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Everything posted by WebFreeman

  1. Not a bad resolution, all things considering. Probably changed his shorts over than one. Thanks for the update.
  2. I bet a lot of people wouldn't have realized what they hooked into. I wonder how many other fish died in those nets as well. It gets worse the more you think about it.
  3. I was surprised he was able to get away w/ it for so long. W/ the depthfinders you guys use now, someone could have seen his fingerprints on the nets. Amazing that someone would go to such lengths, but by my calculations, he had over $50,000 worth of eggs either sold, ready to be sold or ready to be processed. I guess 50k will make people go to a lot of effort. SKMO, I'm guessing the crankbait fisherman then call the dept of conv? I hope he got/gets a reward.
  4. I used to have a '62 richline which was riveted and it never leaked. Storied outside or under a car port for most of it's life until I sold it in 03 or 04. Don't know if that info is worth anything or not. I guess it just depends.
  5. Be nice if the News-Leader would cover this since the dateline is Springfield, Mo. I'm glad he was caught. If each fish held 10lbs of roe (the article says that's about the max) that would be 55.6 fish one poacher killed. That's awful.
  6. I've not been real impressed w/ Thunderbird, at least the Mac version. Have multiple accounts is a pain. I use Microsoft Entourage (kind of a hybrid of Outlook and Outlook Express) and can several accounts all separated, even w/ different font preferences, etc. Terry, what are your issues w/ Tbird?
  7. I usually stay out of these hot topic discussions, but that doesn't even make sense. In terms of laws, games laws seem to be as cut and dry as they come. Whether his wife or your friends can catch fish is a moot point. They were in violation and it's up to the discretion of the agent to write a ticket or not no matter how noble the intentions.
  8. I don't even think MO Gazetteer or topo maps from USGS get detailed enough. I think you can get a map from CU, but not topo. There is a topo map of Fellows Lake, but it's bigger than Lake Spfd. Edit: here is a link to lake Spfd: http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?pid=726964 Here is fellows lake: http://www.dnr.mo.gov/env/wrc/drought/lakesurvey/fellows.pdf
  9. He works in Michael's shop, so I don't think he was exactly bashing him, just saying you can get a lot more from a book than a conversation.
  10. Great report! Thanks for the info
  11. What's that like to cast Tim? Is the timing much different w/ that short a rod? Sounds interesting.
  12. How you dress the hook? I've always wondered how to get that rooster tail look w/ a feather.
  13. I have some and never use them. I'm always afraid I'll hang them up on the bottom. Any secrets?
  14. Don't think it's live, but the archives are on there. www.espn1400.com
  15. go to ozarkanglers.com (the mother site) and poke around the Taneycomo and the white river sections. We have all articles (10 yrs +) archived there. Many may say Taney, but they're just general trout fishing articles you could apply to just about any river, esp. the jig fishing articles.
  16. If you're going to Backcountry, Michael can tell you. I would think a midge would work down lake if you see fish surfacing, esp. in large numbers, there probably a hatch. W/ this high water, there haven't been many f-fishing reports.
  17. I got mine from a garage sale w/ a kit probably 15 years ago. I don't know that it has a brand (i know some company made it) but it's the traditional Thompson type A vise, like the one attached. It's from Cabela's for $10, just looked it up for a pic. I'm sure any of the shops in Ark. would carry something similar.
  18. I posted some plans for traps Pred1 describes on here a couple years ago. Still haven't built one, but do a search and you'll find them. I've read that fishy-flavor cat food is good bait. Poke some holes in the top of the can and set the can in middle of the trap. I think some traps even have some kind of holder to keep it from tipping.
  19. You could get an entry-level vise for about $15 new. Definitely enough to be dangerous w/. It's what I use, though I'm far from good or experience, but I tie a lot of wooly buggers (cause they're easy), jigs, foam beatles, eggs, zebra midges and, well, that's about it. I think I've tied down to size 18 w/ it.
  20. We stayed there for 4 days in May and barely left the resort. Nice pool, playground, dock, shop, boats, staff, rooms. Dock fishing is a little tough w/ all the water, though.
  21. Phil should be on a plane bound for Alaska. The shop is at the resort, which is literally a stones throw from the lake. So if you're coming by boat, come up, if by car, go to the office. It's all marked, though. He has a really well stocked shop.
  22. And a bass boat w/ a 225 going full tilt is nothing to sneeze at. I think having to pass a boaters license test would help a lot of people w/ safety & etiquette problems. Administering a "driving" test would be difficult, but having a written test at any licensing office would cause a lot of people--fisherman and rec. boaters--to actually learn something. I know we have a course for anyone born after 1/1/84, but most boaters aren't that young. Just write the manual, have them read and take the test. Not much extra cost in that.
  23. You can't go wrong w/ orange and chart. power bait either. One egg of each on a rig Trav described or a couple split shot, depending on current. I think lighter line that 10 will get your more bites, but you could always just do a leader if you don't want to respool. If you already have ultra light rigs from catching your bait, those would be perfect.
  24. CSI, Ozark Anglers style.
  25. You should be in good shape. Above fall creek there is a slot limit and fly/lure only (no soft plastics). If you go to the mother site (ozarkanglers.com) and click the Taneycomo link, you'll find maps and articles. Your bait rigs will work well. They been catching them well up stream from the 65 bridge and around Branson landing for about a month.
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