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Everything posted by Bozinsek

  1. This is all 12 volt DC current, guys. A whole different animal than Alternating Current. If it wasn't, we would all fry ourselves everytime we dropped a trolling motor in the drink. I wouldn't throw my grandkids into the water where any type of sketchy electrical circuits were present. Old docks scare the bejeezus out of me. I've seen some that I wouldn't even grab the handrail of. Say what you like about the COE's stand on no new A/C supplied docks, but I'm kind of in agreement with them.
  2. Sounds like a great afternoon project. Even if it doesn't catch fish, the grandkids will enjoy it while swimming off the dock! Thanks for the material list.
  3. What type and how many feet of cord did you use? Also did you use some type of sealtite connector for the top plug? Weight??
  4. https://www.facebook.com/billdance/videos/1094134963992084/
  5. Call me crazy, but my favorite reel of all time is the Okuma Avenger. Everytime I see one at a yard sale or flea market, I snag one up. I've got four of them so far and it is "my go to" reel!
  6. How far up the Kings River can you fish on a Missouri License? The wording is kind of vague in the code book. Am I better off getting an Arkansas Permit?
  7. Sore Thumbs, was this you on Saturday? I was the guy on the point wishing I was out there!
  8. Romp Hole Access, south of Carr Lane.
  9. Well, Boys, It's been an interesting read, But now it's time to go out and turn a buck so that I can "redistribute' my personal wealth in the form of more Whopper Ploppers and a new choke for my 40 year ole 'Merc!
  10. http://www.ky3.com/news/local/drone-video-rushing-water-floods-roaring-river-state-park-cassville/21048998_34038666
  11. I've been following this thread and keeping my mouth shut (which is no small feat for me). Here's my take. We're all everyday fishers of TR. We are lucky. Maybe this guy worked all year to save money to come down here and try his luck. Probably spent 1200 -1500 dollars for a weeks worth of pleasure...Maybe his only time on the lake for a year. As long as he's following creel limits and whatnot, who am I to take that away from him. I'm sure by now He is regretting ever posting what might be a lifetime fishing memory. It just strikes me as wrong as why anyone would beat him to death. Personally, when I'm ready for a fry, I don't care where the fish are other than my belly!
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