Bout time I posted something.Been down 12yrs. One of the best 3hrs.this .morning. 9-12,main lake cove,n.side,lots of wind,game on right from the jump,old brown craw wart,bank to 15ft.,approx.30 fish,one short,all others solid 2.5-3.5,go spot,one nice brown one, nice kicker! 7.5lbs. relatively accurate scale,almost 23 in. Spawned out,bloody tail,sunken loose belly,totally spent after short fight,had to motor away from shore to hold her in water till recovered,almost one minute.Water temp 56, possible big male? I don't think so though,all fish looked healthy and released.A great morning,10-15yrs.ago would have stayed out,constant trolling motor work while playing fish,standing in high winds,back cramping badly,almost fell out twice.WORTH EVERY SECOND.