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Everything posted by trythisonemv

  1. Looks like another inch or two
  2. This is very funny
  3. Guess they figure their 19 bucks is worth more.
  4. I've told people that the limit is four and that they can't keep fish out of the c&R sections before. I think these are probably the same folks that gig smallmouth and walleye and that they don't Care. It's going to happen the best thing we can do is report or or say something.
  5. Roaring river holds rainbow record right? Like 16lbs I believe. I am inclined to agree that taney is great but for convenience purposes the trout parks win. Or for that much the white ribbon areas. Both are a joy and I try my best to balance my visits but Capps and rr and crane creek are so close to me I don't hit taney as much as I'd like.
  6. Thank you Tim I'll be down the second after it slows a bit and I hope to land a lunker on a dry! I will also finally stop in to your shop. What time do you open monday?
  7. I use a 6'6" fulflex with sink tip when using nuggets and nymphs and an 8' rod with floating for Dries. Usually eight foot leader of two lb for both. They aren't line shy but definitely people shy. Hugging a tree is very useful so is kneeling down. Try fishing from down stream up.
  8. Welcome!
  9. Look forward to it then!
  10. Got five inches in Mt. Vernon
  11. Hope to run into a few oaf members on the second. I've passed a few on the water at rr I'd say lol
  12. There are some good listings in the buy sell trade forum. A guy has a year old 800 bucks bottom side sonar check it out
  13. I work in aurora welcome
  14. Welcome
  15. It doesn't help that all that brush is piled up at the walleye rd access they can't run up the creek and escape.
  16. I think that's valid point basser
  17. My bad. Guess this topic got out of hand. Sorry if I seemed a little rude. I forget my manners when people aren't actually in front of me. I love fishing and this site. Again sorry for being a smart mouth.
  18. Something else I noticed was that he sais he was a practitioner of catch and release on said lake but is featured at the top of this post holding a stringer of "The precious!"
  19. It seems that the aggressor could not handle aggression being returned upon him. I don't believe that anyone had an intention of being offensive.this is a great place to discuss and learn and grow as Fisher people. If we get bent out of shape when we are challenged on a point we do not grow but loose our place of respect.
  20. I think it is more about the ceremony for me. I fish way more during c&r but love to get out and see the people enjoying a break from the mundane . It helps me understand that we all would rather be fishing than toiling away at our respective jobs and gives me hope that Missouri will continue to be a great fishery state. I hope a lot of folks get out and go because it will send a message to the politicians that want to de-fund our mdc programs. Alex
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