My boat has caught two keepers and a couple shorts this spring. The last three years combined I had only caught 2.
I asked a gentleman from the conservation department about them and this was his reply:
"I’m glad to hear that you have had success at catching smallmouth on Pomme de Terre Lake. There has been no introduction or stocking of smallmouth bass at Pomme de Terre Lake. There are sustainable smallmouth bass population in Pomme de Terre River, Lindley Creek and many other streams that flow into the lake. Overall, the number of smallmouth bass found in Pomme de Terre Lake is low, except in the upper sections of the lake near where the streams enter the lake. If you are catching more smallmouth bass now than in the past, I would say that it is just a coincidence.
Pomme de Terre Lake, compared to Table Rock or the other White River chain lakes does not contain the amount of rocky substrate and the water is usually not nearly as clear. Both factors play a part in the lower density smallmouth bass population in the lake."