We talked awhile back about the upper portion of the tailwater filling in with gravel and someone asked where did the gravel come from. Well I haven't been over to outlet #1 in a while but today I noticed this.
From the first pic, the view is from the top looking down the outlet. You can see the path the water used to take- pretty much straight down the hill and to the lake. Now it bends to the right and has cut the bank out to the tune of about 30-35 feet in and 8 feet high. That's alot of gravel!
I asked Leonard, who was with me, why did this bank suddenly decide to erode all of a sudden? 50 years of generation and in less than a year it did all this.
Anyone have a take on it?
Regardless, all this gravel is now sitting between outlets #1 and #2 I believe. And if the bank continues to wash, the area all the way down to rebar will fill in.
Water will find a way. Maybe it will wash on down to the dry bar or further downstream. Who knows. Question is... does MDC just let it go and settle where it wants to or do they shore up the bank and stop the bleeding.
Indeed, it is a situation that's new and will get worse.