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Bigmouth Buffalo

Bigmouth Buffalo (5/89)



  1. I have caught several browns with different crank baits while the water is up just none this large. Yesterday we boated a very fat 17' rainbow. Didn't weigh it, my guess was 2-3lb. Jim
  2. Got a few hits yesterday on a #18 Prince Nymph. Talked to one guy that caught at least one on a Pheasant Tail. The jigs I have used were big and on a spinning rod, 1/8-1/4oz so I would bet a Micro Jig or small PJs will get some attention. About the only current you will get is from wind. I have seen enough slot fish to be happy. Along with them the 11-13" are scattered all over the river. Jim
  3. I had trips 4 days last week. Water is dropping slowly. Yesterday I saw a few wadable spots but you need a boat or yak to get to them. And have to be able to cast 50' or better. We did very well using everything from small spoons to marabou jigs from 1/4 oz to PJs 1/100 oz in olive,orange is what I tied on. Had a great day yesterday with a family with 3 small kids. Using powerbait the oldest girl caught 2, 15" rainbows right away. I used the yellow and white power bait and they caught a lot of fish. Tons of fun with those kids. I saw a few people fly fishing but didn't see or hear of any of them doing very well. Jim
  4. LOL here we go again. The gates are open this morning. Jim
  5. There is intermittent current lol. You should do good with a fly and yak. Todays rain may flood us again. Jim
  6. Put in at Bertrand and ran the boat up stream. Trolled a bit with flicker shad and caught several trout. Found a spot with a little current an floated some olive Micro Jigs under a bobber. Had a real good 1/2 day trip. They kept enough fish for dinner and released a dozen or more. Looks like the hot water did not kill all the fish. Jim
  7. I would believe that. I noticed more current as the afternoon went on. I didn't think about them getting the generators running. Jim Another thing I didn't notice were more than usual dead trout where the water was clear enough to see the bottom. Catching them did stress them pretty seriously.
  8. I just stopped by the dam this morning. The flood gate was closed. The generators were not running. The river was cold to the touch so they ran something for a while. I saw some shad about 3" long having a hard time swimming at the boat ramp. I fished yesterday afternoon from houseman to 62 bridge. The trout we caught were in about 15' of water. You could tell they were stressed. I tried to release the first 4 we caught. they all just rolled over and would not have made it I think. Hopefully they have the generators fixed. Jim
  9. Grab a garr fly. There are tons of them here now. Jim
  10. LOZ, My first thought was Land Of Ozz. :-) I have only caught some small ones. I did see a few that would be close to the 4' mark. Jim
  11. Fished yesterday and saw 100s small gar and a few real big ones. The river was about 75degrees with one gate open. There is current and that is cool. Lots of big carp and there have to be some small mouth and crappie somewhere in the river. Jim
  12. Warm with 1 gate open all week so far. Still easy to get around with boat or yak. Not much wadeable water now. Jim
  13. I was just down there. looks like about 1030 they were opened. Doesn't look too bad yet. Jim
  14. I must have imagined reading the no wake rules because I can not find it written in any book now. The problem is a anchored boat or kayaks and canoes then the 100' rule would apply. Jim
  15. If memory serves me right it is in the AGFC trout rules book. Possibly the Beaver Tail water section. They do not make it easy to find things. I'm not at work till Thursday and don't have a book here. Jim
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