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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by WebFreeman

  1. That's neat stuff. Thanks for posting. Any idea what one would cost now?
  2. Probably a gauge is blocked w/ debris or something. I'm sure that's all automated.
  3. I think Phil's internet connection is down, so it's probably not working. The server for it is there at the resort.
  4. Is that somebody fishing? Looks like the water is clearer than this morning. Looked pretty brown around 9.
  5. I'm bumping this because it's scary and H E double hockey sticks. Upon further review, it's stuck at 10:03 this morning, so it may be washed away by now.
  6. How would you steer that thing? It's crazy.
  7. Good pic. That's dedication!
  8. WebFreeman


    Quite a game, wasn't it. I've picked KU in the final every year since 88 and it finally paid off!
  9. Terry, DiGiacinto's is pretty good. Nonna's just south of the square used to be pretty good. I haven't been there in a few years. I think she sold it to her kids, or something. I always thought J Parino's was overrated. Parino doesn't own it anymore, but he's opened another place. I think Tuscan Grill, or something like that. Haven't been there either. You'd be surprised, but the Pasta Express on Republic Rd. is surprisingly good. Parino used to own those, but he sold it. It's much more of a sit-down place now, though they have a drive through. I agree that the Pasta House in Spfd stinks. I've never had a good experience there, whether their new location on National or when they were at the mall years ago.
  10. There is a video on Midcurrent about 1-handed spey casting. It's in the lower right. I haven't watched it yet. http://www.midcurrent.com/default.aspx
  11. So what kind of gear to you guys use for snagging like this?
  12. Sherwood, you might delete for cookie for oa.com and see it that helps. Mine's done weird things and other respects and that's fixed it. Nice thing about Firefox is you can view them in a list of the Preferences panel. Also, you didn't mention how big your file was, but it they're too big, it can cause trouble. 800x600 is big enough for our needs.
  13. Terry is exactly right. On top of all that, the wages in Spfd. aren't competative at all, even at the major employers, unless you're able to make it upper, upper level management. Then employers have to be competitive nationally. Also, the Chamber of Commerce and the City's idea of economic development is 20-30 light manufacturing jobs or another call center (trust me, I used to work @ both). The City of Springfield is looking to cut their budget by 20%. Don't believe the hype of this being a great place to work and live.
  14. I've done well below the dam. Mixed bag of crappie, bluegill and cats. Never know what you'll get. I know people have done well from the docks, but I've never really fished there for very long. I've caught some decent bass near the old boat ramp/park. I've heard of some REALLY good bass coming out of there, too, but it could be an urban legend.
  15. I fished there a couple times w/o much luck. It looks like it would deep, but I don't think it is.
  16. I had a 62 Johnson and I loved it. Had to replace the lower unit and that was about it before I sold it w/ the boat. It's like your first car--always have fond memories. W/ the price of new motors, I would look into repairing. I have NO idea what it would cost.
  17. Feel your pain, Sherwood. Unfortunately/luckily, I have a PC at work in addition to my mac. Even then, I haven't been able to see it until the latest incarnation.
  18. I used to NEVER be able to see it. Since you put it back up, now it takes 1 or 2 tries for me. It's working right now pointed upstream. I think a lot has to do w/ your network settings. You could try quitting your browser and trying again. Or hitting the play button again, which is what I have to do. Rainbow, has anything changed w/ your network or connection?
  19. Didn't leave Republic until 11-ish. After lunch on the way, stop at Tim's for bugger jigs, tags, etc., it was probably 12:30 or 1 before we started fishing. Had my wife, 6-yr-old and 2-yr-old daughter. Started my daughter w/ a mepps spinner. She can chuck it pretty well on her Zebco. My little one was digging through my tackle box looking for something dangerous. I set my wife up w/ a san juan in brown under a float w/ some weight. It was real windy. None of it worked. Not a bite. The sun had come out and tied a record high of 78 degrees. We all got hot and went to the hatchery and spring to feed some fish. Broke for an early dinner and were back on the water at about 5:30. We were a couple holes up from dry hollow. Tied on a ginger bugger jig. Kids were throwing rocks. Water was moving pretty good a had some color to it. I'd throw into the current and let it wash into the eddy back up stream. Had all my hits just holding it still in the eddy. Ended up w/ 3. Two pretty small and one pretty decent--13-14 inches. Left the camera at home. The REALLY fun part was driving home. Just outside of Purdy we had a nice super cell t-storm blow up. Marble size hail. It was like a blizzard--white out conditions. We pulled over for a few minutes then just powered through. It was pretty scary. This was just down the road from the mobile home park that was destroyed back in Jan. Anyway, it was a good day all in all. The park wasn't too busy. We always had a hole to ourselves.
  20. Looks like it might bite. Heck of a stinger. I like it. How big is it?
  21. Any updates, Tim? We're headed down tomorrow.
  22. Good report. Thanks
  23. They had it on KY3 last night and said it was Calico Rock. They had to break it up to relieve the pressure. Terry, I bet if you drive fast enough, you'll make it.
  24. WebFreeman


    I had Kent, too. Also had Kentucky over Marquette. That was a dumb one, though. I think I was distracted. I have UNC, KU, Pitt and UCLA w/ KU over UCLA in the final. I have no feel for the West regional though, so it's just shot in the dark.
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