs Heavy Wire Hooks....
Old plug replied to Mitch f's topic in General Angling Discussion
I really think it is about the same depending on the equipment the hook setting is being dine on with. I nearly always use 04 abd 05 except with wacky and other finnese types even then I do not want a thin wire hook. They tend to pull free when casting more. -
What happened more than likely is that he had cast over the fish and the lure collided with the fish hooking it. I had the same thing happen to me with a wiggle wart. It came through the water and the line got over the bill of a spoonbill that and lodged in between those 3 bones that have soft spots at the top of their bill. Over the years i have had my share if fish lures colliding with and foul hooking fish.
CHIEF.... they are night creatures .I got 14 hit on my game camera in 3 hours the other night from 2 to 5 am in my neighbors yard. Makes it hard on me to stay up that late to watch them dig holes. they can dig so fast they can about destroy a grassy area in a few minutes. If they have not all left from my area after it turns cooler they will be out right after dark and it will be a lot easier to watch them dig holes jump in the air etc. I have seen them go through s extended period of snow. About 2 yrs ago I and my wife went down to Springfield shopping. Between Lebanon and springfield we counted 48 dead on the road. Thing about that is I wonder how many cars they damaged. When they are startled they jump straight up in the air ofter winding up in grills and such.
Well here is a happy thought looks like good chances of rain next 3 days wrench. Now if the Chief would just do a big dance for us we should be OK. Oh Chief can you put a few extra steps in there for medium steady rain.
I just have lost trust chief. Larry Dabblemount has been reporting on some of the shenanigans for sometime. They GAVE a million bucks to PBS for that big display they are building. They have been paying some judge thousands of dollars to leave a big hunk of land for a game preserve that is more like a private hunting compound. Then there is some of advice. They ran around here telling people you could not shoot armadillos because as wildlife they were protected. They went on to say there was no worry anyway because they could not survive our winters. We got armadillos running all over the place. I assure you people are going to get rid of them best they can and it is not easy.
Sorry Jerry your only the electorate. You do not really control anything but the people you send to office. And if course that is governed by the media. and a lot of various prejudices. What they do after they get there for the people that buy them you may never know. Its all hidden in amendments and earmarks. Discretionary spending is a place they waste a lot if money. They do not care about little people. i do not think they paid attention in history class in school. Time is coming I am afraid when that will change and it wont be pleasant.
I believe they learn. But I also think we rarely fool a bass into thinking that some piece of plastic that looks like a crawfish really is a crawfish. I think when they are hitting lures well its got to do with something psychological. I do know they will strike out if anger, greed and just plain curiosity. An example would be a school of feeding white bass. I am sure it is greed drives those frenzied feeding feedings.Anyone who has been around shad enough should know very well a shad has a distinct smell and I do not care what they put in a bottle i have never found one that matches the smell of a shad. You need good conservation practices. I am not sure you get that as much as you should now days from the MDC. Politics are into everything.
The pressure on the fish does not come from a rod the line or any other alleged improvement it comes the hand that guides the rod. More people understand how to catch them now 90% is technique. That's why the old saying 90% of the fish or caught by 10% of the fisherman.
Yes the wakes have been ariund a long time but they are getting larger. A lot of it has to do with hull design on in the newer boats. Another thing about docks is that the water under them is cooler than that around them. Like us they like the cool you can find in the shade. BUT We all know if the wind is blowing pretty good the shade does not do much good keeping us cool. I imagine it is something like that with the fish when a wake rolls through the dock that is carrying warm water from around the dock. The bait fish leave and go down to where it is darker,cooler and calmer. Then the other fish follow.
I expect at least hope to pick up a couple more 5 lb or larger bass. They are always in my target zone and I am missing a few this year.
I do not know about Guido or Dion. I do not relate anything about fishing spots to anyone in that family. I like them but I learned not to tell them anything about fishing holes, if you git my drift goggle-eyed. I am sure heat has a little to do with it driving fish out of the shallows. But the wakes have gotten so darn large i think they they are more to blame.
Wayne.... I do not fish for them. But I know people in my Elks lodge that catch them a lot. But i think it is way up. But I would bet there are some taken in other places. I have only caught a few down here. Has been a lack of white bass in the lower lake for the most part. I think LOZ is having a problem with big boats. The wakes have been such that they appear to drive the fish off the banks and they lay deep most of the time. But when you can get too them fishing is good.
I just got done playing with my new Flat Rap. It said on the box rises slowly. It sure did nit look like anything i would describe as slowly. It took whole of those tiny lead stripe to make it rise slowly. I think in colder water it will rise even slower. I was very happy though with the rolling flash it gave on a small jerk. I do believe that is one if the best wounded minnow actions I have seen. I intend to use it Primarily as a suspending lure.
Wayne LOZ has a lot to offer it just is not so easy to fish. And the Gravois Arm can be by far the hardest to figure out. Somebody used to tell me when I first moved out here and was looking to pick up some hot info. " They are where you find them " that is the best advise he ever gave me. And as far as hot spots, I am passing it on to you.
I do not have a SS prop. I got a old guys rig. Nothing fancy 18 1/2 ft v with a 115 on it. Bill i imagine you already know this but some of the other will find it hard to believe. Here on LOZ most people who own these big cruisers and cigarette boat only insure them for 5 to 6 moths a year. Rest of the year many are sitting in a dock uninsured. In the early spring I often see twin engine boats sitting in docks missing very expensive props. Things get stolen, snow turns over or crushes docks. These people are nuts.,
I was in Wally World today looking for a new long nose pliers for fishing since mine have seemed to disappeared. Someone had taken a Flat Rap to look at I suppose and dropped it right under where the pliers were. That is the only reason I noticed it. It has been several years since I have bought anything in the way of hard baits. But this Flat Rap had a shape that really drew my attention. Not so much as a bass bait as a bait for large crappie. I have caught my share of large crappie in the early crappie spawning period on a suspending 5 " Rogue. But knowing how even big crappie have a preference for small lures some of the time I sometimes I felt the Rogue was to big and that did not help my confidence in the lure. The size 8 Flat Rap really does cross that line between small and large and the minnow shape is more improved. Box says it rises slow and has a hard flash. Both sound like additional good points. I am going to try to go down on the dock today and play with it a bit. I imagine there will be some modification with tiny stick on weight and such to get it to do what I want it to do for me,but I bet this lure is going do a good job on those big crappie.
I agree with that Bill. I know some that put up security signs only.
Only places i can compare it to or Canada( very restrictive regulation and short season) and lake St Clair Mich. i think the later might be the best place in the nation to catch big smallmouth. .
These guys here on LOZ that steel gas have it down to production like skills. They pumped 80 gals out of my neighbors boat about a month ago. Dock thieves are good at it and it seems getting well equipped. Worst I ever seen was 2 -150 Mercs and a 25 hp Johnson taken off a dock at Holiday landing on Lake Wappapelo one night and it was lit. There were people camped close. It still amazes me how they must have done that. Around here somebody must surely have a big boat that looks like a tanker truck somewhere. A guy st my local lodge has a 35 ft cruiser snd had just filled it for the start of the boating season and they drained it dry. Bill. A lot of dock owners around here are putting in security cameras. Not sure how well that will really work.
What Do You Consider To Be A "catch"?
Old plug replied to John W Kelly's topic in General Angling Discussion
When the fish is landed and released. I only keep a few crappie in a year or a bass if it get the hook in a place i cannot remove it cleanly.