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Everything posted by audiochem

  1. Depending on the time of year, the minnows can run small. Has anyone every tried two minnows on the same hook?
  2. Just wondering if anyone has started throwing jerk-baits yet? Any luck? It should be getting close to 'that time.'
  3. audiochem


    When will Musky be reintroduced??? During the summer, the bait fish are overwhelming. Trolling for walleye results in too many trash fish compared to many northern lakes where pike and musky are prevalent. There's a misguided fear that musky (or northern) somehow deplete a lake of gamefish. This is been proven wrong time and time again. Actually, they help maintain a better balance. If Pomme can handle them, I'm pretty sure Stockton can too. Just my $0.02
  4. Roadrunners? And are you bouncing the bottom with the jig or staying above bottom? Finally, how many jigs did you lose??? 😊
  5. Yeah, but are they biting???
  6. With my 150 Merc and two 32" drift socks, I hit 2 mph on the nose every time. I got approval from the 'minister of finance' to get a kicker motor, but I don't want to stop fishing just yet to have it installed. I'll wait for the dog-days of August. I also use a tri-swivel and weight if I want to go deeper. A lure dog works well for me to get everything back. It's definitely paid for itself many times over. Anything deeper than 20' and I'm using bottom bouncers and trolling with electric at about 0.9-1.0 mph
  7. Just wondering when you die hards start fishing for musky. Also, what speed are you trolling? Thanks
  8. What's the limit on mean mouth???
  9. Sometimes Amazon has them for $3 each depending on color/size. I get them through my buddy who has Berkley as a sponsor for $1.99. 😁
  10. Since this thread was stolen to talk about surf fishing... I own a place on the panhandle. If you freeze sand fleas while they are still alive, they fish just as good as live ones. If they die first, forget it. Or, you can skip the sand fleas and just use FishBites in sand flea flavor...way better. I'll be going down in a month for peak pompano fishing. Also, fish the Choctawhatchee for sea trout. Great table fare. Use live shrimp hooked through the tail with a thin wire 2/0 circle hook under a popping cork. Almost like crappie fishing. Tight lines...
  11. I've used a couple different types. MYWEDGE is the way to go. Super simple and effective. I also bought MYWEDGE centering clips to keep the motor from turning side-to-side.
  12. Stick baits.
  13. Apparently, very accessible from either side although the south side looks better with waders. Most were on the north side.
  14. Yes. It was very busy from shore, but only a couple boats. The bites were few and far between, but they were quality bites.
  15. Great day on the water today. A 5Lb largemouth. Biggest walleye was 21”. Plus 4 bonus brown trout.
  16. Actually, the air bladder will return just fine releasing them like normal...assuming a bird of prey doesn't get them. In the ocean, they pierce them with a needle. Either way is probably better than slamming them. LOL.
  17. I’m disappointed in all of you. None of you were dumb enough to join me on the lake today. I didn’t see or hear another boat all day. After the rain stopped, the wind kicked up to about 25mph before finally backing down to about 12 followed by more rain. Lovely. Having said, we caught 24 on the day, 9 over 15”. A decent bite, all on jerk baits. A great way to finish 2018. See you on the water next year
  18. Cold and windy, but 20 bass on the day. 9 measured. All on the jerk bait. The highlight was my 7 yo getting his first jerk bait bass. Early Xmas present. Admittedly, I didn’t see him come out from under his blanket much Water temp 42 everywhere. Points in the wind seemed to be holding the most fish. Biggest was 17.5”
  19. Anything happening bass-wise? I managed a couple surface bass the other day, but it got really slow once the sun got up. Any special working right now? I plan on taking my 7 yo boy. Gotta get him ready for our Minnesota BWCA trip next year. Thanks
  20. Lol. Those rod holders cost $8 each for the holder and hardware. Just need bolts, washers, wing nuts and some scrap wood. Work great.
  21. So, this is a little late as this is from Saturday (6/9), but it has to be the best day on Stockton I've ever had. My 7 yo son and I launched at 5:30 and were off the water by noon. We got 5 walleye 18"-23" and 34 keeper crappie. I have no idea how many white bass, catfish, drum or small crappie and walleye we caught. It was literally non-stop action. At times, all 4 rods had fish on. I don't know how many times I yelled 'doubles!' They were still biting when we left, but the heat (and overcrowded livewell) drove us off.
  22. Yep. Flickers only. Color didn't seem to matter.
  23. So, this is a little late as this is from Saturday (6/9), but it has to be the best day on Stockton I've ever had. My 7 yo son and I launched at 5:30 and were off the water by noon. We got 5 walleye 18"-23" and 34 keeper crappie. I have no idea how many white bass, catfish, drum or small crappie and walleye we caught. It was literally non-stop action. At times, all 4 rods had fish on. I don't know how many times I yelled 'doubles!' They were still biting when we left, but the heat (and overcrowded livewell) drove us off. This post has been promoted to an article
  24. Thanks for all the info. We hit it today. Got a real nice smallie and about 12 bass total. Most came on a jerk bait. Tried trolling for a couple hours, but only yielded one crappie
  25. It never fails. I tell my father (who lives in Ohio) about all the great fishing we have and when he comes out, we get biblical floods. Dad will be here Friday/Saturday and I was just wondering if anyone knows what the lake looks like? Is there any clear or stained water available? Predictions on what it will look like this weekend? Also, he's getting up in years, so I would prefer to do some trolling. Anyone doing anything dragging flickers around? Any info is much appreciated. Thanks
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