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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. My favorite are crappie caught in the morning and fried for lunch.
  2. Back in those days of canvas covered boats the linit was 15 bass in Mo. you could go out andv fish a day and not see but a few other fishernen. Today I can set here on my deck and drink a cup of coffee and by the time I am done there has been three or 4 bass boats come by. on the weekends.
  3. While do not thinkvthecline matters to the fish . Ibjust nought a spool of the yellow stuff to replace my braid on one of mybcrappie outfits. All I can say is I do nt likecit at I forgot the provlems encountered with the mono. But Incould no llonger hardly see the 10 lb braid in lower light condotions. Has anyone tred the yellow braid made Pro braid.
  4. I have bot been back there but I bet there are plenty of white bass back Mill Creek.
  5. We can go on and on about all the cariteristics of what fish see or react to. Then all of a sudden you have a experience that defies all logic . I have seen it tooo many times these last 75 yrs. It is fun and informative to have these discussions but I clear my mind of all the logic iwhen I pick up my fishing rod.
  6. The crappie in my area were on this morning. Cast after cast caught a good one was over about 9 am
  7. I am going to fish tomorrow off a private dock that we hauled in 2 Ten foot trailor loads of brush for. Want to bet Inhave a nice day?????
  8. Many years ago the old time fishermen knew that fish could ferl your line through their latersl line. A lot of them rejected the early Garcia reels because they sid they were noisy. when you feel a tap on your rod of a fish or a snag it was transited up the lihecto you., In some case like crank baits the noise coming up the line may even attact the fish. The whole thing with me about color and lines is if you like it usevit because it will effect you mentally. My o ly objectio to all this is mostly it is about nothing more than sales
  9. I do not believe they acre one bit I have never had afish try to take a line from me. Only hit I have gotten on the line was from bats at night. That alone should tell you something about what fish see and feel. It should be aclessoni io anyone about line. If the bat can feel it bettef believe the fish can. It is like a string between two tin cans vibrations travel up and down it
  10. I was in the Navy buit spent many many years at the Army recrds center in St Louis that was almost destroyed by fire. Historically I have about seen it all as it relates to the Army in that period from ww1 thru VN. . I was in there before they had gotten the fire totally out to bring out14 cabinets of POW diaries from the Philippines. I did a lot of reasearch on things while I was there that had to do with retroactive awarding of awards and decorations. I did or was involved with others in many things. I have used the record of all army 5 star generals and presidents since WW1. It has taught me never to forget the soldiers in the field. A few of those officiers is another story. I have many many menories both good and bad of thing and events. I will not relate them in a public forum. There is a old saying that the Army runs on its stomach. Well that might be the fuel but the engine is sperit and belief in what your doing. We lost that in VN. Veterans should be ever vigilant of what is going on that concerns them. I do not trust congress are anyone today heaping praise on the military and Veterans as far as politicians are concerned. Just remember these people might have been born woth a forked tongie. Every year there are things attemped about Vererans benefits.
  11. Old plug


    Yes they do Mitch I am very happy somebody is pointing this out. just do not get hung up on them for a full trip if they are not working. Lots pf people fall into that trap.
  12. If the Corp has allowed this on Stockton all of you folks down there on On the White chain of lakes better just get ready for it as well. I seen something somewhere not too long ago about a casino on Table Rock When the Corp opens the wind of legal precedence rushes in and they cannot control it anymore.
  13. It does not confuse me. They took these soneplace permanent reading that fine a good for that spot. shallow bays, flats and other places mightvbeca dfferent trmperature at a given depth than these charts show. I can just see some people at the chart thinking they got to fish by it. Up here at LOZ where many of us tend to watch what the fish do from season to season and day to day do not need a bunch of grafts Winter bass fishing for example. We know there are warm places caised by the sun and that is what were looking for. not some chart that tells me nothing really about where the fish are active.
  14. I think the weather has just been a bit out of place with the length of daylight. I can see where that would cause a problems with there instincts. The length of daylight is the other hand on their time clock.
  15. REDSHADyiu ever lnow the owners Chonia Landing. At one time my Cousins daughter and her husband owned lt I do not know their last names but her first name was Karen. I hate to say this but the most impressive thing about that area including clearwater amd Wappapeo was the inginenewity of the thieves. I was at holiday landing one one time when they took 2 or 3 BIG outboard motor and a few small one in about a hour roght under the lights thr lights. Gere was a old man at one time out there went all the at to Texas and stole 2 giant bul dozers carted them back home. He was around 80 had emphysema. Amazing.
  16. I have not touched a road again on over a week. Took boat to go visit friends before they hit the road again. Cold and paver blocks have given me a cold sore shoulder fpe awhiile
  17. Everyone has there favorites I love the garly tops oak. They are hard to find.mOak sinks by itself as well. I just finished hauling in 2 -10 ft trailor load of cedar for his dock. And for the life of me I cannot remember where his dock is .Inhave done iyt abouvt every way You can imagine. Inagree with everything said here. Inwill sayvone thing DO NOT BROADCAST WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. The crappoe roshermen will come and they will fish it to death. There is one other thing I shoould nebtionbabd that is position of thecbrush vpcan be crucial. I dochave sone plastic vrush. It will last forever. My buddy that has the tackle sells quite a few of them for about $300 or so each.. I was fortunate My daughter in law owns a Plumbing Co. I used scrap PVC
  18. Sounds like something you might heararound here Mitch
  19. That is what it is attitude. I been down the same orthopedic rd except I have had three knee replacements. a 4 way bye pass,. cancer, And a rotted gall bladder that could have been the end of me . I still do the things I always did but it just takes longer in this 78th year. Giving Up and moving to a condo is the sourse of some serious maritial discord around here.
  20. I would bet anything is the worst. Years ago on Clearwater.(this is before all the electronics) John Earnie who owned Webb Creek dock showed me a trick to find brish piles. What you did was tie a plain hok on the end of the libe and a weight above it. You Would cast this around till you snagged the hidden brush pile. On a few occasions I have bass stike on the bare hook.flipping around in back of the sinker. I bet some of these whipper snappers that come in here think I am pulling their leg. After all they will worry about line visability, etc being all wrapped up in the details of some paid pros sales pitch. Totally forgetting the basics. These are right place, right time and right way ( presentation) therein lies the the secrets of successful fishing
  21. Ohhh you something to look forward to I guarantee you that. The trick is can you do it.
  22. I I should be so lucky .Then I do not know what to do with it anymore
  23. Well I will have to wait and see I will bet though it will not be anything conductive to improvment in America. My wife called The Wallmart service center today about some foul up ith herpasswor her password. After talking tp spmeon in India for over an hour she was madder and more frustrated than I have seen her in a long time. i see all the excuses about american workers bit you lno it os just mostly nothing more than greed..
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