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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I've got a dozen in each color here... just the start. We can add colors as we go but these are popular colors in our shop. Costs- $10.25 ... ($11.13 with sales tax) Ship - $1.75 ... ($12.00 non Missouri residents, $12.82 Mo residents) Mo residents add 8% sales tax (.82) To order with a credit card, call our office at 1-800-284-2196. Or send a check to: Lilleys' Landing 367 River Ln Branson, MO 65616 Or come by the shop and say you're a OAF member. All hats have this adjustable clip in the back. Very good quality hat.
  2. Minnows. They've been catching alot of trout, esp browns.
  3. I ran a Landau 18' semi-v with a 90 hp Monday- with the water they've been running, no problem. But you do have to watch where you're going. There are shallow areas and they can drop the levels quickly.
  4. http://hipwader.com/2006/gr-pike-fishing-fly-pattern Rob O'Reilly, owner of http://hipwader.com, sent me this link, thinking I'd be interested. I am! How many times have you been on a river or lake and seen gar cruising, sitting or sipping the surface and think nothing about fishing for them? I haven't really but have hooked them by accident- they are a hoot to land! So why not target them! Would be something different- and who knows, you might enjoy it.
  5. Everybody all together now... "How big was it??" It was way too nice for me to get out and fish... come on!
  6. John, you've already done a lot of us. Thanks. If you want to write, write and send it to me. Pics always are nice but essential. Write on what? Anything that has to do with fishing or the outdoors. Jim reminded me today that we had over 117,000 visitors here on OA last year- that means you'll be read by a lot of interested people!
  7. Yes it is.
  8. I will say that of all the shad I've seen coming from any dam, most, if not all, are still alive and kickin'.
  9. First of all it's natural... not sure I know for sure but I think it's the temp of the water. The fittest live and the oldest die?? It's not low DO- it's the highest in the winter. Cold water temps. That's my final answer.
  10. While fishing with Gabe Cross a couple of years ago below the Norfork Dam, he had Randy Waggoner, a friend who was on the trip with me, use a san juan under an indicator 8-9 feet deep, large indicator and split shot to keep it down, and he fished it real close to the boat. Guides on the White tend to run their motors all the time, I'm sure to keep the boat in line to where they want to drift- instead of a trolling motor. I'd think this would spook fish- a trolling motor is bad enough. But Randy was successful at catching fish... but not half as successful as I was throwing a white jig. I'm tellin' you guys... learn how to work a jig and you'll catch more fish!! Anywhere- for every kind of fish.
  11. A big school of shad in Table Rock has to swim next to the dam 130 feet deep, or a big school of dead shad or dying shad has to drift 130 feet deep next to Table Rock Dam and get sucked into the intake line. There have been winters that we'd see thread fin shad dead all over Table Rock but none in coming into Taney. You just can't pinned an exact science on this... it's a fluke at best. Bull Shoals and Norfork have more shad runs, I believe, because the intake is not as deep at those dams- the dams are not as high. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. Thanks for posting on the Finley. Charlie Farmer can't be happy about any attention put forth on his favorite stream... unless it's to clean it up. Sorry- I think of Farmer every time the Finley is mentioned. In mapping the Finley, I found out some things about it... it's very long- alot longer and more fishable waters than most people know. I do want to fish it this spring, if time allows. And RD- you posted in the right place... but next time you should start your post under the Finley River Forum if you want to share any more of your secrets
  13. Starts at 7 p.m. Jeremy usually has materials to what you will tie but you'll need to bring a vise and tools. He does have extras though. Fishing? Not sure.
  14. No cutts in Taneycomo. Wish there were.
  15. Actually I thought after I posted... Jim should post his spots on the forum because 99% of the people who read the forum would help him pick up trash at those sites put there by people who don't read the forum... probably by people who can't read at all!! We all feel the same way as Jim on this matter (trashing access sites and private property). I didn't mean to say Jim has no right to vent... it appeared that Jim was venting AT the person who created the forum (BB) for suggesting that every should give up their spots, which I don't think that's the intention of the forum at all.
  16. White. The micro Bill used had a chrome head I think. Did land one cutthroat today. Most were rainbows and about 5-6 browns.
  17. Venting is ok but I think you're lashing out at the wrong people. No one is asking you to give out your secret or favorite spot. Bill Butts created this forum to try to spir on educational conversation, not to draw out complaints about what most of us dislike as much as you. 99% of us pick up trash on the banks I bet. It's the 1% you're after.
  18. Headed down to BS Dam with Bill Babler this morning- got there at 12:15 and was fishing by 12:30. 6 units running, plenty of water for my Landau to get to the dam with no problem. About 5-7 other boats out off and on- most were river jons and most were guided parties as far as I could tell. Some were throwing fly rod, float and a white fly 6-10 feet deep. Some were throwing jigs. We didn't see any shad in the water but by the looks most of the trout we caught they've seen some lately. Big bellies. The gulls were diving at the dam at times during the afternoon. We didn't kill them by any means. We tried drifting for the first couple of hours from the dam to just above the wing wall at the dock. We picked up a few on white 1/8th oz jig. They seemed to like it just drifting and bouncing on the bottom. Needless to say, we went thru alot of jigs. It's hard to bend the barb on those jig hooks! Bill landed a nice brown and we landed a dozen decent rainbows in the 13-15 inch range. All were healthy and fat... fat and healthy I mean. Then we anchored on the left side of the river at the line below the dam and fished both the seam and the slack water. Bill fished a jig and float using a white micro jig and I stayed with a white 3/32 oz- then a 1/16th oz white jig. I found they really liked a slow drifting jig close to the bottom. I could keep the 1/16th oz right at the right level longer and draw a hit almost every time. I did try some other colors- sculpin with an orange head did the best. Then ginger. We finished the day as the last on the river. I caught the big fish of the day- the brown in the pic. White jig. Again, didn't tear them up like I thought we would considering they've seen shad in the last week. Bill's observation was that he thought there's not the same numbers of fish compared to Taney- at the dam. My experience at Taney is if we've had shad like the White has had, we would have had a 100 fish afternoon easy. But we had high skies and little wind- and we hardly saw another fish caught by anyone else on the river besides what we caught. It may have been a tough fishing day.
  19. ...starting very shortly.
  20. My online shop will be up and running shortly... meeting with a banking service this week so that we can take credit cards online. All our material will- or really already is- online. Give us another week or so and we'll go live.
  21. We caught some 6 inchers and some 13 inchers and some inbetween.
  22. I've pinned a couple of topics with the idea that these topics will have all the answers one would want to know about their subjects, which are excellent subjects for fishing on Table Rock. I'll leave these pinned for as long as needed. Feel free to comment, ask other questions about the subjects and if you're an expert in the field, go to town on the answers knowing you won't have to repeat your answer again on the forum (hopefully). The topics and their content may become part of a future article(s) on OA/Table Rock Lake. Thanks!
  23. Here are the results as promised.
  24. Ron, you've already done a lot and we appreciate it. Your articles are clear and concise.
  25. Dave, are you having troubles??
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