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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by conman

  1. CMAC, I have never been on the lake under these conditions. I am staying at the mouth of the Grand Glaze this weekend, fishing for fun, no tourny. What would you do? Where would you fish? What would you throw? What would you expect??? Thanks Chris
  2. Thanks for the report guys. We are going to take a "rain check" on BS and head to LOZ this weekend.
  3. Whats the latest? is the lake fishable? Any info would be appreciated. Chris
  4. Any report? Is there any one getting out?
  5. Guys, I will be down in the Oakland area of the lake next weekend. I have never been on this lake. Is it even fishable with the high water? Ideally we will be fishing for balack bass, what should I expect. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Chris
  6. Don, What is your typical grub setup? Type of bait? Texas Rig? Line? Thanks
  7. Deadhead, What did you end up buying? What else did you look at?
  8. Lake Information Ameren UE Lake Level and Temperature: 1-573-365-9205 Call for a recorded message with lake level, Bagnell Dam generation schedule, water temp and lake level forecast. Updated each morning.
  9. Guys, What is the advantage of using spinning equipment for the Shakey Jig? I hate hate hate using spinning gear. I was at the Boat show last night and a salesman was telling me I need to adapt and learn to love the spinning gear for this technique, but he really couldnt tell me why. Is it just castability??? Chris
  10. We are taking Capt. Don's advice, and have booked at Lakeside Resort. This place looks like it will fit our group just fine. Thanks for all the recommendations. Now we just need to get winter over with and get on with Spring fishing.
  11. Guys, My church Men's club is looking for a resort to hold our annual fishing trip. The last five years we have been at Bridgeport in Cape Fair, but we are interested in moving to a different part of the lake. Our fishing results on that part of the lake have been hit or miss. We have several novice anglers and we are hoping to find an area that we can put up better numbers than we have on the upper James. We will be down the last week of April/first week of May. We have approximately 25 guys that come down for all or part of a week. Nothing fancy, just need clean rooms, about 10 - 12 slips, and preferably a place to get together as a group to eat and play cards. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Chris C_Conners@sbcglobal.net
  12. Keep a rod ready with something to throw at the white bass, I like either a big white/silver in-line spinner or a silver rattletrap. The whites and hybrids are starting to get active. They are a blast. With the cool weather coming the top water bite will be on in the morning, and possibly all day if there is cloud cover. Good Luck
  13. Great Job J.E. Worthy Cause. What did you hit them on?
  14. Guys, I will be fishing a friendly tournament out of Mile marker 6 this weekend. Where do you start, what are you throwing??? Cmon boys I need your help. Conman
  15. Joe, Here are the results of the ProAm. Good Luck, Heres hoping Dad gets a lunker. http://www.mwbt.com/Fishing/tournament_res...sp?TournID=1816
  16. Bill, What size Redfin do you throw? I have never thrown that bait, how is it retrieved? Thanks Conman
  17. Bill, Thanks for the help. Fished 2.5 days starting Friday morning and my buddy and I caught 18 keepers, LM and Kentuckys, mostly from the Kings River. A lot of them were SplitShot fish, but we had a ton of Fluke fish as well. All between 15 and 17 inches, except for one 5.2 lb beauty. The fish look so healthy. What a blast! Thanks for the help, I love tis board. I am leaving for James River on the 9th, so Im sure I will be bugging more this week. Chris
  18. LWW, I am curious I am looking at a picture of the Storm bait you were using http://www.extremelures.com/index.asp?Page...WPROD&ProdID=62 and wondering if the bait suspends and has no lip, how do you get it down to the desired depth? How deep does it go? Thanks
  19. conman

    Mid White

    SKMO, I will be down by Cape Fair tommorow, are you fishing near this area? Tell me more about the "Redfin" I am not familiar with that... color, manufacturer? Thanks Nice Fish!!!
  20. LWW, What color Spook do you like? Were the fish hitting mostly on the kill? Thanks
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