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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by bassman1308

  1. cmac: i agree 100%. i've heard guys say ' they learned so many new techniques' from fishing as a co-angler. what they don't learn is when and where to use these techniques. a good guide will help you but it's hard to beat 'time on the water.' we fished TR yesterday. about 20 bass, mostly small but 5 keepers with a 4 1/2 and 6. much better than monday but i spent to much time with the jig that day.
  2. i was in kings river tuesday with little success. 3 bass , 2 keepers, best two on jigs. threw cranks quite a while with only 1 small bass. think i'll try for crappie thursday.
  3. my first grandchild was born in the early morning of 4-26-1989 and that evening i caught my largest largemouth bass, 25 inches long and 9 1/2 lbs. caught in the point 19 area of table rock on a 1/4 oz jig. grandson weighted 7 lb 2 oz. my wife caught her FIRST and biggest bass on 7-12-1997 in the big indian area. it weighed 8 1/2 lbs. needless to say, both are on the wall.
  4. i'll GUARENTEE bills wife does not read his e-mail. lol
  5. fullmoon: another frank mulick story--our bass club was fishing out of camp pt, first week of december, probably in the late 70's. myself & 3 club members, along with frank mulick & the dock manager, danny rex halterman, were in the boat dock trying to get warm as it was a very cold day. one of our club members picked up a white fiberglass rod that was laying on a table away from everyone. in defense of my buddy, it did appear to be an old style, heavy weight sheakspear rod that had seen better days and he did not know of franks bass catching reputation. my buddy held the rod up, laughed and said 'who the h--l would fish with this piece of crap.' frank walked across the room, grabbed the rod out of my buddys hands, and mumbled some rather empathic words about how many lunkers that rod had brought to his boat. no one laughed as it was clear frank was upset. it took several club meetings before my buddy lived that down. sometimes i amaze myself on how i can remember , in such detail , little thinks like this that happen so long ago, but i can't remember what happen yesterday. this will be my last post for about 10 days as we're heading for gulf shores, al tomorrow morning. sunshine & warmth await me, i hope.
  6. PS: I Just Noticed I am a Channel Catfish. How wonderful to have moved up into a catagory above bait. Most of the species I have been in the past were bottom dwellers and my goal is to be a Smallmouth Bass. There is no higher calling than to be a smallmouth and I guess I ahve several posts to go. please enlighten me. i guess i'm a chestnut lamprey. what do these names mean? maybe it's indian for great white fisherman? lol
  7. snagged: i fished taney 2-3 times one winter when table rock was iced in and i HAD to go fishing, but thats about it. i found out i didn't know how to trout fish.
  8. gary; 40* on friday. i'll guarrentee warmer weather here next week as we're heading for a beach home at gulf shores, al. for 10 days. golf time. supposed to be in the 60's there. fisherman: r-93= good boat, but it seems the livewells usually don't have enough bass in them. lol
  9. fullmoon: nice to see someone on here thats been fishing longer than me.lol. i don't know how current you are with him but frank mulick lived at green shores near viola for several years. he had been injured in a serious auto accident before moving here and hadn't fished for a whil. last i heard, he had moved to north ark. like i mentioned on here earlier, he was truly a character. a real diehard fisherman. frank got off work in kc at noon fridays, drove from kc, fished ALL weekend, and drive back to kc on sunday to his job, hence the 46 hours fishing without sleep. he still caught more lunkers than the most of the full time guides. i never fished with him but he did give me a tour of his 'hot spots'. he had some awesome fish stories. i think chuck marshall is still alive. i know his son, jay, lives in purdy and still fishes.
  10. fishrman[[ congratulations--you sound like your priorities are in order. the kids will be young only once, after they're grownup, you can fish the rest of your life. of course, then grandkids come along, but thats another story.lol if you see me at the weigh in-say hi-red ranger r 93, 200 merc. whats your degree in?
  11. BB: this is really neat. i,m going to print this and show it to the old bassers in aurora. a lot of them are listed on here. i think this is the time period when the Haltermans from aurora owned the dock. i don't know about the 60's ( i'm not that old), but in the 70's, there were a lot of big fish caught at night that were not weighed in as the dock was usually closed. SKMO: if 'sm' means 'smallmouth,' i can tell you they were very, very rare back then, except up the rivers. frank mulick fishing 46 hrs with no rest or sleep, even in a lightning storm- fact. i know guys who fished with him and he was, to say the least , a dedicated fisherman.
  12. fishrman- the last couple yrs i fished just enough wedn nighters to get qualified for the fish off. this yr i plan on fishing more of them. i've cut way back on my work and consequently have more free time. actually, blackie & i were the ones who started this tourn, about 25 to 30 yrs ago. due to raising kids, coaching summer baseball, etc, i just couldn't be there every wedn night to help run it. if i remember right, thats when larry & rick started helping blackie. blackie goes out of his way to run a fair and honest. if you guys have any pull in shell knob, it would be nice to have a pole light at the ramp. do you fish many of these tourn ?
  13. skmo--just thinking about getting up at 3AM makes me realize why i like night fishing so much.lol. noticed a previous BB post with names like holmgren, langley and ralph at kings harbor mentioned. now those boys caught a few fish. ever hear of frank mulick. he breifly lived at green shores but moved to ark. about 8 yrs ago. in the 70s, he was as good as there was in the camp pt area. quite a character. you're excatly right about night fishing being down since the fish kill a few yrs ago, imho. i think the loss of so many largemouth really hurt night fishing. 10 yrs ago it took at least 20 lbs to win a 5 hrs night tourn on tr., mostly lm. i'd take 10lbs now and be happy. however, i agree that it has picked up the last 2 yrs. and will get better as the largemouth population increases. i'm always happy to share any info that may help other catch fish and will do so no matter what time of year. thats what makes this forum atractive. fishermen helping fishermen.
  14. bb-- i really enjoy this forum. not only is everyone helpful but i like the fishing info from the sk area where i do almost all my fishing. maybe i can contribute more when it gets to my time of year, april thru late summer night fishing. hot hot hot. it even feels good typing 'hot' after this cold winter. keep up the good work.
  15. bb, you & skmo almost convinced me to go to the lake today instead of golfing per your remarks about the great fishing. i'm now glad i went to the golf course.lol. your so right about having the lake to yourself this time of year. even if the bite is slow, i find it very enjoyable.
  16. i made a run to bps today and bought several long bill x-raps. they are certainly 'pretty'. i hope the tr bass like um. TO SKMO: i also finally decided on and purchased a 797c si hummingbird combo unit. i hope it preforms like other si owners say it does. i'm putting it on the console and might get a lcx-27 for the tm later.
  17. my brother had a vacation home on needles eye several years ago. the wife, kids & i used it quite often and enjoy every minute of it. a nice central location. i'm sure we used it much more than he did. thats probably why he sold it.
  18. just a little advice, there are no bass on needles eye point. it's a lousy place to fish. i wouldn't waste my time even fishing it. haha
  19. skmo: i've been bass fishing for over 30 years and that last sentence is SO true, especially on tr. it's a tough lake to figure out. that's one reason you never saw many major bass tournaments here. For the crappie fishermen, a buddy of mine who lives in the sk area has been catching some nice crappie at cape fair, in 25' of water.
  20. skmo; did you catch any bass today? i went friday. only 2 keepers, one almost 80 ft deep.
  21. skmo: went to sk today. first time since week before xmas. only two fish chose to bite my jig. quite a change from the last few trips but a nice sunny day. i did notice several schools of shad & diving birds near mid lake in the play port area. should have checked it out i guess. seems to me the fishings going to be pretty spotty until spring but i still like trying. i enjoy your fishing reports. you do a nice job with the fishing info. i still haven't decided on a fish finder. looking into the hummingbird side-imaging fish finder now. hate to quit on lowrence but this new unit is very interesting, to say the least.
  22. skmo: is it muddy above jakies or just colored ? i might run up kings tuesday, if i get to go. love to throw crankbaits. i'm still catching some jig fish below the bridge ( 3 keepers out of 15 bass last wednesday ) but i have to work the jig so slow it can get somewhat boring. i guess its like you changing scenery.
  23. skmo: nice bunch of bass. i'm going tomorrow. it's supposed to be very nice, 60* & sunny. maybe they'll hit the jigs again''''
  25. skmo: i'm new on here so i hope i can post this correctly. some of the fish were caught on 3/16 oz jigs. around 20-25 ft. some were on 3/4 fb head jigs and were 25 -35 ft. we tried it again today with much different results. 5 fish, 2 small keepers. all jigs. i have a question. i need a new finder and am looking into a lowrance lms-25. sounds like you have good elctronics. what do you have and any suggestions?
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