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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Took a family out for a quick trip on the lake this morning. Started on 7 am. Water was really slow here at the dock, almost too slow to drift so we boated up past Short Creek where it's shallower and faster current (still pretty slow though) and started drifting Gulp eggs using just a couple of small 3/0 splits above a #6 short bronze hook, 4 lb line. One white and one orange- as soon as we hit the creek mouth, they started hooking rainbows and caught them good all the way down past the old Sun Valley Resort. They probably boated 15 rainbows in all, some up to 14 inches, most over 12 inches. Fought good. All released. The second drift was less fruitful. Ended the trip at 10 am, drifting down to the resort. Big midge hatch this morning but the trout weren't paying much attention to them. Wood ducks, heron, song birds of all kinds out this morning. Hardly anyone out either. Wonderful morning.
  2. From March 29th - <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7pWrU2XtuFc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. Crap! I need my head examined. Bittle- you're right. Nix the judging thing... I'll have it back up at the beginning of May.
  4. May be... not sure I'd sub out part of my trip to the NFOW for Taney though! Hard to beat that little stream. But if you do come, I caught some nice bows and a brown this am on white along the bluffs. Nice flow for it too.
  5. I was a couple of days of on my guess. When Table Rock hit 916 ft, the Corp decided to slow generation. Today it looks like they're going back to the pattern they ran before the rains, slow in the am building in the pm. We'll see how the trout respond to this change. Heading out this morning to try it out.
  6. Jon, Branson is a great place to raise a family. It's a very different kind of town though... most everything circles around tourism. Kinda hard to explain. When I go back to my home town in Kansas, I notice the difference right off. I miss the small town, home town feeling but I still like Branson. Drop by and say hi. We'll help in any way we can. I do have some friends in the real estate business. You'll find out it's not cheap living here compared to communities to our north. A lot of ppl commute just for that reason. But you're coming at a good time. Jobs and housing are starting to open up for the season.
  7. The countless fleet of boat docks attracts bass at the Lake of the Ozarks most of the time, except in April when the fish feel the urge to spawn. Then the bass shun their classical floating cover for the temptations of rock (chunk and pea gravel rather than Van Halen or Aerosmith). This 58,000-acre reservoir lost most of its natural cover when the standing timber was cleared before the lake was formed in 1931. New cover has developed over the years as dock owners and anglers have planted brush piles throughout the lake. Bass also relate to natural structure such as steep bluffs, chunk rock and pea gravel banks, dropoffs and points. Lay-downs and logjams attract bass in the undeveloped coves. Normal pool elevation for the lake is 660 feet above sea level. READ MORE
  8. Just a best guess. From what they did before the rain we got, they were keeping it about 915. I doubt if they pull it down much past that. I expect a drop in generation when it hits 915. They already slowed it down today.
  9. I like it! Thanks for posting.
  10. Fished Long Creek this am for crappie. Called in a report - listen to it here..... http://www.ozarkanglers.com/table-rock/
  11. Darrell Bentley called in a fishing report this mornings. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/montauk/
  12. I see you fry your crappie whole. I have a gentleman from Louisiana that works for me - that's the only way he eats them.
  13. Babler was there this am. Was struggling. Haven't heard lately...
  14. Schedule is posted about 4 pm the day before. For weekends, Saturday, Sunday and sometimes Monday is posted on Friday afternoons. Table Rock is #13. Generation is measured in Megawatts. 55 MW equals one turbine at Table Rock. It has 4 turbines at the facility.
  15. From Steve Dally's Newsletter: http://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2012/03/28/norfork-spillway-openmaintenance-in-the-rainy-season/ Spillway gates have been opened on Norfork to heading off rising lake levels while the power station generators are undergoing maintenance. As of this morning one generator was running at 3000 cfs, plus 4 spillway gates sending another 3000cfs down the river, equivalent to 2 full units of water. USACE Lakes manager Larry Hiser told KTLO radio that the lake levels were in relatively good shape. Hiser said the spillway release is not related to ongoing construction to implement White River Minimum Flows. However, the release which is equal to two full units of power generation, is part of the effort to draw down the lake to more normal pool levels following last week’s heavy rainfall which dumped more than seven inches of rain on the Twin Lakes Area in four days, including more than six inches nearly a week ago _ KTLO.com
  16. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/elk-river/2012/03/30/hog-heavens-river-report-march-29-2012/
  17. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/2012/03/30/dickeys-fishing-report-march-28/
  18. http://www.ozarkangl...able-rock-2011/
  19. Thanks for posting the report!!!
  20. Not good for the spawn. They're dropping the lake pretty fast. Hate to say it but we need more rain and for the lake to stay up for a couple of weeks.
  21. Well, the lake is about 18 inches down on the bank across the lake and the flow isn't as fast. That's what I see... and what the guides are saying. What the Corp site says is usually unquestionably accurate but... Table Rock is dropping faster than I thought it would. Down to 918. May start dropping 6 inches a day. Will be down to 915 next week at this rate.
  22. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/2012/03/28/lilleys-fishing-report-march-28/ Fishing Report. MDC stocked some rainbows yesterday and the water has slowed some. Fishing this morning was much better.
  23. I'll read between the lines... The flats below the bridge and above Barker. White bass. Am I right? What color swim baits? How's the water conditions? Still a lot of wood trash in the water?
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