Sooo...... my oldest has joined the school fishing team, which means ol' dad has been scrambling to get back into bassin'. He'll be fishing out of his partner's boat on Sunday, but I'm hauling mine down as well so we can split up to prefish Saturday. I've never fished Bull Shoals below K dock and we're normally just chasing whites, crappie, walleye during the spring. I've stocked up on gear so I at least know we'll have the right baits in the boat. The tournament weigh-in is down by the dam. The other dad and I (both sub-par fishers) have been pouring over maps to come up with a game plan.
So here's my question....
Mid-lake (Music, Big Creek area) has a few spots that have peaked my interest, but I'm trying to figure out how far it is back to the weigh-in (we get to start wherever we want). Have I lost my mind with thinking it's worth it to run that far? My lil Lowe 170 with a 70hp ain't breaking no speed records. Should I go back to the maps to find somewhere closer to the town of Bull Shoals?
*you thought I was gonna hit you up for fishing spots didn't you?
We're gonna have fun and it's going to be a learning experience. If the boys catch a few keepers and get to walk across the stage at weigh-in, I'll call it a win. Heck, if we don't find the bass, we might just call an audible, head up a creek, and see if we can find some whites or walleye!
Thanks in advance....