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Shad Ball Buster

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About Shad Ball Buster

  • Birthday 04/07/1985

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Shad Ball Buster's Achievements

Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. Go find yourself a tree hanging out of the water between 20 and 30 feet deep and ty off. Get a submersible light, green in color, drop it down 5 foot or so. Then just split shot or drop shot a live minnow.
  2. Yea unfortunately that was a solo trip, couldn't get any of my buddies to go with me. The stinkin carp were the ones that got my rods and my drop light tangled up, one was probably close to 10 pounds.
  3. Here they are!
  4. Fished under lights in 25' fow, caught fish anywhere from bottom to 10'. Limits on whites and crappie. Best crappie I have ever caught 1 @ 14" 6 @ 13" 3 @ 12" and the rest between 11" and 12". Only 1 keeper walleye, 2 shorts, 2 stupid carp and 1 dumb drum, first ever.
  5. No just our half, fish fry next weekend with our life group. Already ate half of them last weekend with our extended family.
  6. I must have missed the story about the 6 bass?? Sounds like someone got butt hurt because fish weren't released! I guess everyone is going to have an opinion and they have that right, no matter how idiotic.
  7. Cleaning wasn't to bad, it did take about 3 hours or so. We cleaned them together which makes it fun, versus doing it alone.
  8. Hopefully my post about taking home all those whites and crappie hasn't offended anyone, everything was definitely legal and as far as moral, well all those fish will be eaten by some very happy people.
  9. Can't figure out why my pics are rotating.
  10. Heres a pic of us!
  11. Took the pontoon out sunday night with my wife, my buddy and his wife. Fished cedar ridge off a cove 22 fow around 70 degree water temp. From 8pm to 4am with lights. Managed exactly 100 fish total, 89 came home, 4 person limit on whites plus 29 crappie. Best part was getting the wives on so many fish, spent most of the night baiting hooks and netting fish! FisFirst night trip with no keeper walleye but only 2 or 3 short crappie, most being 11" to 12". I will post pics if I can figure out how to from my phone.
  12. I figured I wouldn't take any chances, just save myself the hassle. If I'm lucky enough to catch a limit then I'm lucky enough!
  13. If I fish till midnight and catch a limit by law or a game warden can I start keeping fish after midnight? My thoughts are as long as I keep them on separate stringers I should be good because it is technically a different day, as long as I don't break the possession limit. I anyone knows for sure I would appreciate some incite. like I'm gonna catch a limit, I couldn't catch my butt with 2 hands! Lol
  14. Right at the corner at Taylor
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