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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Periods of hard rain and then drizzle. I'm hoping the hard rain knocks off the ice out of the trees - it's starting to build up. No limbs on the ground.
  2. Phil Lilley

    Top 100

    Been hovering around 4-5 for along time but has been as high as 2 I think... cool beans.
  3. Yea... this has wondered off the title... but that's ok. I'm sure we'll see politics brought up again on another topic of discussion here real soon.
  4. Never heard of that... I guess it may be plausible. Hard to imagine though.
  5. I do like McCain's attitude in regards to foreign affairs and if we have another major incident overseas or esp here at home, it will lock the Rep position on the war on terror. Even so, experience matters and neither Dem has any... both are still freshmen in the Senate.
  6. I used Trilene XL most of the time, 4 lb. but have used Vanish and Transition quite a bit. Tried Tectan and kinda like it- I have some clients who will use nothing else. Will have to ask them about bad spools. But Trilene is my #1 go to.
  7. Ealy- did you go to K Dock or lower lake? How did you do? I heard fishing was slow on TRock but colored water on BShoals could have made is much better conditions. That's pretty warm water temp.
  8. Enough dog piles... one is enough. I'm not going to let this forum become a dog pile.
  9. I was wondering how long it would be before politics was mentioned on the forum... it's a hot button topic for those who are passionate about their beliefs- left or right leaning. I have a friend who is a diehard Dem. Lately we've had some great discussions about education, or lack thereof, in the public system. Of course he's upset by the present admin's policies. But we got even deeper in social issues and found both of us are passionate about the same things and agree on most things. It makes me believe more and more our gov't will never be the answer to our woos... the answer is us. Individuals who do care and are actually ready to sacrifice self to help our fellow man. Was never the gov'ts responsibility to do most of the programs they're doing now (doing poorly I might add)- I think it's the church's myself but that's another subject. This refund is the latest in disappointments in our leaders, on both sides of the isle. Who would I support- Huckabee. He's not the best but he's the closest to what I'd want in a President. But right now, I'm not thrilled with any of them- and I think the majority of Americans feel the same way.
  10. They shut off #3 to construct the new hatchery addition.
  11. "ets not forget, that the new overflow area near moonshine loosened alot of gravel as well." ???? That's a mile away... Leonard- we had flows- 4 units full and even flood gates numerous times in the 80's. We'd have 6-7 months straight with NO down time of 4 units. But one thing you mentioned make more sense- the increased flow from shutting off #3. I sent an email to a couple of MDC folks with my concerns and a link to this topic. I'll ask if the flow was increased. I'd say they don't know anything about the wash and I'm not sure if they'd be interested in doing anything about it. Not sure what they could do short of spending alot of money shoring up the outlet. But it makes my point about the upper end filling in where there are no deep areas to hold big trout anymore.
  12. Thanks for the info... great reading. What's the url of the site you're getting this from?
  13. I guessed right... for once. Not sure where Copper Johns is. I think they went to the store so maybe that's what you're talking about. But I headed home before they returned Friday evening. So you were up by the first riffle- I could see people up there. I wanted to try it there but ran out of time... and I was catching fish. How did you do up there?
  14. http://ozarkanglers.com/fff/nafff-2-08_newsletter.pdf
  15. We talked awhile back about the upper portion of the tailwater filling in with gravel and someone asked where did the gravel come from. Well I haven't been over to outlet #1 in a while but today I noticed this. From the first pic, the view is from the top looking down the outlet. You can see the path the water used to take- pretty much straight down the hill and to the lake. Now it bends to the right and has cut the bank out to the tune of about 30-35 feet in and 8 feet high. That's alot of gravel! I asked Leonard, who was with me, why did this bank suddenly decide to erode all of a sudden? 50 years of generation and in less than a year it did all this. Anyone have a take on it? Regardless, all this gravel is now sitting between outlets #1 and #2 I believe. And if the bank continues to wash, the area all the way down to rebar will fill in. Water will find a way. Maybe it will wash on down to the dry bar or further downstream. Who knows. Question is... does MDC just let it go and settle where it wants to or do they shore up the bank and stop the bleeding. Indeed, it is a situation that's new and will get worse.
  16. B u r n s me. Kinda hard to read this font sometimes. Paying off high interest anything would be very smart... best investment you can make.
  17. Great fish... thanks for sharing.
  18. Boat count today - noon 18 boats from Lookout to Fall creek 18 boats from Fall Creek to Short Creek 18 boats from Short to Lilleys Compare to last Saturday (tournament day) 5 boats from Fall Creek to Lookout 13 boats from Short to Fall Creek 5 boats from Lilleys to Short Creek
  19. This whole thing burns me... giving money away they don't have. And it won't do anything for the economy, esp long range. This is setting a precedent... if you feed the electorate when times get just alittle tight, they'll maul you every time some economists yells "recession!"
  20. The owner of Newlands I think. Think I read it on John's site too. Not sure.
  21. Micheal can answer that better than I. I don't get to the White that often... not often enough! But I liked it. I bet the pool we fished has no current but it deep at 0 units. It has great current- even the shallow side. The shoot below on the right side heading down held alot of fish too- others in the KC part did well there. Still could wade thru it though so it didn't keep you from anything that's there even during the increased minimum flow.
  22. Bill assumes everyone has been reading his reports and knows his special "language". I'll have to talk to him about that! Andy Williams has a house jsut below Lookout Island on the opposite bank- big and white. It's a landmark for most.
  23. Oh yea... we saw Micheal Kyle and Duane Doty drift by in Micheal's drift boat. They said something about a great day of fishing on Thrusday... was hoping for a detailed report from Micheal.... with pic?!?!?
  24. I've deleted several post and topic entries... it happens.
  25. Did these come from the White? They're about the same color as what I used today.
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