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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Naknek will beat that....
  2. Thanks for posting your record story!
  3. I think we should keep this fish caught... "in the mouth"
  4. The guys at MDC probably hadn't heard of any- in that office anyhow. You're right- they probably been in the lake for many years.
  5. I'll tell my story again. May be 10 years ago, may be more, I was fishing the K Dock area where I caught a Yellow Perch. Really wasn't 100% sure it was a YP since I'd never seen one in real life but it sure wasn't anything like what I had caught in the Midwest before. I kept it alive, got home and called my buddies in Springfield at MDC and asked, "Are there YP in Bull Shoals?" They said No Way! I said I had one, they said No Way! I took it to the hatchery where they put it in one of their tanks. The fishery biologist came down and verified it was a Yellow Perch. It was the first confirmed Yellow Perch from Bull Shoals, at least by MDC. They kept in their aquarium for almost a year. Vince's state record perch should be transferred to Bass Pro's tank at the Landing here anytime for public display.
  6. Thanks for the report Tracy.
  7. I got it- thanks.
  8. Gotta help me out... I'm on facebook and searched Courtois and couldn't find anything. Is it a group?
  9. Courtois' website?
  10. If you have the time and $$$, clinic are good, even for the experienced. I went to my first last spring even after I've been a caster for 35 years and learned alot.
  11. Done- OzarkAnglers now has a facebook group. Search for it.
  12. Wish I could make it... can't get away from the big city... Doesn't your hair get caught in the strings?
  13. We have some friends in town. They have teenage girls and they brought boyfriends... oh boy! Anyhow, everyone wanted to go on a pontoon ride this afternoon so we headed to Fall Creek about 2 pm. High sun, some wind and 2 units. They drifted Gulp eggs, some white/pink, some white/orange. First drift to the old Sun Valley they caught 10 rainbows. Next one was much slower. Not bad I thought!! Novice anglers and not the best time of day to fish. So I'd say fishin's pretty good. Coy and I boated down lake to bass fish. We usually do one evening while he's here. Stopped several places below Branson only to find cold water. Finally boated all the way to Bull Creek and started on the left side going up. Got a tick on a sinko first cast... and wouldn't you know it I didn't get another bite till the very last. We worked the lilly pads but only drew a couple of takes.
  14. Wish them the best. Just not my cup of tea.
  15. Not sure if we're going to book for this year... still working on logistics. Little time to get it all done. But 2010 for sure.
  16. I think it was 95+ and humid but not bad this evening.
  17. Just got off the water... 2 units and I thought we'd kill them. Caught a few but they were hitting short. White 1/8th oz jigs along the bluff bank below Lookout.
  18. Haven't really been out fishing since I've been back. Working tirelessly the last 3 days on logistics for Bill and I's Alaska deal. Let me tell you, it's not easy doing anything in Alaska and add NOT being from there and NOT being there adds to the difficulty. Taney's generation schedule is sporadic at best. The SWPA's schedule is of no help either- it's been wrong most of the week so far. But with the water off, fishing continues to be very good- wading below the dam, boating the trophy area and below. Bill has had several trips this week and caught them. He's had to adjust his fishing to the conditions. Yesterday the rain- it washed alot of stuff in the lake from the creeks so he drifted night crawlers from Fall Creek down and did well. Today he fly rodded and set the indicator deep deep with a #16 silver scud and drifted from Lookout down and did well. Nice rainbows- big and fat. My reports all sound about the same... that's because nothing major has happened to change things. Fortunately, fishing was stayed real good and hopefully will for weeks to come. This warm spell may mean more generation but we'll see. It's pushing 100 today and they're not running 4 units like you'd think. But they surely could!
  19. We have been seeing alot of nice rainbows in the trophy area. The first fish was caught below Fall Creek though. XKHP's was in the trophy area and all those do have to go back. Might watch the finger in the gills though... we want them to swim away healthy.
  20. I can do that.
  21. We got the camp! Now we need money! Money! Money! Well, we need bookings. I think I can speak for Bill and say our heads are swimming and spinning as bad as mine was after the helo ride last week- or was that my stomach?! I have a do to list a mile long. And Bill's fishing everyday. We're still working on the basics- What we're going to call the place exactly. Yantarni will be in there for sure since it has history. Silver Salmon are the headliner. If you've read my blog entry you know most of what there is to know about the camp, the surroundings, the fishing. There have been some pretty heavy hitters stay at this place and say Yantarni is by far the most incredible place to fish in the world. I can't wait to see it but before then we have alot of work to do and spots to book. We want to offer the trip at lower-than-usual rates this season since we're so close. Have to know this- everything is expensive up there and there's alot of flying involved which is double expensive. Questions? I'm working on a website but we have few pics- they are all posted on my facebook account right now but will be other places shortly.
  22. Kind of a lousey fishing report...
  23. I'll be darn!! I didn't know. We had another reception this afternoon or I would have gone. Wish I was up there in a boat... bet the fish went wild! Should have pushed some BIG trout out of the protected area too- for a short time.
  24. Clint was at the shelter from 10-10:20 am Saturday but didn't see anyone. He left some bags on the table there under a rock for anyone who came by. He called me- we were still in Minneapolis waiting on our flight home. Thanks for the help though. Sorry you didn't meet with them them. Next time I'll be more organized and actually HERE for it.
  25. Update.... We are now in Minniapolis... missed our flight so we're here till 1ish. Still get to fly into Branson- yea!! Just spending MORE time in an airport - YUK! Could be worse.
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