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  1. I fished it. The winners had 18.96 and both big bass.
  2. You just can't fix stupid!
  3. Cost me a prop too Sunday getting my boat out to come home. Level was fine when I put in Thursday, go to get out Sunday and didn't realize they had taken the lake back down so much and I dinged all three blades at the condo boatramp. Never did find the bite either, but I'll be back down next week! I just realized I hijacked this ....Great fish and good post. Thanks for sharing.
  4. I thought what you had been saying about water level was in play. I noticed she did come up some throughout the day. It was slow!Roger on the second tip!
  5. Thank you for the reply. I was expecting easy pickin but you know how that goes. Got a feeling this front might have something to do with it. Going back out in a few.Try a couple different spots. I have been throwing the Storm 1/8 oz wild eye shad and tore them up on it last yr but two fish yesterday and today on it and I have tried a few other baits. Getting ready to get some minnows I guess.
  6. I'm down her now at the 13 mm and having a tough time finding them...Got two 12 inchers this morning at about the 10mm but cant put anything together. Went up to just in the Grav and the water temp was 55 but no takers. Anybody got anything?
  7. That was very nice of him.
  8. Fish just curious why are you asking for so much more rain? I'm headed down o dark early tomorrow. 13 mile to the dam will be target for crappie and LM.
  9. Thanks very much guys. I'm coming back down end of month and last year I couldn't launch from the condo at 653 something.
  10. I used to use the same site. Do you guys think they will keep her above 654 here on out?
  11. Man he already said he was WORKING the dog. Have you ever had a dog??? People take their dog with them when they go places, esp outdoor places. Some of you dog haters need to get over it!
  12. well for my first post after lingering and holding out before posting even after all the drama... I wanted to give a fishing report. Been here since Tuesday. about the 12 mile marker. Warmest water I saw was up the Gravois 46 degrees Friday in Indian Creek. Today spent some time in Stillwater Bay and got the limit of big slab crappie.. Water temp when I left 49. I came down here to bass fish and just could not get on them. I caught several but couldn't put a good pattern together. But the jest of the report is on crappie. they were on the rock banks btw docks, about 8-12 ft, not on the docks, btw the docks in the first or second cut of the main ch. Good fishing.
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