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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. You guys have cause enough damage for one day... I'm sorry I wasn't on this earlier and stopped it before it got out of hand.
  2. First, I deal with spammers every day, behind the scenes, deleting their attempts to register on the forum and spread their filth. When someone posts multiple times, many times they're new to posting and don't realize that one post is enough. A polite PM from me corrects the issue. I learned my lesson a few years back-- not to jump on someone and correct them on the board but doing it by PM. Correcting them in front of everyone is an embarrassment at best and it starts arguments like this one we've had today on the forum. No good ever comes of it. Never. It's been a long day. Good night
  3. I'm at queeney park now. Will deal with this later. But this is sad that this has happened. Exact reason people leave the forum... Too much crap being posted and I don't mean a radio broadcast.
  4. Crome will not play .wav audio. All the other browsers should - firefox, explorer, safari.
  5. I'll weigh in on this... I don't think, nor I'm not sure if it's possible regardless, that one governing body should tell individual tournament directors what to do, regardless of the issue. I think they should have the freedom to chose what to allow and what not to allow and let the contestants pick and chose which tournaments they fish. The key word there is freedom. Then... you can argue the merits of type of lures used- and not used. I do think that CS has the right to post the petition though... you can read and sign it or not.
  6. Starting today, Ozarkanglers.com will offer audio fishing reports. Bill tested the system out today and it works great. Running it through a Vontage account, guides will leave voice mails on my number, then I'll upload and post them. I'm hoping to attract fishing guides who don't like to mess with typing and posting. The reports will be posted on the main site only, not on the forum. When they're posted on the main site, they'll also be posted on facebook, linkedin and twitter, referring back to the main posting. We think we worked out all the bugs in the system so we should start seeing more, or hearing more fishing reports very soon.
  7. On the facebook page? It's down. The webpage at https://crawford.house.gov/fbwelcome.aspx might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. What happened? Did he get the Corp to relent?
  8. I've posted a couple of articles on ozarkanglers/white-river just last week. Also see Steve Dally's site, that's linked on those articles, for info.
  9. Please join us for this year’s banquet on February 25, 2012. It will be held at the Millwood Golf and Racquet Club, 3700 E Millwood Dr., Springfield. Doors will open at 5:30p.m. and cocktails start at 6:00 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. Menu: Bistro Tenderloin w/Demi Glaze, Mushrooms & Onions, Baked Cod with Lemon & Dill Sauce, AuGratin Potatoes, Wild Rice Blend, Chef’s Blend of Vegetables, House Salad, Cookies and Brownies, Rolls & Butter, Iced Tea and Coffee. $18.00 per person (discounts taken @door if applicable). Everyone is welcome to attend. Raffle and auction after dinner including special items for the ladies. RSVP Larry Wegmann
  10. Nah... he's eating sculpins- just like the smallmouth we've been catching up there.
  11. The flathead was kept- don't blame them. Good eating.
  12. The White River was a warmwater river before the dam. It still is really. There are the same number of fish species -give or take- as Table Rock or Bull Shoals. Some of the guys fishing the tournament yesterday said they caught up to 20 bass on cranks below the Landing.
  13. Caught on a sculpin (fly) at rebar. <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/b0CaOVlfjIA?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. Yea that would work. No restriction except catch and release... but it's to your advantage to keep you fish alive. They lose a lot of weight if they die. Even regular livewells fail. Ice chest with a good aerator works just as good.
  15. Results. <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xItX-M_m4Xk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. 38 teams in the tournament today. Here's a video of the start. <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LGNd6tzOl7s?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. You can chose from these options what you see when you hit the View New Content button.
  18. http://lilleystacklestore.com/xcart/home.php?cat=248&sort=orderby&sort_direction=0&page=2 OAF hats
  19. Fishing license - you'll have to buy out of state license for both... only Ark and Mo residence can purchase the border lake permit. I would think Lower BS would be better for largemouth and that's where you're camping. If they're running water through the system in the spring, then the water on the upper lake is too cold for bass. Good walleye and white bass action though.
  20. <img title="Taneycomo Brown Jan 18 2012" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2012/01/Taneycomo-Brown-Jan-18-2012.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="298" /> Our weather cycle has been pretty nice so far this winter here on <a href="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/">Lake Taneycomo</a>. Mild temperatures have dominated January especially on weekends which is a nice change. Remember last January? Three out of 4 weekends we had snow and very cold wind. Last Saturday we almost hit 70 and this Saturday's forecasted for the 50's. Warmer on Sunday.<!--more--> Our trout have liked this nice weather too. Fishing, or catching, has been better than normal. <a href="http://mdc.mo.gov/regions/southwest/shepherd-hills-fish-hatchery" target="_blank">Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery</a> is doing their part stocking rainbows, and good sized ones too. <a href="http://www.swpa.gov/generationschedules.aspx" target="_blank">SPA schedule</a> say the Corp is running water most mornings during the week, some mornings pretty hard--4 units worth. But they're been shutting it down by noon. Weekends might be different. Generally they leave the water off Saturday and Sundays. Looking at the weather for this weekend and what they did last weekend, I'd say no generation this Saturday and Sunday. Trolling with spinners, medium crank baits and jigs is working well. I would troll starting below Cooper Creek and do down past the Landing. There's more room down there plus that's the area where Shepherd has been stocking their trout. Freshly stocked trout tend to stay close to the surface for a few days. Trolling lures run through this layer of water. Jig and float works good for these rainbows too. Live bait is definitely catching bigger numbers lately, or I should say it's been easier catching your limit using bait. Gulp Power Bait using a white and another color either drifting down the lake when the water is running or still fishing. Four-pound line is the right weight line to use right now. You don't need to drop to 2-pound. If the water is running, try minnows on a <a href="http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/?showtopic=30562">drift rig</a>. Water off--fish with air injected night crawlers. On calm days, no wind, I've been fishing jigs straight line and using 1/8th oz if the water is running and 1/16th oz if it is not. I'm using white, sculpin/orange and olive below the dam during generation, then dropping the white and using brown and sculpin below Lookout. Try a 1/16th oz jig under a float if the water is running and fish it about the depth of the water you're fishing or a little deeper. Go to micro or marabou jigs in same colors and experiment with the depth of the jig till you find that happy level where the trout will bite. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2139" title="Lookout on Taneycomo" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2012/01/Lookout-on-Taneycomo.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="270" /> Fly fishing has been pretty good below the dam when the water is shut down in the afternoon and evenings. Midge hatches continue to come off especially later in the day. Cracklebacks and soft hackles stripped when the water is a little choppy is working - #14 and #16 green and red. I've done well using #16 red or rusty zebra midges under a palsa indicator around where I see trout rising later in the evening in the Narrows area but to be honest there are a bunch of small rainbows here--lots of action but not much size. I got out on Thursday late afternoon. Generation ended at 1 p.m. and the water was dropping out as I got up to the top of what we used to call KOA, not Trophy Run. I found a few trout off the end of the island there on the south side of the lake midging and caught a half dozen on a red #16 zebra under a palsa indicator set 12 inches deep. First one was a decent brown, others were all rainbows, small ones. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2140" title="Taneycomo Brown Top View" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2012/01/Taneycomo-Brown-Top-View.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="217" />
  21. I still have hundreds of stickers. Tried to sell them for 2 for $1 and sold quite a few but not enough to pay for what I bought. I have not, though, advertised them very well. Now I'm giving them away free in our office. Buying and selling oa items is a tricky deal. We have hats and they've done very well over the years. I may look into selling other items in the near future but i'm not going to run into anything like I did on the stickers.
  22. No one has mentioned using corn starch in their batter. I use quite a bit of it to make the batter crisp.
  23. Does anyone have a good source and/or experience with pins? Anyone on the forum sell pins?
  24. Blogs- they've always been there. Yes you can start a blog.
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