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Everything posted by hknfsh

  1. hknfsh


  2. Took my motor to Tangora's Marine in Nixa. Needed a new power pack. Was diagnosed..replaced..and ready to go in 3 days. Seems to be a reliable place. Would recommend.
  3. Abc....well said ! Lots of mouthing on here.
  4. Dirtracer....I understand you better now. Lol
  5. Denjac....everyone's opinion matters. Even yours and mine. Speak up when you want to I say !
  6. Dirtracer....I didn't know the big bass were only for the pros. I'll be sure and throw them back then ! Your comment about pleasure fishermen sounds as if you resent anyone other than yourself catching a big one.
  7. hknfsh

    8.5 Bass

    Isn't part of the thrill with bass fishing the chance you'll catch a toad like this ? And its understandable the different opinions it generates but no diehard deer hunter is going to let a 8 or 10 pointer walk away. Just saying'.......
  8. Do you also know that when you reach your limit...you can not keep fishing for the that species ? Unless in a bonifide tournament that allows culling...you can not continue to fish to cull what is already kept in your limit.
  9. Good luck to you guys Strat. Thought about CC as well. Need a courtesy dock to load him...probably go cedar ridge and on up to Aldrich area. Dread the trees though...lol
  10. My dad is 80yrs young and never hooked a white bass. I know some places to try (will be in my boat ) but want to up his chances. Any of you guys got some suggestions....not looking for your honey holes....just general areas. Thanks
  11. Taking my dad ( hes 80 )out in the boat to catch whites. He's never caught one so I want to up his chances. Any suggestions ?
  12. I Feel the same way as you. Someone pulls up on me, bring it on! I'll do my damnedest to out fish you. If i have a spot I'm headed to and your already fishing there, I'm still going to pull in especially if i'm in a tournament. I'll give ya plenty of casting distance between us but if i know fish are there or have been there i'm not going to pass it up. And i'm just fine with someone doing the same to me, so long as you give me the same respect. Hmmmmm......sounds kinda pushy and arrogant to me.
  13. There is a lake called Council Bluff Lake that MDC manages exclusively for the Redear Sunfish. Heard its a good place to fish. Been on it once by boat....not a huge lake though. But it would take a day or two to fish it all good. Has a nice boat ramp.
  14. Oh...OK...I thought you meant RB up by the dam. You mean roark bluff then. Gotcha now.
  15. If you put in at RB....what timber area was possibly nearby without running clear to the other ends of the lake. ? Just curious.
  16. Chill out Prestone. I never said anything about never getting irritated when someone encroaches upon our "spot". There are a few rude fisherman out there...but the majority are good people. I just find your approach to the situation absolutely ridiculous ! You are the reason the anti-gun groups work so hard to take an at our rights to own a gun. Nothing more stupid than a vigilanty running his mouth and making threats. You are a dangerous (not a compliment either ) !! You should have YOUR weapon taken away !
  17. Geeezzz.....we've had problems with the marina staff at Fellows and now we protect our "spot" with a gun on our hip ?!!? So you open carry Prestone..... big deal !! Ya gonna shoot somebody for kicking your butt when you start throwing rocks at 'em? Are you that dumb ??!!?? Love to hear your side of the story in court....lmao !!!
  18. Some people are oblivious of others out on the lake. The sheer rudness and lack of respect is appalling sometimes. You can hollar at them and flip them off but it does no good !! The world has a lot of stupid idiots anymore !
  19. Yeah...there will be lots of dead fish I'm afraid. What a waste.
  20. I've haven't seen this at all with the bass I've caught so far this season. We've been catching a lot and they have intact jaws and lips. I don't believe it has anything at all to do with lures or hooks. You can hear my hook sets across the lake and the fish come in hooked in the lips as usual....normal release with no tears or rips to the mouth or jaws. Why does anyone think someone is purposely breaking..cutting..ripping them ? And how could one or a few anglers do this throughout the whole lake ? If it is on purpose....then why you suppose ??? I'm baffled on this one ?
  21. No that's way outta line. Talk about invading ones personal space ! You shoulda lobbed a cast back towards them. I was wade fishing the trophy area at taneycomo once with my son and we had been in one spot for awhile casting in the same direction when a boat with 2 fellas comes trolling up the river. They s..l..o..w..l..y..motored right in front of us (-15 ft) without saying a word. I made a cast with my Cleo and managed to snag his line....reeled it in and bit his crankbait off with my teeth and threw it back into the current. He knew it but didn't say a word....would had been a big mistake on his part....I was pissed !
  22. Is somewhat irritating. I suspect I've done it not realizing I might be crowding someone. Its even worst when you've got one coming down the bank at you and your fishing up the bank towards him. Lol. I usually give rightaway unless I'm pretty sure I was on that bank first....then I just stop and let him go around. Always exchange pleasantries as we pass.
  23. Hey 5bites...I think that same dude cut me off on a bank too. Was he a tall fella standing up fishing and wife or gf sitting in a lounge type chair in the back ?
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