Wonderful weather- barely got above 80. Very little wind which didn't help. No generation until about 2:30 this afternoon.
Had 18 teams in the tournament. Several from out of town but most from Branson PD and Fire departments.
Here are the results:
8 trout, 2 man teams
1. Frank Dielt, John Hittler -- 10.40
2. Bob Allen, Mary Hill -- 8.94 (Allen big trout - 2.30)
3. Carl Manske, Ken Devosha -- 8.30
4. Jeff Alley, John Alley -- 8.08
5. Chris Martin, Clay Goforth -- 8.04
6. Tom Burckhardt, Corey -- 7.66
7. Bob Dwiggins, Bill Fresie - 7.34
8. Bryan Miller, John Pate -- 7.00
9. Gerry Dwiggins, Bruce Wucher -- 6.90
10. Jason Webb, Randy Cole -- 6.44
11. Bruce Johnson, Jay Scribner -- 6.14
12. Carol McCullough, Carl Sparks -- 5.30
13. Kenneth Hull, James Sharp -- 5.20
14. Kelly Stammer, Rick Weidert -- 5.08
15. Kory Klein, Bob Klein -- 5.04
16. Darryll Hembree, Jake Hembree -- 4.90
17. Kenny Marshall, Jerry Whitworth -- 4.34
18. ------