I don't know if the pleasure boaters are going to be done after labor day...i have a buddy that has a marine repair shop and has not done one winterzation on a boat yet so far, he says which is strange as he usually has had a couple by now...
Well Table Rock isn't far behind LOZ....just came back from town and there was 5 of them big 30+ feet boats headed to the lake...so this weekend would be a good weekend to stay off TRL..it's also labor day weekend...
I just got home from Big M and was pretty much the only boat out there...didn't fish though mainly trying to figure out my motor problem as it wont idle.....water temp was 80.7 visibility was maybe a foot...
Bigger boats, more fuel burned, more tax money off the fuel, more money in the marina's pockets..it's a win win for the big boy's...we as fisherman burn less gas than they do just starting there engines up. It's all about money money money...
I was going to go this morning, was even up at 5am and decided to go back to bed and finish that wall in my bathroom and mow my yard...lol..Looks i didnt miss anything.
That water cooled regulator is kind of out my pocket book range for now...460 bucks for one...but i did see a concept that would work, in which i may look into replicating. Where does the water feed come from and return too on the water cooled ones wrench?
That part number looks familiar wrench, but not sure , i do know my friend had to order them for me...i didn't even know they had such a thing for mercury a water cooled regulator...i'll look into it. thanks..
If you are in the total eclipse path you will have a total black out in that path so i guess that's what everyone is wanting to experience..here around Aurora and Table Rock Lake will probably see a partial where we see the eclipse but dont have the black out and it seems they keep moving the path as they really don't know what the main path will be...
You mean like these ...mine burned up last year and the replacement or updated ones from Mercury has a fuse in line now......i didn't even know the one burned up till i pulled the cowling and saw all the crap that ran down back of motor..as you can see there was a small flame cause it scorched the top regulator. I got them some cheaper than what you show and they are Mercury OEM's...1995 mercury..
It's a great site too see for sure, but im not spending any money to see it..if i see it i see it.......There is going to be a lot of pissed off people if it clouds up and rains tomorrow... i have seen several eclipses they where not total eclipses though..i believe in February 26 1979 i saw it and it was a total eclipse but can't remember if i saw it as a partial or total as i was 15 then.