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Everything posted by WebFreeman

  1. Go to http://ozarkanglers.com/ It's the top story right now. Just click the title. I think Phil is out shooting more as we speak.
  2. I had trouble w/ the feather twisting while I tried to wrap. Any tips on that?
  3. make they smaller As jd said, 640x480 is plenty big for the web. Looks like you figured it out.
  4. Trav, this may help your vegetation problem, though. A nice flushing.
  5. Soft hackle and egg. Used McFlyfoam and the empty ballpoint been method. Doesn't seem dense enough. Size 10. Softhackle is a 16.
  6. Can you guys get some pics?
  7. You couldn't wait a couple weeks!? Now everybody will have them. I'm dragging the fam down during spring break, thursday I think. Do you ever use beetles as an indicator w/ a dropper underneath? Nice video, too.
  8. Magic!? I've got a few tied up in black. Anything special? 12-ish in size ok?
  9. The BP outlet in Springfield has a boat load of Mepps spinner baits w/ dressed hooks for 1.99. That's almost half off. Also saw some cool William & Joseph vest/chest packs/backpack systems for about 70. They also had quite a few fly rods. And of course 4000 extra spools for reals I don't have and plenty of 1x tippet.
  10. Please post, Don. That sounds pretty cool. So can you download screen captures from that? How do you do it?
  11. Search for "how to butterfly trout" and you should find it in the forum or on the net.
  12. I saw a guy w/ an 8 pound walleye and 8 pound brown in the same livewell at River Run once in early spring. Out near the mouth of swan are some boulders. I guess it's use as a staging area. He caught them both on minnows.
  13. I've got the Lake Cam up and thought I saw either a log or an aligator or an empty canoe float by earlier. It's hard to tell
  14. Thanks Tim. Any color tips on eggs and jigs?
  15. Sounds good to me.
  16. Either the 22nd or 29th, we're taking the kids to Roaring River for the day. Girls, 2 and 6. It's been many moons (nearly 200) since I've fished there. Looked at the map from MDC and it's pretty generic. Any advice on where to start? I'd like to avoid bait fishing if I can. Don't want to keep any and don't want to have explain gut-hooking to either kid or my wife--they're a but squeamish. No preference between fly and spin. I've got a good selection of buggers, beetles and zebras in black, red and olive. Though I'd hit Tim's for some eggs/glo balls and some smallish jigs. Thanks in advance.
  17. I always thought those goby's were shaped like a sculpin. Definitely worth a try.
  18. What do want for it?
  19. Looks like you guys are working on the same "project" as I am today.
  20. I agree w/ scarecrow. I'd keep watching the forum or watching for fisherman/boats around there. With our weird up and down temps and snow lately, I'd say things need to stabilize, but it's getting to be that time of year. Seems like night fishing is the most popular for walleye.
  21. Phil could probably answer this better, but they're two different systems and really two different audiences. I think only about 20% of the forum readers are registered and a much smaller percentage of those post.
  22. soggy, I confirmed you manually, so you should be good to go. It should happen fairly quickly, but we're having some issues with it being marked as spam either by email servers before it gets to you or sometimes by your email client. We're working w/ the host to get it solved.
  23. CC, we're working on it. Most likely a spam filter along the way has blocked it. I went through and manually enabled any accounts who weren't confirmed.
  24. I've know some people who have used regular chewing gum to help w/ the oral fixation. Also toothpics, coffee stirrers, etc. Easy for a non-user to suggest....
  25. The pothole down to swan creek and places on beaver creek offer some good bank fishing. If you know where River Run park is next to the 76 bridge, you'll kind of be at the hub. You can go upstread on either side of the lake there and find spots.
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