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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/4-6-10.mp4 Let me know if you CAN'T listen to this podcast. Another file - http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/4-6-10.WMA
  2. Here's some pics from the day. Chris and Chase from Florida, all caught on white jigs. The rainbow was caught off the dock. Chase's brown looks like it was caught down by the C of O pump house.
  3. Sorry- I posted it in the wrong place!!! Norfork.
  4. Generation has slacken, finally! They've gone from 4 to 2 or 3 units and the level and speed of the water is noticeably different. I believe it will continue to slow due to the level of Table Rock dropping to almost power pool - 915 feet. We may see some great water to fish by the weekend. It's been hard to decide where to fish around here this week. Taney is fishing very good- I love to head to the dam and throw white 1/8th oz jigs although the trout aren't hitting them as well as I thought they would after seeing shad like they have. I thought after the water slowed it would get better and I was right. This morning I took a couple of resort guest out for a couple of hours of early morning drifting and they did take the jig pretty well. Actually, Chris did alot better than either I or his son Chase, landing a dozen rainbows and one brown on white jigs. The best drift, again, was from the first island down to Rocking Chair on the south side but we did catch fish from the cable down and from RC down past the boat ramp. Wind was laid, alittle rain and cloudy- excellent conditions. They still aren't wacking the jigs either... it takes alot of attention and fee and watching the line for the bite. They'll be taking white jigs for quite some time to come. These rainbows, except for a few, are big, fat and fight really hard. The browns fight double as hard. It's great to see them up there. Chris said they've been working the bluff bank from our place down using jigs this week and catching some real nice rainbows. Black/red looks to be the best color for them too. Still catching alot of rainbows on power bait, mainly Gulp eggs, drifting down the middle of the lake from our place down past Monkey Island. Babler did real well drifting down in front of the Landing the other day. Still catching those 15 to 18 inch rainbows too... I wonder if MDC is going to stock those all summer!! White Bass are running, crappie will stay shortly, bass are biting and trout fishing is excellent. Where do you go fish!!!???
  5. I'm bias, cause everyone knows I'm a jig man, but... take some jigs! 1/8th oz - white, brown, black, olive, sculpin. Work the banks, eddies, work them off the bottom. You'll catch alot of trout.
  6. Note to self: Don't mess with Burkhart.
  7. Vince and I ran up Long from Cricket Ramp about 6 tonight. Fished a crappie bank close to Yocum and caught one dink. Water is pretty stained- Vince showed my visibility was about 6 inches. We ran up Long to find clearer water. Got up where there was some current and started catching some whites. Ended up with 21. Nothing bigger than a pound; most spawned out. There weren't that many up there- picked up one here and there. Water was still stained but better than the main lake. Sorry, no temp gage on the boat I took. It had a DOT on it though.
  8. Are those whites or small stripers?
  9. Another big striper. "I've landed 3 25lb stripers since I moved here 9 years ago and have been waiting for my first one over 30 pounds. Sat. night ( april 3rd) my wait ended. I landed a 40 pound striper that measured almost 46 inches. It was caught by casting a dark suspending rogue (lazer craw color) to a main lake point about one hour after dark. I was using 10 lb. stealth line. This will be the first fish I've ever had mounted."
  10. Fishing Department seminar area -- where is that in the store? It's not Uncle Bucks Auditorium, right? I wish I could go... but I'm heading to Long Creek to look for crappies this evening. If anyone goes, give us a report. Thanks
  11. Put in a good word for us... would love to see them alittle on the forum. I always show people alexa.com to show the strength of the site... we are ranked higher than silverdollarcity.com!
  12. The DOTS will be there.
  13. Wish these guys would post their reports and pics on the forum. I get emails and pics almost everyday. It's great service if you fish Norfork alot but you have to become a member of their striper club to get the updates. Here's the pics from this morning. Says they caught them on topwater.
  14. Really strange bite after seeing shad. Not sure what those trout are thinking. Water temp is 39- may have something to do with it. But they will take off soon I'd think. We're stocking up on white jigs.
  15. Where? Would you be willing to record the seminars and provide them for posting on OzarkAnglers?
  16. You need to get a camera and take some pics for us! Want to see those browns!!
  17. Not that anyone should EVER do this but... it would be funny. Buy a paint ball gun and take different color ball outs with you on the lake/creek. If a guy does that- anchor or cut you off, hit his boat with a ball. Blue means he was 15 feet from you, yellow 10 feet and save the red ones for 5 feet. Then when you see a boat headed towards you with a red spot on the side of his boat, you can warn him ahead of time... don't come near me, I'm armed!
  18. Gates were opened 12 inches. In 08, they were opened 2.5 feet, the most they've ever been open.
  19. I should not have said "lower lake". I've seen paddle fish, gar, blue gill, bass and even crappie as far up as our place. Whatever triggers the move, they move. The flood gates would have to be open, what, 12 inches, 15 inches to allow a fish this size to go through. I'll have to check to see how far they were open.
  20. I think I read through all the comments. Bottom line- anglers come from all roads of life with different personalities and beliefs. While some get all excited about catching, some (like me) are pretty unemotional. Some of are more careful than others about handling fish but for the most part, at least for anglers here on the forum, we're splitting hairs with the different views and habits. And that's ok too.
  21. They have to outrun the crooks, don't they? That's funny though.
  22. Cool stories... Looking over old Buffalo topics and thought I'd bump this one up.
  23. I would agree but for the fact that stripers survive the fall over Beaver Dam when their gates are open. The only argument is that there are big smallies and gar and paddle fish in Taney before gates are open and I know alot of these warmwater fish do move up during heavy generation and especially when they open the gates, more so if the water is warmer coming over the top. In this last event, they didn't as much cause the water wasn't as warm.
  24. There are alot of them in Taney. He moved up. They do come over the top when the gates are open but the ones we see and in pieces.
  25. suicide pact... waiting on a heron. Sorry- I don't know. How was fishing in Beaver today? Bet it was crowded, at least upstream. Beautiful day- not as much wind.
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