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Everything posted by Butthead

  1. Always heard that this was the quarry used to get the rock for the face and backside of the dam. Since it was made at the same time as the dam but up on the hills above the stream bed, the lake filled the quarry site as the lake level came up.
  2. Looking to float the Little Sac in a week or two for walleye. Should I start at Aldrich and fish upstream or at Orleans bridge and fish downstream? Minnows or crawlers?
  3. Fished Wednesday during the day. Started off fishing in 10 - 15 ft and casting toward the bank. Picked up fish on the graph but no luck with catching anything. Was ready to give up and head home but while trolling back to the launch, started seeing fish in the middle of the cove in about 25 ft, suspended at 15 - 20. Caught a bunch on 1/32 oz. jig & minnow, mostly short fish but enough keepers to provide me with supper.
  4. Will this air conditioner run off the 12v battery in my boat or will I need 24v? Sure would be nice on hot days.
  5. Fished Taylor today as well. Most folks got a few fish (males) but pretty slow. Saw guys with fly rods fishing clousers. spinner guys with jigs and plastic and a few with cranks. one person with minnows. I think I was the only one with a small generator and fishing with electricity. Bank fisher people being about as successful as boaters.
  6. Did you notice if the "sorta - kinda almost boat launch ramp" under the bridge is usable? Last I had seen it had a big drop-off at the water edge. In the distant past, I could launch a small boat off of a trailer.
  7. If you can eat white bass, you will find that drum are a true delicacy. As a kid, we would sometimes catch a drum while crappie fishing and keep both for supper. Only kept drum that were about crappie size.
  8. What is the shaft length?
  9. I think they are some kind of depth finder - you toss one out the boat and count the seconds until you hear it make a ping noise when it hits the bottom. That's why they got "Ping" written on them.
  10. whoops didn't mean to double post
  11. When fishing for carp, you may want to use about a 8 wt. rod with a "fighting butt". Carp are so strong that you may want to hold the handle with your belly - trying to hold up your rod with just your wrist will wear you out. Without a fighting butt you may have to slide the reel down under your forearm for support. It takes awhile to land a big carp but it sure is fun.
  12. If you are willing to slip out a little on "fly rod purity" for carp, back when I was a kid I would attach a very small treble hook to my leader and put one kernel of canned corn ("Nibblets" worked well) on each barb and toss it into areas where I knew there were carp. Can't do much for distance casting but with fishing off the bank, the trees are in the way anyhow.
  13. Zonkers and Deceivers also work on crappie and their heads are light enough to use under floats. Personally, I prefer to twitch them along without a float - part of the fun with using a fly rod is to feel the strike - but sometimes I need to let a breeze slip my flies into the cover.
  14. I was over at Cedar Ridge a few days ago and there was a cluster of RV's and tents near the "campers" boat ramp.
  15. The only place on the Little Sac that causes me some concern (depending on water level) is an area about 100 - 125 yards long between the first and second steep rock banks on the east side when going down stream from Taylor bridge. The water through there, with the current water level, is about two feet deep all across from bank to bank. Most of rest of the river if you go down the middle will run at least four feet deep in the channel all the way to Taylor bridge. Don't know of any mid-stream rocks but like any river, there is always the possibility of a tree falling in the river but I've never encountered one that hasn't been visible.
  16. Went to Taylor bridge yesterday; first time I'd been there since the spring white bass run. The boat launch, which has always has been in sad shape, is unusable for anything on a trailer. There is a 18" to 24" vertical drop to the water with a steep grade below that. Bad enough when the drop-off is visible but could be a real surprise for someone if the river level were up and they were unaware.
  17. Don't give up hope J.M.! if medical science can cure me of a canker sore, I'm sure that one day they will come up with something for your vegetative deficiency. Good luck with your Iss2 now that more of us know what it is.
  18. Well that's good. I once had canker sore that I didn't want.
  19. There are a handful of MDC maintained ramps on the lake. I have used two of them on Son's creek. Depending on what Stockton Lake map that you are using, they will show the location of the small MDC ramps.
  20. Always enjoyed reading Jim's posts on this forum. It was evident that he loved to fish and that it was important to him that others be as successful as he was. I never met him in person but he sure seemed like a very nice guy. My heart goes out to his family and close friends.
  21. Figured with the warm weather today and nasty weather for later in the week that I had better go fishing today. Lots of other folks had the same idea. Most caught a few whites but mostly slow fishing. Started about fifty yards upstream of the bridge - decided that not many fish hadn't traveled this far upstream so I went about fifty yards over on the downstream side of the bridge. They wernt there neither. Must have been directly under the bridge.
  22. With the warmer weather, the truck started yesterday so I drove over to Taylor bridge and the Iron Bridge (Orleans bridge) to check out the water conditions in anticipation of the walleye run. The water level is very low. The "boat ramp" at Taylor is unusable due to low water and there are a few shoals downstream that are only a few inches deep. Walleye would have to swim on their side in order to get through them. Not much ice and only in the slack current. Someone did fix the ruts in the road so you can get in and out of the parking area without dragging your bumper. Drove over to Orleans bridge and things looked better. A guy could float a boat there. With the reduced current, found more ice along the banks but not bad. Orleans also received a couple of loads of shot rock so I didn't have to sink in the mud. Saw a pair of otters.
  23. For about eight bucks, I got a whole package of cotton boxers at Wal-Mart. I found that after a full day of squirming around on a boat seat, your butt is much happier wearing draws than without. I've never tried wearing more than one pair at a time but I suspect that it just keeps getting gooder and gooder.
  24. Butthead


    Not sure how the fishing is at the Orleans (Old Steel) bridge but I put in downstream at Aldrich. Caught one keeper (released) crappie - and not a darn thing else. Water is really dirty green/brown. Exposed my jig & minnow to several fish according to the depth finder and I'm sure many thought long and hard before they passed me by. Did get to see an Osprey flying around which made the day a good one.
  25. Good work Muskie Bob, your source provided some good information and remedies. Hopefully there aren't any hard feelings, or at least not long lasting ones, among all that responded to "Fellows Lake Marina". Hey Richline - even though I don't know who you are, I'd be fine with fishing the same shoreline with you (especially if I was catching more fish).
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