went to Stockton this Sunday 5/01 but didn't get there 1400. fished til 1900 fished Birch Branch. water temp 63 degrees with plenty of other fishermen already there. i though it would be too muddy but visibility was was 3' with the wind mild in the branch. main lake was colder (60) with heavier wind. caught crappie 10" to 13" in 12' of water close to the flooded trees but had to use minnows as jigs didn't seem to work. at the loading ramp another fisherman said he caught his limit of walleye on main lake points using a worm harness. hope this helps and stimulates your reports on Stockton as there aren't many
clay soil turns rock hard in summer but does have its value if you add plenty of organic materials which also hold water. if you have earth worms when you turn a shovel full of soil then its probably good. to keep the soil moist you have to have some kind of mulch on top even if its only cardboard box material
latest update: fished Son's Creek today.watertemp 62 degrees fish at 15'to 20' not on the banks. caught a wide variety of species but didn't turn on til las two hours of the day. minnows worked best but chartreuse marabou also worked. lots of boats and undersize crappie but picked up 5 nice ones at 12"..very little wind and water clear. FYI
i'm from Joplin and thats why i'm not a regular. when i fish its usually mutton creek area. minnows and drifting is my style. i've bought a garmin high dollar livescope to help but am still learning its capacity. guess i don't know enough about alternatives when the bite is poor
I've fished Stockton lake off and on for several years but always had mediocre cappie success. (is it me?). my question is what rating would you give this lake and should i just keep trying or move on ......What about walleye ?
i wouldn't recommend elevating the seat higher as its will become more tips top heavy as long as its a comfortable seat you'll be satisfied. i did add a cheap fish finder which will help you to not fish blindly and improve you success. stand up kayaks are much heavier and unless you go to the longer ones standing is still shakey. in kayaks its always a trade off in weight-stability-handling- price-add ons so pick your priorities
FYI. I just bought the Garmin uhd 93sv with livescope from a store I found on the internet. The GPS store in NC. they don't charge you sales tax and free expedited shipping at $2550. saved $200 over Bass Pro's price,