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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Wonderful weather- barely got above 80. Very little wind which didn't help. No generation until about 2:30 this afternoon. Had 18 teams in the tournament. Several from out of town but most from Branson PD and Fire departments. Here are the results: 8 trout, 2 man teams 1. Frank Dielt, John Hittler -- 10.40 2. Bob Allen, Mary Hill -- 8.94 (Allen big trout - 2.30) 3. Carl Manske, Ken Devosha -- 8.30 4. Jeff Alley, John Alley -- 8.08 5. Chris Martin, Clay Goforth -- 8.04 6. Tom Burckhardt, Corey -- 7.66 7. Bob Dwiggins, Bill Fresie - 7.34 8. Bryan Miller, John Pate -- 7.00 9. Gerry Dwiggins, Bruce Wucher -- 6.90 10. Jason Webb, Randy Cole -- 6.44 11. Bruce Johnson, Jay Scribner -- 6.14 12. Carol McCullough, Carl Sparks -- 5.30 13. Kenneth Hull, James Sharp -- 5.20 14. Kelly Stammer, Rick Weidert -- 5.08 15. Kory Klein, Bob Klein -- 5.04 16. Darryll Hembree, Jake Hembree -- 4.90 17. Kenny Marshall, Jerry Whitworth -- 4.34 18. ------
  2. We've had this conversation many times... so I'll nip it in the bud. In Parks, you can't keep fishing after you catch your limit of trout. In all other waters, you can keep fishing after you catch and keep your limit of trout. It's been confirmed by MDC, agents and regional enforcement office.
  3. There is a vaccination you can take for Lymes but it's expensive and I HATE SHOTS. If you're in the woods alot, you might consider it.
  4. Did you call the Corp? I'll call Jeremy Rasnick. I think that's his territory.
  5. Jim Callahan 5.14 lb 22.25 inch girth Brown Power Bait Pellets
  6. Chance pretty much nailed it. John Berry just posted a report on the White. Hope they leave the water off for ya... it's raining quite a lot tonight, not sure what it's going to do to lake levels.
  7. My friends in SE Kansas don't know what the doves will do. Lots of them there but the cool weather may push them south by Tuesday. MDC is probably thinking the same, not wanting to guess what it will be like. But seems there are alot of doves to shoot. Never hunted down here. Would be nice not to drive 3 hours. But the doves in SE Kansas are thick usually.
  8. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"> If you have an hour, watch all 5 videos in this series. Truly amazing.
  9. I've performed this a dozen times here at the resort and it's worked every time. Had one close to the eye which I referred to the ER. I think it's great!! Not the getting hooked part.
  10. Oh... just got back in town. Talked to Dennis and he told me it was getting heated here. Had to laugh when he told me what Paul posted. Guys, if you post something that you know will be controversial, don't get bent out of shape when it comes. It's like you're walking on egg shells. I'm not taking sides... this is an open discussion and if someone pokes fun, take it at that. Coldwater... is Paul. I knew Paul from the old Conservation Cafe. And I've PM'ed him several times here. We're supposed to go fishing... hope to soon. All I'm going to say is roll with some of this. If you don't, then life is no fun. OUVP is overkill, agreed. But some of the stuff that goes with it like insurance, drug testing (I've been tested twice this year) and first aide are good things. If you take any fishing anyplace and he gets hurt, you better hope you do have insurance because if you don't, you'll lose everything you own. I'll close it down again.
  11. You guys should have taught Bill to take pics and POSt them on the forum... God knows I've tried and failed. Thank goodness some of Bill's clients post pics from his trips - proof he really does fish occasionally.
  12. Wrote someone at the REC, USCG St Louis. See what response I get.
  13. White River below BS dam is exempt, for some crazy reason. I'd think the training and test speaks to river situations more than a lake. The training for Alaska Waters was very enjoyable- I learned alot... much more than I did for the Limited White River OUVP.
  14. What's it take to be a sponsor?
  15. The Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels (OUPV) license is commonly called a six-pack or charter captain's license. This Coast Guard license is required by those operating uninspected vessels (not required to undergo inspections by the Coast Guard) that carry no more than six passengers for hire. It will NOT allow you to operate inspected vessels or carry more than six passengers for hire. Eligibility Requirements USCG Application Age: 18 years old Sea Experience: OUPV Inland 360 days* operating a small vessel 90 days of the 360 must be within the last 3 years. The documents and completed forms you will need to suppy with the OUPV application include: Coast Guard Application Form (CG-719B) Sea Service Form (CG-719S) Physical Examination Report (CG-719K) Drug Test Report (5 Substance SAMSHA -- CG-719-P) Three Character References Social Security Card Proof of Citizenship First Aid/CPR Certification Training Certificate
  16. Took the girls fishing this afternoon. Justice, Savannah and Haley, my 3 nieces. Giggles and squeals but these girls didn't mind handling worms or the fish. Fished just above Short Creek, air inflated night crawlers. And they were hungry! I had trouble keeping up with hooks and worms. And then I wanted to video some of the action. Here they are - "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360"> "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360">
  17. That's how I caught the one in the pic. Saw him take it.
  18. MDC is basically waiting to see how it works in Ark before they get aggressive.
  19. I'll have to tie one and take a pic... I lost the only one I had today.
  20. Boated up to just below Andy's house this afternoon. Wanted to get out and enjoy the low water... no generation. Well, it started moving as soon as I got up there but that was ok... fishing's great when the water starts. Had a 1/8th oz sculpin on the spin rod so I went to work. Bounced it off the bottom- they seemed to like it swimming better so I tied a 3/32nd on instead so I could work it slower and straighter. Missed a ton of strikes. Had alot of fish on for one second- then pulled out. They were the ones I never felf bite, just went to jig and they were there. Miss them almost every time. But I did get a few to the boat. Wanted to catch some fish on the fly rod so I tied on a #16 tan thin skin scud the Jeremy ties and set the indicator so the the fly drug the bottom but not by much. Caught a couple but again, they were taking it short so I missed more than I hooked. Moss got alittle bad so I went back to the jig. Caught a few nice rainbows. There were large schools of rainbows all over. All holding in pockets and spots, not spread out at all. Saw some really nice rainbows- very impressed with what I was seeing. No midging- was disappointed in that. I did put on a brown jig I tied from some jig head I order- that are ball jigs tied on small hooks- almost like micros. Tied with sparce hackle, low profile. They like them but not moving, just drifting in the current. The water slowed and almost stopped by the time I headed in for dinner. 6:30 pm.
  21. Filmed on my new Flip Video camera. Still feeling it out but I'm hoping it will make it easier and quicker to get videos on the forum.
  22. Fished yesterday for an hour. Made a drift from Fall Creek to Trout Hollow using night crawlers. Jane and Jess, a couple of our extended family (college kids who either live with us literally or are over at the house enough to be called a Lilley kid) wanted to go fishing before Jane left for Philly to live for 9 months. Neither had fished Taney or caught fish. Jane caught the first rainbow, then Jess caught the next three. They missed quite a few but caught on quick to the bites they were getting when drifting. They were running 1 unit and the wind was blowing upstream most of the time. Jess caught this brown in front of Trout Hollow Resort. Nice brown- she fought it well. Released happy and ready to grow into a trophy someday. "> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360">
  23. You do this with layers, right?
  24. We've had quite a few knock down, drag outs on keeping bass... we don't need another one.
  25. I'll have to have my wife take a pic of me in the position... it won't pretty!
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