I'll tell my story again.
May be 10 years ago, may be more, I was fishing the K Dock area where I caught a Yellow Perch. Really wasn't 100% sure it was a YP since I'd never seen one in real life but it sure wasn't anything like what I had caught in the Midwest before.
I kept it alive, got home and called my buddies in Springfield at MDC and asked, "Are there YP in Bull Shoals?" They said No Way! I said I had one, they said No Way! I took it to the hatchery where they put it in one of their tanks. The fishery biologist came down and verified it was a Yellow Perch. It was the first confirmed Yellow Perch from Bull Shoals, at least by MDC.
They kept in their aquarium for almost a year.
Vince's state record perch should be transferred to Bass Pro's tank at the Landing here anytime for public display.