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Everything posted by unreal45

  1. To paddle up stream a long kayak works well enough, something about 15 ft. The short ones wig wag too much. I have been using a Grumman cargo canoe and a 2 hp Evinrude, it works for me on the Meramec pretty well.
  2. No buck is ever big enough nowadays. If it isn't 180 inches people act like you should let them walk. I'll whack a 6 point and put him in the freezer if feels right. I prefer small game these days, I just got a bird dog, so will keep me busy in the fall. Another annoying thing is a lot of bow hunters get mad if you small game hunt on public land during bow season. Well bow season is the entire fall so not much choice to avoid that.
  3. Nice fish at the 17:00 mark!
  4. It looks like great fun to me. jigger pole video
  5. Any of Y'all ever try jigger polling. I recently purchased a Ray Scott Jigger Pole, should be fun from my square stern Grumman.
  6. Surface Drive Mud Boat
  7. Gavin, are the kids poles still available? If so I'm interested.
  8. Thanks for the advice.
  9. I get fuel for my small engines at Ed's Neighborhood Market in St. James. It's a good excuse to take a trip to Meramec Spring Park. Their premium fuel contains no ethanol.
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