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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. 176champion


    I have seen this as well on another lake.. thanks for the report
  2. I would say someone was looking out for you.....
  3. I tried one 3 times and it didnt want to run right, one of the ploppers would actually come out of water. so i put it back in package and they are in the shed...lol
  4. Nope..i don't have one like that..the double plopper with the wire between the 2 little ploppers...lol
  5. My 90 series one dont work right, takes a few feet of travel before the tail spins, the 130 works great havent thrown them that much though. Anyone have any luck with the double plopper?
  6. Seems Battlefield wire shut down but these people bought them.. http://fishingtackleretailer.com/cast-industries-acquires-battlefield-wire-product-s-blades-and-spoons-division/
  7. Water table went up .04 in the last hour...
  8. Here where i live we got over an inch of rain and more to come, looks like TRL will be on the rise again..
  9. Thanks for report Bill!! Thanks for the input everyone!!
  10. What weight do you prefer 3/8 1/2 or 3/4 ounce or something different in weight.....just curious.
  11. Don't get your buff hung up on the tree branches either.
  12. Them wake boats running up and down the water will help push all that floating debris to the shore line...lol
  13. I need to drive down to Big M tomorrow and see if i can get in there and look at shell knob also..
  14. Way to go... I just throwed all my lures in the trash cause the only one i need is a ned....lmao
  15. Im doing laundry...
  16. Water level went up, it's 931.67 now..
  17. Good luck to you all and be safe!!
  18. Lake Norfork off 62 bridge
  19. I get my feet wet launching boat all the time, unless i crawl in the back of my truck and walk out and get on trailer, which is not to bad to do on my Ranger pickup since it's a step side...but im working on a full size Ford now for a boat totter and not going to be able to climb in the back of that one.
  20. That picture is of the marina side it's not the boat ramp side so I don't know about the boat ramp.
  21. This was Big M Sunday
  22. Lake is at 932.97 now.
  23. Wow if he has to buy a bigger boat that's going to cost him a couple handbags to match the shoes.
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