No... it's
you're a jack ass.
Gotta get your facts straight, like the man said.
This is an interesting conversation. But I have to back Mr. Babler on this one. although his passion got the best of him AGAIN.
He just called me and told me he was called a curse word... as both of us busted out laughing, I told him jack ass wasn't a curse word and he may have been right.
One thing is for sure- you can't come on here and throw around weight when you don't have any... Lord knows you guys have called ME on the carpet several times and I've had to eat crow.
Making statements like you have SJ and not backing them up.... it doesn't fly here, not even for me.
That's what all this is about... not that bass are harvested on Table Rock.
Simple fact about this forum- the "guides" that provide FREE fishing info- AND I might add THE best fishing info for Table Rock ANYWHERE are passionate about bass especially during spawning season.
So expect it - if you're going to debate catch and release vs catch and harvest here, it's going to get rough. And don't bring your "B" game.