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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. I use 10 - 12 lbs green mono or fluro on just about everything.
  2. I have a Lew's speed pro lazer im 8 mh 6'10"rod im not real thrilled about it's ok though...The MHX 8 footer MH is a rod i'm building with a spiral wrap.
  3. I have a 8 foot MH MHX rod seems to be a great crankbait rod.
  4. Your just jealous....lol..
  5. I have a couple of Cherrywood rods gave 25 for the 2 of them, brand new from Amazon...lol
  6. They actually are talking snow for Friday...lol
  7. I been thru what Dave is going thur, very emotional and physical draining....My thoughts and prayers for Dave and his family..
  8. Ah that looks like surgical hose...Good idea Thank You..
  9. Thanks Tim was just wondering as i started wrapping my eyes last night and once wrapped then i can try it out before i epoxy the threads, tape does not hold those micro eyes on very well....lol
  10. How do you get the old epoxy off Tim?
  11. You need to build her a PINK fishing rod.. I'm working on a MHX blank now. My next build will be on a Rainshadow immortal RX8 blank.
  12. So far i have built a medium casting rod 6'6" and a light spinning rod 7' (4-8 lbs line) and now im working on a medium heavy 8 foot crankbait rod as i do use deep crankbaits.The butt end of the MH rod is 5/8" and the tip is 5.5mm and it is a pretty light rod compared to my cherry woods MH rods i have. I just glad i don't have no one to answer too at home....lol And NO your not highjacking thread.
  13. An interesting article i read last night was about the Forhan wrap for single footed eyes, looks like it gives the eye more support. Gavin not really any more wrap or epoxy or thread since you still putting the same amount of eyes on it.
  14. Yes Sir i'am a member there, but they kind of tight lipped on some things especially since im new. There is another Gentleman that's new on there asking about spiral wrap also and they not saying much. I also know google is my friend but just thought i would ask here also.
  15. I have a di gps i would give you but it's only a 4 inch screen and i don't think i can get the transducer out of the bilge since i epoxied it in it's basically this unit.
  16. More rain on the way though for next couple days.
  17. Thanks for the report!! as i'm sitting here one step from having pneumonia it's finally a nice day..go figure..ughh
  18. I like the aspect of it since this is going to be a crankbait rod and it relieves the twisting torque of the rod and i don't have no rod box, lol Yea funny how the name gets changed on stuff.. I have single foot eyes except for the 2 eyes down by reel and was just wondering if single foot eyes would work..
  19. Anyone ever build a spiral wrap rod also known as a acid rod, just got my new MHX 8 foot MH rod and thinking about doing a acid rod.
  20. Comparison to what i have on console...lol
  21. My 73sv echomap plus came into today and so far kind of impressed. Comes with head cover and trolling motor and transom transducer mounts and the head mounting bracket is able to pivot as well as tilt.
  22. I kind of look at it like having uninsured boater insurance in case someone runs over me I'm covered.
  23. I have insurance on my boat, boat motor and trailer combined i think it's like 6,000 total and i pay 13.75 a month and have 100,000 dollar libility. I fish one tournament a year but i feel for the cost of insurance it's worth it especially with the way people operate there boats on TRL, do i have to have insurance absolutely not UNLESS im fishing a touramnet.
  24. Was up 2 foot already and i guess we have more rain coming.
  25. Wow BPS is the one that canceled my order..
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