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Everything posted by JimmyBaja

  1. I have noticed there are numerous docks that are not compliant with the new law. They do not have the sign up.
  2. Guys, I am a lurker on the site for the most part. Would appreciate your best advice. I am getting ready to make a Lowrance purchase. Somehere around the $1,000 range. Suggestions on which unit I should get and best price place to purchase? I have a sport boat and am most interested in where I am on the lake and also like the fish finder features. Thanks
  3. Hey!! I resemble that..... I really try to give you guys a lot of water between me and my boat. I think lurking on here has improved my boating etiquette. I know there are lots of ways to enjoy the lake.
  4. Hi..... Just a lurker. I enjoy the lake and the information posted. I am not a fisherman but like to know more about the lake.
  5. Hey Don, The www.lakesideresort.com link takes you to a resort in Smithville, Tennesee.
  6. I know you.... Thought you were changing lakes? Moving the boat up north?
  7. I went to the weigh in yesterday at Ahoys. Some nice fish were caught. Also thought I heard the Central Pro Am was sold? Is that good news?
  8. As you see by how long it took to respond, I don't get on here alot. But enjoy the site when I do logon. We bought just off Joe Bald road near Kimberling City. Looking for floor plans and a builder.
  9. I agree with you guys, Tablerock is where I want to be. I just bought property in the Kimberling City area and am looking for recommendations on builders.
  10. I have been vacationing at Tablerock for years. Then last summer my wife and I found some property and bought it at the lake. Looking forward to enjoying it year round. Also hoping the winters will be much milder than those in Omaha, Nebraska........... Hope to meet some new faces once we get built and moved in.
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