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Steve white

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. If you fish crankbaits as much as I do, and you fish 5 days a week. You need a lot of tackle. I fish rocks 90% of the time and lose 2 baits a day. That is why I looked on Amizon under cheap crankbaits. I ordered 32 baits for $43. They came from 4 different makers. They were all made well with good sharp hooks. One lot was to small for what I wanted. But I still am very happy with the rest of them. Now when I lose one it's no big deal..I just ordered $125 more one must read the reviews on each maker. If others say they don't work well stay away. I have found one maker Bravefisherman, makes one hell of a crankbait for about $1.35 each. I have spray painted a few silver as I bright red didn't look much like a shad.
  2. I started fishing for White bass in the Mississippi in october. I did well from the bank. But in the mix I've been catching some Spotted Bass. Nothing over 12 inches. Most are caught on White jigs. Also in the mix are Wipers. I've only caught 2 but both were 22 inches. One weighed 4 and a half lbs. One I have on video and caught it on topwater, last week. If I could catch Wipers on a regular basis, I be in heaven. I just retired 6 weeks ago and fish almost everyday. My best day was 32 Whites in 2 hrs.. to bad I have not been able to do that again. I am also catching Asian Carp on a regular basis. Some are 30 plus inches. They will take a fly or a small jig. But most of the time they get snagged with a crankbait..
  3. The new ones that came out in 2015 are a BIG upgrade from the ones you see on Youtube. The old one pc boats were good but the upgrades on the new one is worth the money.
  4. One last thing,I retire in September and I plan to fish a lot. As I live one mile from the Meramec. I needed away to go up stream. I also didn't want a big jet boat in the garage. This boat can be stored in 3 pcs,with the center section 6 FT long standing up.
  5. I bought a Mokia in April. It is the new 3 pc. Model. I can haul it in the back of my 6 ft truck bed. It can be assembled in 8 min. The motor is a Suburu 7hp. It uses unleaded gas and goes 15 mph. It has a push button starter and a small stick stearing. It handles great. I have had it I the Mississippi and Meramec. THIS boat is every thing I wanted it to be. I can also paddle it like my solo canoe. MOKIA says one can stand up in it and cast but I'm not agreeing with that just yet. They cost about 5,000 with delivery. ALL AND all I'm very happy with it. It takes no room to store. And assembled it's 175 lbs and 11 ft long. sw
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