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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Fishing's got tough the last few days. 4 units full has taken it's toll on anglers trying to get where the fish are (on the bottom, in holes and ditches). The lake's bottom changed after the high water and hard current last spring. There's ridges and holes all up and down the lake/river now and rainbows are down in these drops. When drifting bait over these holes, most of the time the bait doesn't get down over the ridges- it goes right over the head of the fish. Our guides have eben drifting the inside bends of the lake, in the slower current and away from the ditches and doing better. Also, we've been hitting the creeks and finding rainbows, some nice ones too. Roark has been our target the last couple of mornings. Gulp white/orange best. MDC just stocked late this am 5000 rainbows from Scotties up to Monkey Island. These rainbows should be biting tomorrow. I'd throw cleos first to see if they're still close to the surface and then if not, go down and drift Gulp on the bottom.
  2. http://www.alaskawil...shingguides.com Peter Mathiesen, formerly of the St Louis area, moved up there a year ago and started a outfitter biz up there. He is first class, and what he would offer would be excellent quality, guaranteed. I may be helping him the last of August, first of September.
  3. Darrel called in another fishing report yesterday... http://www.ozarkanglers.com/montauk/
  4. Bill and Steve called in reports the last day or so. Check them out at http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/ Sounds like Bill figured out a few things this morning.
  5. Yea- I didn't mean to sound discouraging. It's taken me years to learn only small sections of the river. It is well worth the time and experience to go fishing there. It's more technical than Taney, can be tougher but the possibility of a trophy trout is much higher on the White for sure.
  6. You need to do some research and quick. Read up on the White, here on other places. It's a RIVER, not a tailwater and thus if they're not running much water, you'll deal with shoals, very shallow and big rock shoals. If you're on the river and they shut it down, you're really up it if you're downstream below a shoal. The White isn't a river you can take lightly. You need to be well prepared. Fishing wise- there are 2 reports posted within the last 2 days.
  7. <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2294" title="Lake Taneycomo" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2012/03/Lake-Taneycomo1.jpg" alt="" width="480" height="544" /> Steve Dickey, guide on Lake Taneycomo, called in his report for the lake. With all the water running, anglers are wanting to know how the fishing is and what to do to catch trout. Steve does a good job detailing how he's fishing, both fly and spin. <a href="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/2012/03/23/dickeys-fishing-report-march-23-2012/">Hear Steve's report by clicking HERE!</a> <a href="http://anglersadvantage.net/" target="_blank">
  8. I didn't see the flats when I looked but I didn't go up around the bend. There was a faint line at the mouth but not much of one. Swan usually clears up pretty quick, quicker than Beaver.
  9. I was going to start a new thread with my report but... I'll just add it here. We put in this am at 7:30 am at River Run. Current moving pretty fast and water off color. Not as much junk floating as I thought there would be. Headed to the dam. Water is clearer up there. Not bad at all. Water temp 48. Worked the Powersite side- nothing. Ran the west bank at the high dirt banks and caught a nice black bass on a chartreuse swimming minnow right on the bank. Went down into Swan. Water temp 53 outside the mouth and 54 in the creek. Again, clearer than I thought it'd be- very fishable. No bites though. Headed down to Barker. Temp still 53 down there. Water still off color but fishable but no fish were interested there either. Current was moving.
  10. What browser are you using. If you're using Chrome, it will not play it. All other browsers will.
  11. Bill called in a great report today. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/
  12. Darrell called in a report - http://www.ozarkanglers.com/montauk/
  13. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/elk-river/ Russ has a call in report on Elk's site.
  14. http://ozarkanglers.com/table-rock Post a call in report there.
  15. <img class="alignright size-full wp-image-275" title="Tim Homesley" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/roaring-river/files/2012/01/Tim-Homesley.jpg" alt="" width="250" height="187" />Tim Homesley, owner of Tim's Fly Shop in Cassvile, Missouri, gives a <a href="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Tim-RR-report-3-21-12.wav">on-location fishing report</a> today from Roaring River State Park. Listen to how Tim's day went today, catching trout in Roaring River.
  16. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1977" title="Col Ron on the White River" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/white-river/files/2012/03/Col-Ron-on-the-White-River.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="335" /> Col Ron called in a fishing report for the White River. One thing about tailwaters, even with all the rain, fishing can still be great as long as they don't open it all up and flood everything. It looks like operation at Bull Shoals isn't affected by the rains we're getting so fish remains great below Bull Shoals dam, according to Ron. Hear his fishing report by clicking <a href="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/white-river/files/2012/03/Co-Ron-White-River-3-21.wav">HERE</a>! <a href="http://colronguide.com" target="_blank">ColRonGuide.Com</a>
  17. Bry and others.... I broke a golden rule - at least my golden rule. I am an admin on the site. I see a lot more than anyone else on the site and I just discovered I see everyone's email address in their profile when others do not. I assumed (and you know what that stands for) and I was wrong. Thus, I assumed the name as part of the email I saw, that no one else could see, was the name I mentioned. I was wrong, and very wrong to even post it. Bry- I am very sorry I posted that name. It's been changed in the post and I'm not posting it now in respect to your dad. Thanks for your post.
  18. Chances are - no, they won't.
  19. The nature of forums, especially those that are very active with lots of participants, is that you're going to get into pissing contest (and even worse conflicts) occasionally. That being said... You have to #1 - knock the chip off the shoulder before you enter the room and #2 grow some thick skin. Over the 7 years this forum has been in existence, I've seen lots of members come and go. And the "go" for lots of reasons. The one thing that irritates me most about people leaving and/or not posting is that their either run off by forum "bullies" or they leave because they can't take a little criticism. Not saying that's happening here on this topic- it's not. But it does happen. Wonder why guides won't post here? Cause they get piled on when they give their "professional" opinion. I have campaigned for guides to post reports on the forum from all area lakes in the past to no avail. Should really appreciate the ones on here that do, and I know you do and show it. Bry, Jimmy Pierce, Phillip Stone, Bill Babler - thanks! But I will say that this forum is built on common anglers sharing fishing reports, stories and tips and I think that will always be the case. Thank you everyone!!
  20. You're talking about THIS rain event and not the whole spring season I assume. Just asked someone at the Corp about crest predictions and they haven't done any yet but will shortly I bet. He'll let me know. Table Rock I think will go to 919 by Saturday, may be a bit more. Bull Shoals 664. Beaver... no clue.
  21. Guys.... this is a spring rain. Nothing more. Everyone is gun shy because of 2008 and last year. They won't open the gates until Table Rock goes above 920 and it's no where close. And that's not a given. And if they do open the gates, it won't be at the level as last year. Personally, from a fishermen's point of view, I wish they would open them a bit for a while. I love fishing the upper end when it's running. Shad coming over the top and our trout feeding like crazy. Draws up bigger trout including browns. Gives them a good growth boost because of the shad coming over the top from Table Rock. Water temp is perfect at the top of TR too. It's a win-win as far as I see it. Now wading... it limits where you can wade but you can catch fish. Remember the walleye?? Trout too. We haven't gotten a fraction of the rain we were supposed to get. Not to say we still may but... no need to worry about it. Can't change anything by fretting.
  22. Duane will chime in - he's been up there a lot lately and both of us were amazed we didn't slay them. Perfect weather, conditions. May be.... just may be.... they just were NOT biting. Hate when that happens.
  23. Phil Lilley


    Duane and I just left McCord. Fished Taylor and down to big rock below ramp 1/4 mile. No whites. Nothing. Water good shape. Little faster current. Puzzled why they weren't there or biting.
  24. Saw on facebook posts they were in Beaver Creek last evening too.
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