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Everything posted by Foxman

  1. Well, may have messed up. Wife read everybody’s comments, so now it is wait till after ICast, see who has the best sale and get the biggest screen you can within your budget. Dang, she keeps getting wiser and wiser. Wouldn’t expect less after 48 years living with me!! Thanks everyone for all the great information.
  2. I have a hummingbird 728 and 798 on my boat (Basscat Cougar). Yep there old like me. Don’t even know where to start with all the choices and options available. Would like to stay around $2000 for the pair. Any thoughts on the Lowrance ti2? Only concern is that LONG transducer. I don’t care if it is a Ford or Chevy. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  3. Not much to report but here goes. Fished 5 hours today and caught 5 fish. 2 keeper spots, 2 short spots and a huge bluegill, wish we had caught more of those. All on drop shot with brown/purple worm. Caught in 23 to 30 foot of water and on the bottom. Water temp 87. Side note and not wanting to start an ethanol/non ethanol debate, but the lady at Ha-Bobs said premium is suppose to take a major hike tonight?
  4. Oop's hope the wife doesn't read this as I left out a few parts. It was my 2 to on the wobble head to her 19 on the varmint! But like you said Champ All is Good!
  5. rps, Thanks for the offer, but I don't have clue how to build a rod.
  6. Can't compete with you guy's but wife and I had fun. Fished from 11:00 till 4:30. Water temp at the mouth 54.2 and at the back 58.4. Caught 2 on a 3/8 oz wobble head with a structure bug and the rest on a 1/8oz PBJ Varmint. 2 feet to 12 feet of water depth. Wife spanked me with the Varmint. Need to figure a bait cast combo to throw it on. Oh she also caught a 13.25 crappie on the Varmint.
  7. My partner "wife" and I will be there and Thank You All for for putting this together! Ron & Cindy Quillback PM sent
  8. Phil Stone 870-715-2764 pgstone200@yahoo.com
  9. Frank, sent you a PM. Probably should have just called. Ron Foxworthy
  10. Ron Foxworthy aka "Foxy"
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