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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Group presents water quality plan http://www.bransontrilakesnews.com/news_free/article_80c9cde4-c47e-11e1-bba8-001a4bcf887a.html Central Pro/Am TABLE ROCK LAKE RESULTS 7/1/12 http://central-proam.com/table-rock-lake-results-7112/ Some businesses worry about ban of crayfish Sales http://articles.kspr.com/2012-07-02/crayfish_32512360
  2. Sounds like you should walk the bank more often and then have a yard sale...
  3. I always short my count... in case someone is watching... especially someone with a ticket book.
  4. Actually found an image of the fly - on this site: http://www.guidegreenriver.com/bugs/files/category-dry-fly.html It's made from Rainy's Hi-Viz ant body material. I'll have to order some of this stuff in... looks good.
  5. The ant Brad gave me to use this morning is Tom Roger's pattern. Wanted to make sure Tom got credit for the great ant pattern.
  6. Posted a banner here on the forum. Vote for Freese... or whoever you want. Just hoping to get some votes for David... hope he makes it to the big game.
  7. Got out on upper Lake Taneycomo this morning about 8:30 am. Drove up and parked at the MDC boat ramp and walked down to the water above the ramp. No generation and there was a nice breeze blowing down the lake. Not many people fishing. Linc and I split up. Linc likes to fish up at Rocking Chair perched on the rock (most of you may know what rock I'm speaking of). I started right there at the tower. Trout were rising but very spotty. I targeted these fish, throwing a #16 black ant Brad Wright gave me. It's a foam body with hackle and a white post. Rides the surface nice and easy to see. I had 4 hookups, 4 misses and several looks. I also threw a #16 black beetle, caught one and had 4 looks. Stripped a red #18 soft hackle and had one strike. The chop on the water usually is great for soft hackles but not today. Everyone up there was catching fish, just few and far between. Most were stripping flies, either midges or woolies. I walked up to where Linc was fishing. He'd done fair on midges. I threw the ant a little bit before we had to go and they liked it up there. I hooked 3 more rainbows and had 4 more strikes in short order. I like this little ant. I've asked Brad to tie some up for me to add to our fly inventory at the shop. Took the gopro and tried to take some still images but had it on the wrong setting... no pics! Sorry.
  8. Phil Lilley


    We had a nice shower here in Branson last night. Couldn't believe my ears hearing it pound our metal roof about 10 pm. Looked at the radar and saw a yellow circle around Branson. Pretty cool. Must have been another cloud over Nixa.
  9. Just got home. Nice to meet all you guys (and gals) at the picnic. Sorry we couldn't weigh in any fish. We will next time!
  10. Are you floating the Eleven Point again this summer?
  11. http://paytonageo.blogspot.com/2012/06/miranda-and-i-just-got-back-or-should-i.html
  12. <img title="Taney" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2012/06/Taney1.jpg" alt="" width="403" height="190" /> Trout fishing on Lake Taneycomo is best early and late in the day, according to guide Kris Nelson. <a href="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2012/06/Nelson-June-29-Taneycomo.wav"><strong>Hear his full fishing report buy clicking HERE and listening to his call in report.</strong></a> <a href="http://tandemflyoutfitters.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/table-rock/files/2012/05/Tandem-Fly-Outfitters-Logo.jpg" alt="" width="190" height="100" /></a>
  13. Renovated Thomasville facility re-opens to public http://www.areawidenews.com/story/1865512.html
  14. Hickory Parking and River Access on Current River Rehab Underway http://ozarkareanetwork.com/localnews/?p=4640
  15. Fire Destroys Table Rock Lake Ski Business http://ozarksfirst.com/fulltext?nxd_id=666952 Operation Dry Water nets 20 BWIs statewide http://lakeexpo.com/boating/the_lake/article_d7cea4c6-c1c6-11e1-bc71-0019bb2963f4.html
  16. Trav!!! About had a heart attack. Glad to see you on the forum.
  17. I'm bringing smoked chicken and jalapeno beans regardless who shows... even if you're not fishing, come by and say howdy. Fill your plate. I'll have plenty of food.
  18. Trout fishing on Lake Taneycomo is good early in the morning and later in the evenings, according to guide Steve Dicky. Hear his full report by clicking this link and downloading a .wav file. http://anglersadvantage.net/
  19. Scott, gotmuddy lives down in that area and would be your best contact for fishing there, next to Mike Worley who's a guide. I subscribe to a couple of rules when I post stuff: type - stew - type - delete - type and post. Usually keeps me out of trouble. You would have gotten a much better response if you'd held your "fingers" and simply ignored his comment. Now all you'll get is comments about your response. Wish I could help you on the fishing... Mike hasn't given us a report in a while. He must be pretty busy guiding. You might send him a PM.
  20. This is Phil Lilley with the Lake Taneycomo fishing report. Generation patterns remain about the same this week with the water off for the mornings but two units running later in the afternoon into the evening. Water temperature is a chilly 45 degrees coming out of Table Rock Lake while the air temps are reaching the upper 90's into the triple digits in the heat of the day. There has been very little wind in the mornings with a welcome slight breeze starting about 11 a.m. and on into the afternoons. No wind, sun and no generation means tough fishing for the most part. As Bill Babler would say, "We're not getting rich out there." But we're not getting skunked either. Being stealthy and patient is the key. Use small line and stay with it. Pay close attention and take advantage of each "bite" because you won't get a whole lot of them. Air-injected night crawlers are still the best live bait being used for rainbows. Inject air into the worm, using the head of the worm, hooking it only once at the ring. Set your weight about 18 inches from the worm--that's how far the worm will float off the bottom. Use two-pound line if possible because our water is very clear. Berkley's Powerbait paste or nuggets are working fair in chartreuse or yellow. Same line size. When the water is running, drift with Gulp Eggs using white and orange. Drifting from Cooper Creek to Monkey Island is the best area. Use Trout Magnets in Sassy, Bison, pink and salmon, with two-pound fluorocarbon and fish them seven feet deep, our guides say, especially after 11 a.m. when the wind picks up and there's a chop on the water. They are best around and below Cooper Creek, Monkey Island and the Landing areas. Above Fall Creek in the mornings, fish the deeper pockets way above the Narrows to Lookout and try white thread jigs, cream micro jigs and rusty or red #16 zebra midges under a palsa five-feet deep. Remember to be patient and don't recast the fly very often. Watch closely for the bite -- it's slight. There's some nice 15-inch plus rainbow up there that will put up a good fight. Up below the dam wading in the mornings, #16 black or olive woolies fished on the flats are working fair along with #18 zebra midges rusty or red fished about 12 inches below a palsa where rainbows are midging the surface. At night after the water is off, black or purple pine squirrels stripped slowly are catching some nice rainbows and a few browns on the flats.
  21. Pink flesh means they've been in the lake long enough to turn a natural color- yes it's what they eat. White - they haven't been in the lake very long.
  22. We had some rods taken a couple of months ago. Nothing since.
  23. Live sculpins or real dead ones are good baits too. Unfortunately, browns swallow them and you end up killing a good number of fish when released, even with the best intentions. That's why I don't use them anymore or promote using them, although they are legal to use below Fall Creek. If you do use them, set the hook on the first bite and don't let them eat it. You'll miss a bunch of bites but you may have a better chance of hooking them in the jaw instead of the back of the throat.
  24. Lake Taneycomo's water is 45 degrees coming out of Table Rock Lake right now but the water warms up as you boat down lake. This is a good temperature for our trout and fishing is good, according to Steve Dicky, a professional guide on the lake. Hear his full fishing report by clicking HERE and downloading a .wav file. http://anglersadvantage.net/
  25. This is Phil Lilley with the Lake Taneycomo fishing report. "What a day makes," is an applicable saying amongst our trout guides lately. Every day's "catching" has been different the last couple of weeks. Sometimes there's no rhyme of reason to it either. The rainbows are always there -- just some days they're just not interested in eating. Night crawlers are the best live bait going right now, especially for larger trout. The U.S. Corps of Army Engineers has been running small to medium amounts of water through Table Rock Dam, a little in the mornings but mainly in the afternoons, so drifting is the best presentation with one exception. Guide Bill Babler said he's been anchoring in slow current and fishing his crawlers off the back of the boat. He's done well when the wind keeps him from making a good drift. "The wind has been out of the north some days, blowing straight down the lake. It keeps you from drifting so we've been anchoring." But you have to be very, very careful when anchoring in current. Make sure your boat is the type that is safe for anchoring. Always anchor off the front of the boat, the bow. Always keep a sharp knife handy if you have to cut the rope in an emergency. Never anchor off the side or back of any boat. Strong currents can pull the sides of the boat down and swamp the boat in a matter of seconds. If you're not sure, ask someone or just don't try it. Gulp PowerBait eggs will work, too, when drifting but probably not when anchoring. The eggs tend to spin in current, and you'll end up with a mess. Trout Magnets have been working along with Turner micro jigs. Our guides have been switching between the two lures on trips, fishing one and then the other to find out which ones the trout are favoring. Linc Hunt, one of our guys in the fly shop, says some of our resort guests have been catching nice rainbows fishing from Cooper Creek to Monkey Island using cotton candy Trout Magnets, fishing them straight with no float and jigging them like a jig. Now I think they must be fishing them using a heavier jig head than TM provides with their packs because they're too light to throw. I think you could use them with sixteenth-ounce jig heads or heavier. Other colors working are bison and sassy. In another story about using fluorocarbon instead of mono filament, Linc said a guest fishing off our dock this week switched his line to Vanish two- pound and started catching immediately. He had not been doing very well prior to changing. Not everyone on the dock was having the luck he was having with the new line either. The difference was noticeable. Now you don't have to change out your whole reel. All you need to do is tie on three or four feet of "tippet" to the hook and use a simple triple surgeon's knot to join the two lines.
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