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Rob P

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Rob P

  1. Lake was 50 degrees today. Sunny 55 degree day. Caught 4 in an hour. Ned and square bill. Ned bite was sluggish. Just a tap. Lost several others. My brother in law insisted in wearing shorts. We were off the water by 4... But.. we know winter is coming.
  2. Only got to fish Saturday afternoon. Lake temps were 55-57 degrees. Air temps were perfect at near 70 degrees. Managed a few small bass on shallow cranks. (my sons not me...) Seemed the bass wanted speed and a wobble retrieve. I was surprised at the number of boat in our area, but then remembered it was pretty crappy for most of the week. */ Hog game outdoor viewing was ruined.. But not the indoor party..
  3. Excellent thanks. Probably start out casting points then throw the Ned. Looks like the rain on Friday will spoil our watching the Hogs game outside on the porch. Have to fish in the morning.
  4. Guys whats the current lake temp?? 55? just a guess?? Thanks.
  5. Rob P


    Next weekend I'm tempted to try deeper and run a shorter leader. I'm thinking I was pulling baits too high and with the heat the fish were deeper than 25/30fow.
  6. Rob P


    Caught a ton of huge gills pulling crawler harnesses this weekend, but no walleye. These guys were cookie cutter humpback bruisers. Fun, but not the walleye. All were same 25-35fow. we just ran out of time.. Right depth, right speed and spinners, just need to cover more water..
  7. Rob P


    Heading down this weekend to try our hand at those 25-30fow eyes. I promised my boys no chores, and only goofing off this weekend.
  8. Rob P


    looks like water is down to 660.
  9. had a few blow ups on a buzzbait, but nothing on chugbug, pop-r or waterdog.. But I was still in bed at sunup, so we fished topwater at dusk & night...
  10. sorry ya had boat trouble. My buddy dragged his down and it wouldn't even turn over. it never made it off the trailer, into the water and right back out.. We put him and his son in our boats for the weekend. I saw water as high as 84 mid lake trolling. Lake points were also the key to our fishing over the weekend. Back of the coves in flooded brush say 10-12fow also produced some bass. I had a nice fat 17" lm when not a minute later my son tops me with an 18" LM. Then he hooks several walleye on a spinner bait, he had the hot stick this weekend. Monday and Tuesday I can count the boats on 1 hand that we saw while fishing..
  11. I'm seeing more of these guys locally. Very cool. Now they fit in with the stray cactus I find in my prairie or woods.
  12. I measured 70 degrees in spots on Sunday . Managed only a few small spots on cranks.
  13. prolly 57-58 main bay, saddle area then up to 61/62 back in spring creek
  14. Overall shallow cranks on points produced our bass. Nothing huge but a run and gun approach worked. Covered a lot of water. Trolling we got one huge whitebass. Sporadic deep spots, swimming a jig caught fish. Tough weekend, but very fun.
  15. It's been tough. Very sporadic bites yesterday and today. One on a Jig 20fow, lost one on a crank shallow. Water from 56-59. Hopefully Friday is better.😁
  16. adding spinnerbait to Plan B.
  17. past weekend I saw 53-55
  18. Water temps were 53-55. Air temps were mid upper 30s both Saturday and sunday. Wind was 10-15mp at times. I managed 2 fish, both off ned rig. Tried 0-10fow (zip) and caught 2 both 15-20fow. trolling = zip, marked a lot in 20-30ft range. Tying on cranks and all the other go-to-crap we all have in our boxes just made your hands cold. nothing for my 2 fishing mates. my one dude was 19" and fat, released Waiting for the snow to melt we hunted morels, found zero. Next week will be perfect for bass and morels.. For my wife: We hung a light fixture, organized new bedding and worked on tilling the gardens. * that chore update lets us fish again in 2 weeks.
  19. Snow in April..  what!

    I need to fish.

  20. Walking the shore that's nice!
  21. Thanks guys, gonna try to fish a plan this weekend. If Plan A fails, we move to B, C, D and etc..
  22. I can work with water in mid 50s. But of course air temps drop to 40s when I show up to fish..
  23. Guys is the water temp about 50-53?? Looks like lake is up a little with the rain. I plan to fish in the rain this weekend..
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